forked from CTCaer/hekate

- remove any reference to sept and parsing of it - completely refactor and simplify keygen - use new Atmo tsec keygen for 7.0.0 and up - simplify all info/tools that depend on hos keygen and bis keys
383 lines
10 KiB
383 lines
10 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert
* Copyright (c) 2018-2021 CTCaer
* Copyright (c) 2018 Reisyukaku
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fe_tools.h"
#include "../config.h"
#include <gfx_utils.h>
#include "../gfx/tui.h"
#include "../hos/hos.h"
#include "../hos/pkg1.h"
#include "../hos/pkg2.h"
#include <libs/fatfs/ff.h>
#include <mem/heap.h>
#include <power/max7762x.h>
#include <sec/se.h>
#include <sec/se_t210.h>
#include "../storage/nx_emmc.h"
#include <storage/nx_sd.h>
#include <storage/sdmmc.h>
#include <soc/fuse.h>
#include <utils/btn.h>
#include <utils/util.h>
extern boot_cfg_t b_cfg;
extern hekate_config h_cfg;
extern void emmcsn_path_impl(char *path, char *sub_dir, char *filename, sdmmc_storage_t *storage);
#pragma GCC push_options
#pragma GCC optimize ("Os")
void dump_packages12()
if (!sd_mount())
char path[64];
u8 *pkg1 = (u8 *)calloc(1, 0x40000);
u8 *warmboot = (u8 *)calloc(1, 0x40000);
u8 *secmon = (u8 *)calloc(1, 0x40000);
u8 *loader = (u8 *)calloc(1, 0x40000);
u8 *pkg2 = NULL;
u8 kb = 0;
tsec_ctxt_t tsec_ctxt;
gfx_clear_partial_grey(0x1B, 0, 1256);
gfx_con_setpos(0, 0);
if (!sdmmc_storage_init_mmc(&emmc_storage, &emmc_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8, SDHCI_TIMING_MMC_HS400))
EPRINTF("Failed to init eMMC.");
goto out_free;
sdmmc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&emmc_storage, EMMC_BOOT0);
// Read package1.
sdmmc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, 0x100000 / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, 0x40000 / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, pkg1);
const pkg1_id_t *pkg1_id = pkg1_identify(pkg1);
if (!pkg1_id)
EPRINTF("Unknown pkg1 version for reading\nTSEC firmware.");
// Dump package1.
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg1", "pkg1_enc.bin", &emmc_storage);
if (sd_save_to_file(pkg1, 0x40000, path))
goto out_free;
gfx_puts("\nEnc pkg1 dumped to pkg1_enc.bin\n");
goto out_free;
kb = pkg1_id->kb;
tsec_ctxt.fw = (void *)pkg1 + pkg1_id->tsec_off;
tsec_ctxt.pkg1 = (void *)pkg1;
tsec_ctxt.pkg11_off = pkg1_id->pkg11_off;
tsec_ctxt.secmon_base = pkg1_id->secmon_base;
// Read keyblob.
u8 *keyblob = (u8 *)calloc(NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, 1);
sdmmc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, 0x180000 / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE + kb, 1, keyblob);
// Decrypt.
hos_keygen(keyblob, kb, &tsec_ctxt, false, false);
if (kb <= KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_600)
pkg1_decrypt(pkg1_id, pkg1);
if (kb <= KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_620)
const u8 *sec_map = pkg1_unpack(warmboot, NULL, secmon, loader, pkg1_id, pkg1);
pk11_hdr_t *hdr_pk11 = (pk11_hdr_t *)(pkg1 + pkg1_id->pkg11_off + 0x20);
// Use correct sizes.
u32 sec_size[3] = { hdr_pk11->wb_size, hdr_pk11->ldr_size, hdr_pk11->sm_size };
for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (sec_map[i] == PK11_SECTION_WB)
hdr_pk11->wb_size = sec_size[i];
else if (sec_map[i] == PK11_SECTION_LD)
hdr_pk11->ldr_size = sec_size[i];
else if (sec_map[i] == PK11_SECTION_SM)
hdr_pk11->sm_size = sec_size[i];
// Display info.
gfx_printf("%kNX Bootloader size: %k0x%05X\n\n", 0xFFC7EA46, 0xFFCCCCCC, hdr_pk11->ldr_size);
gfx_printf("%kSecure monitor addr: %k0x%05X\n", 0xFFC7EA46, 0xFFCCCCCC, pkg1_id->secmon_base);
gfx_printf("%kSecure monitor size: %k0x%05X\n\n", 0xFFC7EA46, 0xFFCCCCCC, hdr_pk11->sm_size);
gfx_printf("%kWarmboot addr: %k0x%05X\n", 0xFFC7EA46, 0xFFCCCCCC, pkg1_id->warmboot_base);
gfx_printf("%kWarmboot size: %k0x%05X\n\n", 0xFFC7EA46, 0xFFCCCCCC, hdr_pk11->wb_size);
// Dump package1.1.
