CTCaer 185526d134 Introducing Bootloader Development Kit (BDK)
BDK will allow developers to use the full collection of drivers,
with limited editing, if any, for making payloads for Nintendo Switch.

Using a single source for everything will also help decoupling
Switch specific code and easily port it to other Tegra X1/X1+ platforms.
And maybe even to lower targets.

Everything is now centrilized into bdk folder.
Every module or project can utilize it by simply including it.

This is just the start and it will continue to improve.
2020-06-14 15:25:21 +03:00

1436 lines
55 KiB

* @file lv_draw_rect.c
#include "lv_draw_rect.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_circ.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_math.h"
#define CIRCLE_AA_NON_LINEAR_OPA_THRESHOLD 5 /*Circle segment greater then this value will be anti-aliased by a non-linear (cos) opacity mapping*/
#define SHADOW_OPA_EXTRA_PRECISION 8 /*Calculate with 2^x bigger shadow opacity values to avoid rounding errors*/
#define SHADOW_BOTTOM_AA_EXTRA_RADIUS 3 /*Add extra radius with LV_SHADOW_BOTTOM to cover anti-aliased corners*/
static void lv_draw_rect_main_mid(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale);
static void lv_draw_rect_main_corner(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale);
static void lv_draw_rect_border_straight(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale);
static void lv_draw_rect_border_corner(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale);
static void lv_draw_shadow(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale);
static void lv_draw_shadow_full(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale);
static void lv_draw_shadow_bottom(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale);
static void lv_draw_shadow_full_straight(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, const lv_opa_t * map);
static uint16_t lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(uint16_t r, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h);
static lv_opa_t antialias_get_opa_circ(lv_coord_t seg, lv_coord_t px_id, lv_opa_t opa);
* Draw a rectangle
* @param coords the coordinates of the rectangle
* @param mask the rectangle will be drawn only in this mask
* @param style pointer to a style
* @param opa_scale scale down all opacities by the factor
void lv_draw_rect(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale)
if(lv_area_get_height(coords) < 1 || lv_area_get_width(coords) < 1) return;
if(style->body.shadow.width != 0) {
lv_draw_shadow(coords, mask, style, opa_scale);
if(style->body.empty == 0 && style->body.opa >= LV_OPA_MIN) {
lv_draw_rect_main_mid(coords, mask, style, opa_scale);
if(style->body.radius != 0) {
lv_draw_rect_main_corner(coords, mask, style, opa_scale);
if(style->body.border.width != 0 && style->body.border.part != LV_BORDER_NONE && style->body.border.opa >= LV_OPA_MIN) {
lv_draw_rect_border_straight(coords, mask, style, opa_scale);
if(style->body.radius != 0) {
lv_draw_rect_border_corner(coords, mask, style, opa_scale);
* Draw the middle part (rectangular) of a rectangle
* @param coords the coordinates of the original rectangle
* @param mask the rectangle will be drawn only on this area
* @param rects_p pointer to a rectangle style
* @param opa_scale scale down all opacities by the factor
static void lv_draw_rect_main_mid(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale)
uint16_t radius = style->body.radius;
lv_color_t mcolor = style->body.main_color;
lv_color_t gcolor = style->body.grad_color;
uint8_t mix;
lv_coord_t height = lv_area_get_height(coords);
lv_coord_t width = lv_area_get_width(coords);
lv_opa_t opa = opa_scale == LV_OPA_COVER ? style->body.opa : (uint16_t)((uint16_t) style->body.opa * opa_scale) >> 8;
radius = lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(radius, width, height);
/*If the radius is too big then there is no body*/
if(radius > height / 2) return;
lv_area_t work_area;
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) {
work_area.y1 = coords->y1 + radius;
work_area.y2 = coords->y2 - radius;
if(style->body.radius != 0) {
work_area.y1 += 2;
work_area.y2 -= 2;
work_area.y1 += 1;
work_area.y2 -= 1;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, mcolor, opa);
} else {
lv_coord_t row;
lv_coord_t row_start = coords->y1 + radius;
lv_coord_t row_end = coords->y2 - radius;
lv_color_t act_color;
if(style->body.radius != 0) {
row_start += 2;
row_end -= 2;
row_start += 1;
row_end -= 1;
if(row_start < 0) row_start = 0;
for(row = row_start; row <= row_end; row ++) {
work_area.y1 = row;
work_area.y2 = row;
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - work_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, act_color, opa);
* Draw the top and bottom parts (corners) of a rectangle
* @param coords the coordinates of the original rectangle
* @param mask the rectangle will be drawn only on this area
* @param rects_p pointer to a rectangle style
* @param opa_scale scale down all opacities by the factor
static void lv_draw_rect_main_corner(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale)
uint16_t radius = style->body.radius;
lv_color_t mcolor = style->body.main_color;
lv_color_t gcolor = style->body.grad_color;
lv_color_t act_color;
lv_opa_t opa = opa_scale == LV_OPA_COVER ? style->body.opa : (uint16_t)((uint16_t) style->body.opa * opa_scale) >> 8;
uint8_t mix;
lv_coord_t height = lv_area_get_height(coords);
lv_coord_t width = lv_area_get_width(coords);
radius = lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(radius, width, height);
lv_point_t lt_origo; /*Left Top origo*/
lv_point_t lb_origo; /*Left Bottom origo*/
lv_point_t rt_origo; /*Right Top origo*/
lv_point_t rb_origo; /*Left Bottom origo*/
lt_origo.x = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
lt_origo.y = coords->y1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
lb_origo.x = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
lb_origo.y = coords->y2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
