forked from CTCaer/hekate

Like the other configs, it can be read from system_settings.ini and be set. Additionally a new `usb3force` key was added to allow user to override and enable/disable that setting via a boot entry. This allows for fast (re)boot into an entry that disables that (important because of the huge interference that USB3 creates to Bluetooth and WiFi 2.4GHz).
334 lines
7.0 KiB
334 lines
7.0 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 CTCaer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <string.h>
#include "hos.h"
#include "hos_config.h"
#include "fss.h"
#include <libs/fatfs/ff.h>
#include <mem/heap.h>
#include <storage/nx_sd.h>
#include <utils/dirlist.h>
#include <gfx_utils.h>
//#define DPRINTF(...) gfx_printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DPRINTF(...)
static int _config_warmboot(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
ctxt->warmboot = sd_file_read(value, &ctxt->warmboot_size);
if (!ctxt->warmboot)
return 0;
return 1;
static int _config_secmon(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
ctxt->secmon = sd_file_read(value, &ctxt->secmon_size);
if (!ctxt->secmon)
return 0;
return 1;
static int _config_kernel(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
ctxt->kernel = sd_file_read(value, &ctxt->kernel_size);
if (!ctxt->kernel)
return 0;
return 1;
static int _config_kip1(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
u32 size;
if (!memcmp(value + strlen(value) - 1, "*", 1))
char *dir = (char *)malloc(256);
strcpy(dir, value);
u32 dirlen = 0;
dir[strlen(dir) - 2] = 0;
char *filelist = dirlist(dir, "*.kip*", false, false);
strcat(dir, "/");
dirlen = strlen(dir);
u32 i = 0;
if (filelist)
while (true)
if (!filelist[i * 256])
strcpy(dir + dirlen, &filelist[i * 256]);
merge_kip_t *mkip1 = (merge_kip_t *)malloc(sizeof(merge_kip_t));
mkip1->kip1 = sd_file_read(dir, &size);
if (!mkip1->kip1)
return 0;
DPRINTF("Loaded kip1 from SD (size %08X)\n", size);
list_append(&ctxt->kip1_list, &mkip1->link);
merge_kip_t *mkip1 = (merge_kip_t *)malloc(sizeof(merge_kip_t));
mkip1->kip1 = sd_file_read(value, &size);
if (!mkip1->kip1)
return 0;
DPRINTF("Loaded kip1 from SD (size %08X)\n", size);
list_append(&ctxt->kip1_list, &mkip1->link);
return 1;
int config_kip1patch(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
if (value == NULL)
return 0;
int valueLen = strlen(value);
if (!valueLen)
return 0;
if (ctxt->kip1_patches == NULL)
ctxt->kip1_patches = malloc(valueLen + 1);
memcpy(ctxt->kip1_patches, value, valueLen);
ctxt->kip1_patches[valueLen] = 0;
char *oldAlloc = ctxt->kip1_patches;
int oldSize = strlen(oldAlloc);
ctxt->kip1_patches = malloc(oldSize + 1 + valueLen + 1);
memcpy(ctxt->kip1_patches, oldAlloc, oldSize);
oldAlloc = NULL;
ctxt->kip1_patches[oldSize++] = ',';
memcpy(&ctxt->kip1_patches[oldSize], value, valueLen);
ctxt->kip1_patches[oldSize + valueLen] = 0;
return 1;
static int _config_svcperm(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Disabled SVC verification\n");
ctxt->svcperm = true;
return 1;
static int _config_debugmode(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Enabled Debug mode\n");
ctxt->debugmode = true;
return 1;
static int _config_stock(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Disabled all patching\n");
ctxt->stock = true;
return 1;
static int _config_emummc_forced(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Forced emuMMC\n");
ctxt->emummc_forced = true;
return 1;
static int _config_atmosphere(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Enabled atmosphere patching\n");
ctxt->atmosphere = true;
return 1;
static int _config_dis_exo_user_exceptions(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Disabled exosphere user exception handlers\n");
ctxt->exo_ctx.no_user_exceptions = true;
return 1;
static int _config_exo_user_pmu_access(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Enabled user access to PMU\n");
ctxt->exo_ctx.user_pmu = true;
return 1;
static int _config_exo_usb3_force(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
// Override key found.
ctxt->exo_ctx.usb3_force = calloc(sizeof(bool), 1);
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Enabled USB 3.0\n");
*ctxt->exo_ctx.usb3_force = true;
return 1;
static int _config_exo_cal0_blanking(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
// Override key found.
ctxt->exo_ctx.cal0_blank = calloc(sizeof(bool), 1);
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Enabled prodinfo blanking\n");
*ctxt->exo_ctx.cal0_blank = true;
return 1;
static int _config_exo_cal0_writes_enable(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
// Override key found.
ctxt->exo_ctx.cal0_allow_writes_sys = calloc(sizeof(bool), 1);
if (*value == '1')
DPRINTF("Enabled prodinfo writes\n");
*ctxt->exo_ctx.cal0_allow_writes_sys = true;
return 1;
static int _config_fss(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_kv_t, kv, &ctxt->cfg->kvs, link)
if (!strcmp("fss0experimental", kv->key))
ctxt->fss0_experimental = *kv->val == '1';
return parse_fss(ctxt, value, NULL);
static int _config_exo_fatal_payload(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value)
ctxt->exofatal = sd_file_read(value, &ctxt->exofatal_size);
if (!ctxt->exofatal)
return 0;
return 1;
typedef struct _cfg_handler_t
const char *key;
int (*handler)(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt, const char *value);
} cfg_handler_t;
static const cfg_handler_t _config_handlers[] = {
{ "warmboot", _config_warmboot },
{ "secmon", _config_secmon },
{ "kernel", _config_kernel },
{ "kip1", _config_kip1 },
{ "kip1patch", config_kip1patch },
{ "fullsvcperm", _config_svcperm },
{ "debugmode", _config_debugmode },
{ "stock", _config_stock },
{ "atmosphere", _config_atmosphere },
{ "fss0", _config_fss },
{ "exofatal", _config_exo_fatal_payload},
{ "emummcforce", _config_emummc_forced },
{ "nouserexceptions", _config_dis_exo_user_exceptions },
{ "userpmu", _config_exo_user_pmu_access },
{ "usb3force", _config_exo_usb3_force },
{ "cal0blank", _config_exo_cal0_blanking },
{ "cal0writesys", _config_exo_cal0_writes_enable },
int parse_boot_config(launch_ctxt_t *ctxt)
LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_kv_t, kv, &ctxt->cfg->kvs, link)
for(u32 i = 0; _config_handlers[i].key; i++)
if (!strcmp(_config_handlers[i].key, kv->key))
if (!_config_handlers[i].handler(ctxt, kv->val))
gfx_con.mute = false;
EPRINTFARGS("Error while loading %s:\n%s", kv->key, kv->val);
return 0;
return 1;