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg1", "pkg1_decr.bin", &emmc_storage);
if (sd_save_to_file(pkg1, 0x40000, path))
goto out_free;
gfx_puts("\npkg1 dumped to pkg1_decr.bin\n");
// Dump nxbootloader.
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg1", "nxloader.bin", &emmc_storage);
if (sd_save_to_file(loader, hdr_pk11->ldr_size, path))
goto out_free;
gfx_puts("NX Bootloader dumped to nxloader.bin\n");
// Dump secmon.
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg1", "secmon.bin", &emmc_storage);
if (sd_save_to_file(secmon, hdr_pk11->sm_size, path))
goto out_free;
gfx_puts("Secure Monitor dumped to secmon.bin\n");
// Dump warmboot.
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg1", "warmboot.bin", &emmc_storage);
if (sd_save_to_file(warmboot, hdr_pk11->wb_size, path))
goto out_free;
gfx_puts("Warmboot dumped to warmboot.bin\n\n\n");
// Dump package2.1.
sdmmc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&emmc_storage, EMMC_GPP);
// Parse eMMC GPT.
nx_emmc_gpt_parse(&gpt, &emmc_storage);
// Find package2 partition.
emmc_part_t *pkg2_part = nx_emmc_part_find(&gpt, "BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main");
if (!pkg2_part)
goto out;
// Read in package2 header and get package2 real size.
u8 *tmp = (u8 *)malloc(NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE);
nx_emmc_part_read(&emmc_storage, pkg2_part, 0x4000 / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, 1, tmp);
u32 *hdr_pkg2_raw = (u32 *)(tmp + 0x100);
u32 pkg2_size = hdr_pkg2_raw[0] ^ hdr_pkg2_raw[2] ^ hdr_pkg2_raw[3];
// Read in package2.
u32 pkg2_size_aligned = ALIGN(pkg2_size, NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE);
pkg2 = malloc(pkg2_size_aligned);
nx_emmc_part_read(&emmc_storage, pkg2_part, 0x4000 / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE,
pkg2_size_aligned / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, pkg2);
#if 0
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg2", "pkg2_encr.bin", &emmc_storage);
if (sd_save_to_file(pkg2, pkg2_size_aligned, path))
goto out;
gfx_puts("\npkg2 dumped to pkg2_encr.bin\n");
// Decrypt package2 and parse KIP1 blobs in INI1 section.
pkg2_hdr_t *pkg2_hdr = pkg2_decrypt(pkg2, kb, false);
if (!pkg2_hdr)
gfx_printf("Pkg2 decryption failed!\n");
goto out;
// Display info.
gfx_printf("%kKernel size: %k0x%05X\n\n", 0xFFC7EA46, 0xFFCCCCCC, pkg2_hdr->sec_size[PKG2_SEC_KERNEL]);
gfx_printf("%kINI1 size: %k0x%05X\n\n", 0xFFC7EA46, 0xFFCCCCCC, pkg2_hdr->sec_size[PKG2_SEC_INI1]);
// Dump pkg2.1.
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg2", "pkg2_decr.bin", &emmc_storage);
if (sd_save_to_file(pkg2, pkg2_hdr->sec_size[PKG2_SEC_KERNEL] + pkg2_hdr->sec_size[PKG2_SEC_INI1], path))
goto out;
gfx_puts("\npkg2 dumped to pkg2_decr.bin\n");
// Dump kernel.