rt_origo.x = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
rt_origo.y = coords->y1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
rb_origo.x = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
rb_origo.y = coords->y2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
lv_area_t edge_top_area;
lv_area_t mid_top_area;
lv_area_t mid_bot_area;
lv_area_t edge_bot_area;
lv_point_t cir;
lv_coord_t cir_tmp;
lv_circ_init(&cir, &cir_tmp, radius);
/*Init the areas*/
lv_area_set(&mid_bot_area, lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(cir),
lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir),
rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(cir),
rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir));
lv_area_set(&edge_bot_area, lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(cir),
lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(cir),
rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(cir),
rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir));
lv_area_set(&mid_top_area, lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(cir),
lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir),
rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(cir),
rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir));
lv_area_set(&edge_top_area, lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(cir),
lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(cir),
rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(cir),
rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir));
/*Store some internal states for anti-aliasing*/
lv_coord_t out_y_seg_start = 0;
lv_coord_t out_y_seg_end = 0;
lv_coord_t out_x_last = radius;
lv_color_t aa_color_hor_top;
lv_color_t aa_color_hor_bottom;
lv_color_t aa_color_ver;
while(lv_circ_cont(&cir)) {
/*New step in y on the outter circle*/
if(out_x_last != cir.x) {
out_y_seg_end = cir.y;
lv_coord_t seg_size = out_y_seg_end - out_y_seg_start;
lv_point_t aa_p;
aa_p.x = out_x_last;
aa_p.y = out_y_seg_start;
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(radius - out_x_last) * 255) / height;
aa_color_hor_top = lv_color_mix(gcolor, mcolor, mix);
aa_color_hor_bottom = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
lv_coord_t i;
for(i = 0; i < seg_size; i++) {
lv_opa_t aa_opa;
if(seg_size > CIRCLE_AA_NON_LINEAR_OPA_THRESHOLD) { /*Use non-linear opa mapping on the first segment*/
aa_opa = antialias_get_opa_circ(seg_size, i, opa);
} else {
aa_opa = opa - lv_draw_aa_get_opa(seg_size, i, opa);
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p) + i, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, aa_color_hor_bottom, aa_opa);
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(aa_p) - i, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, aa_color_hor_bottom, aa_opa);
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(aa_p) - i, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, aa_color_hor_top, aa_opa);
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(aa_p) + i, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, aa_color_hor_top, aa_opa);
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(radius - out_y_seg_start + i) * 255) / height;
aa_color_ver = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(aa_p) + 1, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, aa_color_ver, aa_opa);
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(aa_p) - 1, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, aa_color_ver, aa_opa);
aa_color_ver = lv_color_mix(gcolor, mcolor, mix);
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(aa_p) - 1, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, aa_color_ver, aa_opa);
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(aa_p) + 1, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, aa_color_ver, aa_opa);
out_x_last = cir.x;
out_y_seg_start = out_y_seg_end;
uint8_t edge_top_refr = 0;
uint8_t mid_top_refr = 0;
uint8_t mid_bot_refr = 0;
uint8_t edge_bot_refr = 0;
/* If a new row coming draw the previous
* The y coordinate can remain the same so wait for a new*/
if(mid_bot_area.y1 != LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir) + lb_origo.y) mid_bot_refr = 1;
if(edge_bot_area.y1 != LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir) + lb_origo.y) edge_bot_refr = 1;
if(mid_top_area.y1 != LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir) + lt_origo.y) mid_top_refr = 1;
if(edge_top_area.y1 != LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir) + lt_origo.y) edge_top_refr = 1;
/*Draw the areas which are not disabled*/
if(edge_top_refr != 0) {
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) act_color = mcolor;
else {
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - edge_top_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&edge_top_area, mask, act_color, opa);
if(mid_top_refr != 0) {
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) act_color = mcolor;
else {
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - mid_top_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&mid_top_area, mask, act_color, opa);
if(mid_bot_refr != 0) {
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) act_color = mcolor;
else {
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - mid_bot_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&mid_bot_area, mask, act_color, opa);
if(edge_bot_refr != 0) {
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) act_color = mcolor;
else {
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - edge_bot_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&edge_bot_area, mask, act_color, opa);
/*Save the current coordinates*/
lv_area_set(&mid_bot_area, lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(cir),
lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir),
rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(cir),
rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir));
lv_area_set(&edge_bot_area, lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(cir),
lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(cir),
rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(cir),
rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir));
lv_area_set(&mid_top_area, lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(cir),
lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir),
rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(cir),
rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir));
lv_area_set(&edge_top_area, lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(cir),
lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(cir),
rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(cir),
rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir));
lv_circ_next(&cir, &cir_tmp);
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) act_color = mcolor;
else {
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - edge_top_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&edge_top_area, mask, act_color, opa);
if(edge_top_area.y1 != mid_top_area.y1) {
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) act_color = mcolor;
else {
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - mid_top_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&mid_top_area, mask, act_color, opa);
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) act_color = mcolor;
else {
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - mid_bot_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&mid_bot_area, mask, act_color, opa);
if(edge_bot_area.y1 != mid_bot_area.y1) {
if(mcolor.full == gcolor.full) act_color = mcolor;
else {
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(coords->y2 - edge_bot_area.y1) * 255) / height;
act_color = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
fill_fp(&edge_bot_area, mask, act_color, opa);
/*The first and the last line is not drawn*/
edge_top_area.x1 = coords->x1 + radius + 2;
edge_top_area.x2 = coords->x2 - radius - 2;
edge_top_area.y1 = coords->y1;
edge_top_area.y2 = coords->y1;
fill_fp(&edge_top_area, mask, style->body.main_color, opa);
edge_top_area.y1 = coords->y2;
edge_top_area.y2 = coords->y2;
fill_fp(&edge_top_area, mask, style->body.grad_color, opa);
/*Last parts of the anti-alias*/
out_y_seg_end = cir.y;
lv_coord_t seg_size = out_y_seg_end - out_y_seg_start;
lv_point_t aa_p;
aa_p.x = out_x_last;
aa_p.y = out_y_seg_start;
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(radius - out_x_last) * 255) / height;
aa_color_hor_bottom = lv_color_mix(gcolor, mcolor, mix);
aa_color_hor_top = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
lv_coord_t i;
for(i = 0; i < seg_size; i++) {
lv_opa_t aa_opa = opa - lv_draw_aa_get_opa(seg_size, i, opa);
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p) + i, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, aa_color_hor_top, aa_opa);
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(aa_p) - i, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, aa_color_hor_top, aa_opa);
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(aa_p) - i, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, aa_color_hor_bottom, aa_opa);
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(aa_p) + i, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, aa_color_hor_bottom, aa_opa);
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(radius - out_y_seg_start + i) * 255) / height;
aa_color_ver = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(aa_p) + 1, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, aa_color_ver, aa_opa);
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(aa_p) - 1, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, aa_color_ver, aa_opa);
aa_color_ver = lv_color_mix(gcolor, mcolor, mix);
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(aa_p) - 1, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, aa_color_ver, aa_opa);
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(aa_p) + 1, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, aa_color_ver, aa_opa);
/*In some cases the last pixel is not drawn*/
if(LV_MATH_ABS(aa_p.x - aa_p.y) == seg_size) {
aa_p.x = out_x_last;
aa_p.y = out_x_last;
mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(out_x_last) * 255) / height;
aa_color_hor_top = lv_color_mix(gcolor, mcolor, mix);
aa_color_hor_bottom = lv_color_mix(mcolor, gcolor, mix);
lv_opa_t aa_opa = opa >> 1;
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p), rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(aa_p), mask, aa_color_hor_bottom, aa_opa);
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(aa_p), lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(aa_p), mask, aa_color_hor_bottom, aa_opa);
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(aa_p), lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(aa_p), mask, aa_color_hor_top, aa_opa);
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(aa_p), rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(aa_p), mask, aa_color_hor_top, aa_opa);
* Draw the straight parts of a rectangle border
* @param coords the coordinates of the original rectangle
* @param mask_ the rectangle will be drawn only on this area
* @param rstyle pointer to a rectangle style
* @param opa_scale scale down all opacities by the factor
static void lv_draw_rect_border_straight(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale)
uint16_t radius = style->body.radius;
lv_coord_t width = lv_area_get_width(coords);
lv_coord_t height = lv_area_get_height(coords);
uint16_t bwidth = style->body.border.width;
lv_opa_t opa = opa_scale == LV_OPA_COVER ? style->body.border.opa : (uint16_t)((uint16_t) style->body.border.opa * opa_scale) >> 8;
lv_border_part_t part = style->body.border.part;
lv_color_t color = style->body.border.color;
lv_area_t work_area;
lv_coord_t length_corr = 0;
lv_coord_t corner_size = 0;
/*the 0 px border width drawn as 1 px, so decrement the b_width*/
radius = lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(radius, width, height);
if(radius < bwidth) {
length_corr = bwidth - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