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg2", "kernel.bin", &emmc_storage);
if (sd_save_to_file(pkg2_hdr->data, pkg2_hdr->sec_size[PKG2_SEC_KERNEL], path))
goto out;
gfx_puts("Kernel dumped to kernel.bin\n");
// Dump INI1.
emmcsn_path_impl(path, "/pkg2", "ini1.bin", &emmc_storage);
u32 ini1_off = pkg2_hdr->sec_size[PKG2_SEC_KERNEL];
u32 ini1_size = pkg2_hdr->sec_size[PKG2_SEC_INI1];
if (!ini1_size)
ini1_off = pkg2_newkern_ini1_start;
ini1_size = pkg2_newkern_ini1_end - pkg2_newkern_ini1_start;
if (ini1_off)
if (sd_save_to_file(pkg2_hdr->data + ini1_off, ini1_size, path))
goto out;
gfx_puts("INI1 dumped to ini1.bin\n");
gfx_puts("Failed to dump INI1!\n");
goto out;
gfx_puts("\nDone. Press any key...\n");
if (kb >= KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_620)
void _toggle_autorcm(bool enable)
gfx_clear_partial_grey(0x1B, 0, 1256);
gfx_con_setpos(0, 0);
if (!sdmmc_storage_init_mmc(&emmc_storage, &emmc_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8, SDHCI_TIMING_MMC_HS400))
EPRINTF("Failed to init eMMC.");
goto out;
u8 *tempbuf = (u8 *)malloc(0x200);
sdmmc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&emmc_storage, EMMC_BOOT0);
int i, sect = 0;
u8 corr_mod0, mod1;
// Get the correct RSA modulus byte masks.
nx_emmc_get_autorcm_masks(&corr_mod0, &mod1);
// Iterate BCTs.
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
sect = (0x200 + (0x4000 * i)) / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE;
sdmmc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, sect, 1, tempbuf);
// Check if 2nd byte of modulus is correct.
if (tempbuf[0x11] != mod1)
if (enable)
tempbuf[0x10] = 0;
tempbuf[0x10] = corr_mod0;
sdmmc_storage_write(&emmc_storage, sect, 1, tempbuf);
if (enable)
gfx_printf("%kAutoRCM mode enabled!%k", 0xFFFFBA00, 0xFFCCCCCC);
gfx_printf("%kAutoRCM mode disabled!%k", 0xFF96FF00, 0xFFCCCCCC);
gfx_printf("\n\nPress any key...\n");
void _enable_autorcm() { _toggle_autorcm(true); }
void _disable_autorcm() { _toggle_autorcm(false); }
void menu_autorcm()
gfx_con_setpos(0, 0);
if (h_cfg.rcm_patched)
gfx_printf("%kThis device is RCM patched and\nAutoRCM function is disabled.\n\n"
"In case %kAutoRCM%k is enabled\nthis will %kBRICK%k the device PERMANENTLY!!%k",
0xFFFFDD00, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFFDD00, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFFDD00, 0xFFCCCCCC);
// Do a simple check on the main BCT.
bool disabled = true;
if (!sdmmc_storage_init_mmc(&emmc_storage, &emmc_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8, SDHCI_TIMING_MMC_HS400))
EPRINTF("Failed to init eMMC.");
u8 mod0, mod1;
// Get the correct RSA modulus byte masks.
nx_emmc_get_autorcm_masks(&mod0, &mod1);
u8 *tempbuf = (u8 *)malloc(0x200);
sdmmc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&emmc_storage, EMMC_BOOT0);
sdmmc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, 0x200 / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, 1, tempbuf);
// Check if 2nd byte of modulus is correct.
if (tempbuf[0x11] == mod1)
if (tempbuf[0x10] != mod0)
disabled = false;
// Create AutoRCM menu.
ment_t *ments = (ment_t *)malloc(sizeof(ment_t) * 6);
ments[0].type = MENT_BACK;
ments[0].caption = "Back";
ments[1].type = MENT_CHGLINE;
ments[2].type = MENT_CAPTION;
ments[3].type = MENT_CHGLINE;
if (disabled)
ments[2].caption = "Status: Disabled!";
ments[2].color = 0xFF96FF00;
ments[4].caption = "Enable AutoRCM";
ments[4].handler = _enable_autorcm;
ments[2].caption = "Status: Enabled!";
ments[2].color = 0xFFFFBA00;
ments[4].caption = "Disable AutoRCM";
ments[4].handler = _disable_autorcm;
ments[4].type = MENT_HDLR_RE;
ments[4].data = NULL;
memset(&ments[5], 0, sizeof(ment_t));
menu_t menu = {ments, "This corrupts BOOT0!", 0, 0};
#pragma GCC pop_options