corner_size = bwidth;
} else {
corner_size = radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
/*If radius == 0 is a special case*/
if(style->body.radius == 0) {
/*Left top corner*/
if(part & LV_BORDER_TOP) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
work_area.y1 = coords->y1;
work_area.y2 = coords->y1 + bwidth;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Right top corner*/
if(part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x2 - bwidth;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
work_area.y1 = coords->y1 + (part & LV_BORDER_TOP ? bwidth + 1 : 0);
work_area.y2 = coords->y2 - (part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM ? bwidth + 1 : 0);
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Left bottom corner*/
if(part & LV_BORDER_LEFT) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = coords->x1 + bwidth;
work_area.y1 = coords->y1 + (part & LV_BORDER_TOP ? bwidth + 1 : 0);
work_area.y2 = coords->y2 - (part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM ? bwidth + 1 : 0);
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Right bottom corner*/
if(part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
work_area.y1 = coords->y2 - bwidth;
work_area.y2 = coords->y2;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/* Modify the corner_size if corner is drawn */
corner_size ++;
/*Depending one which part's are drawn modify the area lengths */
if(part & LV_BORDER_TOP) work_area.y1 = coords->y1 + corner_size;
else work_area.y1 = coords->y1 + radius;
if(part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) work_area.y2 = coords->y2 - corner_size;
else work_area.y2 = coords->y2 - radius;
/*Left border*/
if(part & LV_BORDER_LEFT) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = work_area.x1 + bwidth;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Right border*/
if(part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT) {
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
work_area.x1 = work_area.x2 - bwidth;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
work_area.x1 = coords->x1 + corner_size - length_corr;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2 - corner_size + length_corr;
/*Upper border*/
if(part & LV_BORDER_TOP) {
work_area.y1 = coords->y1;
work_area.y2 = coords->y1 + bwidth;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Lower border*/
if(part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) {
work_area.y2 = coords->y2;
work_area.y1 = work_area.y2 - bwidth;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Draw the a remaining rectangles if the radius is smaller then bwidth */
if(length_corr != 0) {
/*Left top correction*/
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.y1 = coords->y1 + radius + 1 + LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.y2 = coords->y1 + bwidth;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Right top correction*/
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
work_area.y1 = coords->y1 + radius + 1 + LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.y2 = coords->y1 + bwidth;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Left bottom correction*/
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.y1 = coords->y2 - bwidth;
work_area.y2 = coords->y2 - radius - 1 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Right bottom correction*/
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
work_area.x1 = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
work_area.y1 = coords->y2 - bwidth;
work_area.y2 = coords->y2 - radius - 1 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*If radius == 0 one px on the corners are not drawn by main drawer*/
if(style->body.radius == 0) {
/*Left top corner*/
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = coords->x1 + LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.y1 = coords->y1;
work_area.y2 = coords->y1 + LV_ANTIALIAS;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Right top corner*/
work_area.x1 = coords->x2 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
work_area.y1 = coords->y1;
work_area.y2 = coords->y1 + LV_ANTIALIAS;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Left bottom corner*/
work_area.x1 = coords->x1;
work_area.x2 = coords->x1 + LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.y1 = coords->y2 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.y2 = coords->y2;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Right bottom corner*/
work_area.x1 = coords->x2 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.x2 = coords->x2;
work_area.y1 = coords->y2 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
work_area.y2 = coords->y2;
fill_fp(&work_area, mask, color, opa);
* Draw the corners of a rectangle border
* @param coords the coordinates of the original rectangle
* @param mask the rectangle will be drawn only on this area
* @param style pointer to a style
* @param opa_scale scale down all opacities by the factor
static void lv_draw_rect_border_corner(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale)
uint16_t radius = style->body.radius ;
uint16_t bwidth = style->body.border.width;
lv_color_t color = style->body.border.color;
lv_border_part_t part = style->body.border.part;
lv_opa_t opa = opa_scale == LV_OPA_COVER ? style->body.border.opa : (uint16_t)((uint16_t) style->body.border.opa * opa_scale) >> 8;
/*0 px border width drawn as 1 px, so decrement the bwidth*/
bwidth--; /*Because of anti-aliasing the border seems one pixel ticker*/
lv_coord_t width = lv_area_get_width(coords);
lv_coord_t height = lv_area_get_height(coords);
radius = lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(radius, width, height);
lv_point_t lt_origo; /*Left Top origo*/
lv_point_t lb_origo; /*Left Bottom origo*/
lv_point_t rt_origo; /*Right Top origo*/
lv_point_t rb_origo; /*Left Bottom origo*/
lt_origo.x = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
lt_origo.y = coords->y1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
lb_origo.x = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
lb_origo.y = coords->y2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
rt_origo.x = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
rt_origo.y = coords->y1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
rb_origo.x = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
rb_origo.y = coords->y2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
lv_point_t cir_out;
lv_coord_t tmp_out;
lv_circ_init(&cir_out, &tmp_out, radius);
lv_point_t cir_in;
lv_coord_t tmp_in;
lv_coord_t radius_in = radius - bwidth;
if(radius_in < 0) {
radius_in = 0;
lv_circ_init(&cir_in, &tmp_in, radius_in);
lv_area_t circ_area;
lv_coord_t act_w1;
lv_coord_t act_w2;
/*Store some internal states for anti-aliasing*/
lv_coord_t out_y_seg_start = 0;
lv_coord_t out_y_seg_end = 0;
lv_coord_t out_x_last = radius;
lv_coord_t in_y_seg_start = 0;
lv_coord_t in_y_seg_end = 0;
lv_coord_t in_x_last = radius - bwidth;
while(cir_out.y <= cir_out.x) {
/*Calculate the actual width to avoid overwriting pixels*/
if(cir_in.y < cir_in.x) {
act_w1 = cir_out.x - cir_in.x;
act_w2 = act_w1;
} else {
act_w1 = cir_out.x - cir_out.y;
act_w2 = act_w1 - 1;
/*New step in y on the outter circle*/
if(out_x_last != cir_out.x) {
out_y_seg_end = cir_out.y;
lv_coord_t seg_size = out_y_seg_end - out_y_seg_start;
lv_point_t aa_p;
aa_p.x = out_x_last;
aa_p.y = out_y_seg_start;
lv_coord_t i;
for(i = 0; i < seg_size; i++) {
lv_opa_t aa_opa;
if(seg_size > CIRCLE_AA_NON_LINEAR_OPA_THRESHOLD) { /*Use non-linear opa mapping on the first segment*/
aa_opa = antialias_get_opa_circ(seg_size, i, opa);
} else {
aa_opa = opa - lv_draw_aa_get_opa(seg_size, i, opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(aa_p) + 1, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p) + i, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(aa_p) - i, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(aa_p) - 1, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(aa_p) - 1, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(aa_p) - i, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(aa_p) + i, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(aa_p) + 1, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
out_x_last = cir_out.x;
out_y_seg_start = out_y_seg_end;
/*New step in y on the inner circle*/
if(in_x_last != cir_in.x) {
in_y_seg_end = cir_out.y;
lv_coord_t seg_size = in_y_seg_end - in_y_seg_start;
lv_point_t aa_p;
aa_p.x = in_x_last;
aa_p.y = in_y_seg_start;
lv_coord_t i;
for(i = 0; i < seg_size; i++) {
lv_opa_t aa_opa;
if(seg_size > CIRCLE_AA_NON_LINEAR_OPA_THRESHOLD) { /*Use non-linear opa mapping on the first segment*/
aa_opa = opa - antialias_get_opa_circ(seg_size, i, opa);
} else {
aa_opa = lv_draw_aa_get_opa(seg_size, i, opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(aa_p) - 1, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(aa_p) - i, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(aa_p) + 1, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(aa_p) + i, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
/*Be sure the pixels on the middle are not drawn twice*/
if(LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(aa_p) - 1 != LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p) + i) {
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p) + i, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(aa_p) + 1, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(aa_p) - i, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(aa_p) - 1, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
in_x_last = cir_in.x;
in_y_seg_start = in_y_seg_end;
/*Draw the octets to the right bottom corner*/
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
circ_area.x1 = rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(cir_out) - act_w2;
circ_area.x2 = rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(cir_out);
circ_area.y1 = rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir_out);
circ_area.y2 = rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir_out);
fill_fp(&circ_area, mask, color, opa);
circ_area.x1 = rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(cir_out);
circ_area.x2 = rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(cir_out);
circ_area.y1 = rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir_out) - act_w1;
circ_area.y2 = rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir_out);
fill_fp(&circ_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Draw the octets to the left bottom corner*/
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
circ_area.x1 = lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(cir_out);
circ_area.x2 = lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(cir_out);
circ_area.y1 = lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(cir_out) - act_w2;
circ_area.y2 = lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(cir_out);
fill_fp(&circ_area, mask, color, opa);
circ_area.x1 = lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(cir_out);
circ_area.x2 = lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(cir_out) + act_w1;
circ_area.y1 = lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir_out);
circ_area.y2 = lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir_out);
fill_fp(&circ_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Draw the octets to the left top corner*/
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
if(lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir_out) > lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir_out)) {
/*Don't draw if the lines are common in the middle*/
circ_area.x1 = lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(cir_out);
circ_area.x2 = lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(cir_out) + act_w2;
circ_area.y1 = lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir_out);
circ_area.y2 = lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir_out);
fill_fp(&circ_area, mask, color, opa);
circ_area.x1 = lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(cir_out);
circ_area.x2 = lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(cir_out);
circ_area.y1 = lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(cir_out);
circ_area.y2 = lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(cir_out) + act_w1;
fill_fp(&circ_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Draw the octets to the right top corner*/
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
circ_area.x1 = rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(cir_out);
circ_area.x2 = rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(cir_out);
circ_area.y1 = rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir_out);
circ_area.y2 = rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir_out) + act_w2;
fill_fp(&circ_area, mask, color, opa);
/*Don't draw if the lines are common in the middle*/
if(rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir_out) > rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir_out)) {
circ_area.x1 = rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(cir_out) - act_w1;
circ_area.x2 = rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(cir_out);
circ_area.y1 = rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir_out);
circ_area.y2 = rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir_out);
fill_fp(&circ_area, mask, color, opa);
lv_circ_next(&cir_out, &tmp_out);
/*The internal circle will be ready faster
* so check it! */
if(cir_in.y < cir_in.x) {
lv_circ_next(&cir_in, &tmp_in);
/*Last parts of the outer anti-alias*/
out_y_seg_end = cir_out.y;
lv_coord_t seg_size = out_y_seg_end - out_y_seg_start;
lv_point_t aa_p;
aa_p.x = out_x_last;
aa_p.y = out_y_seg_start;
lv_coord_t i;
for(i = 0; i < seg_size; i++) {
lv_opa_t aa_opa = opa - lv_draw_aa_get_opa(seg_size, i, opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(aa_p) + 1, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p) + i, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(aa_p) - i, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(aa_p) - 1, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(aa_p) - 1, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(aa_p) - i, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(aa_p) + i, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(aa_p) + 1, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
/*In some cases the last pixel in the outer middle is not drawn*/
if(LV_MATH_ABS(aa_p.x - aa_p.y) == seg_size) {
aa_p.x = out_x_last;
aa_p.y = out_x_last;
lv_opa_t aa_opa = opa >> 1;
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p), rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(aa_p), mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(aa_p), lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(aa_p), mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(aa_p), lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(aa_p), mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(aa_p), rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(aa_p), mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
/*Last parts of the inner anti-alias*/
in_y_seg_end = cir_in.y;
aa_p.x = in_x_last;
aa_p.y = in_y_seg_start;
seg_size = in_y_seg_end - in_y_seg_start;
for(i = 0; i < seg_size; i++) {
lv_opa_t aa_opa = lv_draw_aa_get_opa(seg_size, i, opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(aa_p) - 1, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT3_X(aa_p) - i, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT3_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT5_X(aa_p) + 1, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT5_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT7_X(aa_p) + i, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT7_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if(LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(aa_p) - 1 != LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p) + i) {
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(aa_p) + i, rb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(aa_p) - 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_BOTTOM) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lb_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT4_X(aa_p) + 1, lb_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT4_Y(aa_p) + i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_LEFT)) {
px_fp(lt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT6_X(aa_p) - i, lt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT6_Y(aa_p) + 1, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
if((part & LV_BORDER_TOP) && (part & LV_BORDER_RIGHT)) {
px_fp(rt_origo.x + LV_CIRC_OCT8_X(aa_p) - 1, rt_origo.y + LV_CIRC_OCT8_Y(aa_p) - i, mask, style->body.border.color, aa_opa);
* Draw a shadow
* @param rect pointer to rectangle object
* @param mask pointer to a mask area (from the design functions)
* @param opa_scale scale down all opacities by the factor
static void lv_draw_shadow(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale)
/* If mask is in the middle of cords do not draw shadow*/
lv_coord_t radius = style->body.radius;
lv_coord_t width = lv_area_get_width(coords);
lv_coord_t height = lv_area_get_height(coords);
radius = lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(radius, width, height);
lv_area_t area_tmp;
/*Check horizontally without radius*/
lv_area_copy(&area_tmp, coords);
area_tmp.x1 += radius;
area_tmp.x2 -= radius;
if(lv_area_is_in(mask, &area_tmp) != false) return;
/*Check vertically without radius*/
lv_area_copy(&area_tmp, coords);
area_tmp.y1 += radius;
area_tmp.y2 -= radius;
if(lv_area_is_in(mask, &area_tmp) != false) return;
if(style->body.shadow.type == LV_SHADOW_FULL) {
lv_draw_shadow_full(coords, mask, style, opa_scale);
} else if(style->body.shadow.type == LV_SHADOW_BOTTOM) {
lv_draw_shadow_bottom(coords, mask, style, opa_scale);
static void lv_draw_shadow_full(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale)
* The algorithm calculates the shadow only above the middle point of the radius (speaking about the left top corner).
* It causes an error because it doesn't consider how long the straight edge is which effects the value of bottom of the corner shadow.
* In addition the straight shadow is drawn from the middles point of the radius however
* the ends of the straight parts still should be effected by the corner shadow.
* It also causes an issue in opacity. A smaller radius means smaller average shadow opacity.
* The solution should be to start `line` from `- swidth` and handle if the straight part is short (or zero) and the value is taken from
* the other corner. `col` also should start from `- swidth`
lv_coord_t radius = style->body.radius;
lv_coord_t swidth = style->body.shadow.width;
lv_coord_t width = lv_area_get_width(coords);
lv_coord_t height = lv_area_get_height(coords);
radius = lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(radius, width, height);
radius += LV_ANTIALIAS;
lv_coord_t curve_x[radius + swidth + 1]; /*Stores the 'x' coordinates of a quarter circle.*/
lv_coord_t curve_x[LV_HOR_RES];
# else
lv_coord_t curve_x[LV_VER_RES];
# endif
memset(curve_x, 0, sizeof(curve_x));
lv_point_t circ;
lv_coord_t circ_tmp;
lv_circ_init(&circ, &circ_tmp, radius);
while(lv_circ_cont(&circ)) {
curve_x[LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(circ)] = LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(circ);
curve_x[LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(circ)] = LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(circ);
lv_circ_next(&circ, &circ_tmp);
int16_t line;
int16_t filter_width = 2 * swidth + 1;
uint32_t line_1d_blur[filter_width];
uint32_t line_1d_blur[LV_HOR_RES];
# else
uint32_t line_1d_blur[LV_VER_RES];
# endif
/*1D Blur horizontally*/
lv_opa_t opa = opa_scale == LV_OPA_COVER ? style->body.opa : (uint16_t)((uint16_t) style->body.opa * opa_scale) >> 8;
for(line = 0; line < filter_width; line++) {
line_1d_blur[line] = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(filter_width - line) * (opa * 2) << SHADOW_OPA_EXTRA_PRECISION) / (filter_width * filter_width);
uint16_t col;
lv_opa_t line_2d_blur[radius + swidth + 1];
lv_opa_t line_2d_blur[LV_HOR_RES];
# else
lv_opa_t line_2d_blur[LV_VER_RES];
# endif
lv_point_t point_rt;
lv_point_t point_rb;
lv_point_t point_lt;
lv_point_t point_lb;
lv_point_t ofs_rb;
lv_point_t ofs_rt;
lv_point_t ofs_lb;
lv_point_t ofs_lt;
ofs_rb.x = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
ofs_rb.y = coords->y2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
ofs_rt.x = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
ofs_rt.y = coords->y1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
ofs_lb.x = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
ofs_lb.y = coords->y2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
ofs_lt.x = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
ofs_lt.y = coords->y1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
bool line_ready;
for(line = 0; line <= radius + swidth; line++) { /*Check all rows and make the 1D blur to 2D*/
line_ready = false;
for(col = 0; col <= radius + swidth; col++) { /*Check all pixels in a 1D blur line (from the origo to last shadow pixel (radius + swidth))*/
/*Sum the opacities from the lines above and below this 'row'*/
int16_t line_rel;
uint32_t px_opa_sum = 0;
for(line_rel = -swidth; line_rel <= swidth; line_rel ++) {
/*Get the relative x position of the 'line_rel' to 'line'*/
int16_t col_rel;
if(line + line_rel < 0) { /*Below the radius, here is the blur of the edge */
col_rel = radius - curve_x[line] - col;
} else if(line + line_rel > radius) { /*Above the radius, here won't be more 1D blur*/
} else { /*Blur from the curve*/
col_rel = curve_x[line + line_rel] - curve_x[line] - col;
/*Add the value of the 1D blur on 'col_rel' position*/
if(col_rel < -swidth) { /*Outside of the blurred area. */
if(line_rel == -swidth) line_ready = true; /*If no data even on the very first line then it wont't be anything else in this line*/
break; /*Break anyway because only smaller 'col_rel' values will come */
} else if(col_rel > swidth) px_opa_sum += line_1d_blur[0]; /*Inside the not blurred area*/
else px_opa_sum += line_1d_blur[swidth - col_rel]; /*On the 1D blur (+ swidth to align to the center)*/
line_2d_blur[col] = px_opa_sum >> SHADOW_OPA_EXTRA_PRECISION;
if(line_ready) {
col++; /*To make this line to the last one ( drawing will go to '< col')*/
/*Flush the line*/
point_rt.x = curve_x[line] + ofs_rt.x + 1;
point_rt.y = ofs_rt.y - line;
point_rb.x = curve_x[line] + ofs_rb.x + 1;
point_rb.y = ofs_rb.y + line;
point_lt.x = ofs_lt.x - curve_x[line] - 1;
point_lt.y = ofs_lt.y - line;
point_lb.x = ofs_lb.x - curve_x[line] - 1;
point_lb.y = ofs_lb.y + line;
uint16_t d;
for(d = 1; d < col; d++) {
if(point_lt.x < ofs_lt.x && point_lt.y < ofs_lt.y) {
px_fp(point_lt.x, point_lt.y, mask, style->body.shadow.color, line_2d_blur[d]);
if(point_lb.x < ofs_lb.x && point_lb.y > ofs_lb.y) {
px_fp(point_lb.x, point_lb.y, mask, style->body.shadow.color, line_2d_blur[d]);
if(point_rt.x > ofs_rt.x && point_rt.y < ofs_rt.y) {
px_fp(point_rt.x, point_rt.y, mask, style->body.shadow.color, line_2d_blur[d]);
if(point_rb.x > ofs_rb.x && point_rb.y > ofs_rb.y) {
px_fp(point_rb.x, point_rb.y, mask, style->body.shadow.color, line_2d_blur[d]);
/* Put the first line to the edges too.
* It is not correct because blur should be done below the corner too
* but is is simple, fast and gives a good enough result*/
if(line == 0) lv_draw_shadow_full_straight(coords, mask, style, line_2d_blur);
static void lv_draw_shadow_bottom(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t opa_scale)
lv_coord_t radius = style->body.radius;
lv_coord_t swidth = style->body.shadow.width;
lv_coord_t width = lv_area_get_width(coords);
lv_coord_t height = lv_area_get_height(coords);
radius = lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(radius, width, height);
swidth += LV_ANTIALIAS;
lv_coord_t curve_x[radius + 1]; /*Stores the 'x' coordinates of a quarter circle.*/
lv_coord_t curve_x[LV_HOR_RES];
# else
lv_coord_t curve_x[LV_VER_RES];
# endif
lv_point_t circ;
lv_coord_t circ_tmp;
lv_circ_init(&circ, &circ_tmp, radius);
while(lv_circ_cont(&circ)) {
curve_x[LV_CIRC_OCT1_Y(circ)] = LV_CIRC_OCT1_X(circ);
curve_x[LV_CIRC_OCT2_Y(circ)] = LV_CIRC_OCT2_X(circ);
lv_circ_next(&circ, &circ_tmp);
int16_t col;
lv_opa_t line_1d_blur[swidth];
lv_opa_t line_1d_blur[LV_HOR_RES];
# else
lv_opa_t line_1d_blur[LV_VER_RES];
# endif
lv_opa_t opa = opa_scale == LV_OPA_COVER ? style->body.opa : (uint16_t)((uint16_t) style->body.opa * opa_scale) >> 8;
for(col = 0; col < swidth; col++) {
line_1d_blur[col] = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(swidth - col) * opa / 2) / (swidth);
lv_point_t point_l;
lv_point_t point_r;
lv_area_t area_mid;
lv_point_t ofs_l;
lv_point_t ofs_r;
ofs_l.x = coords->x1 + radius;
ofs_l.y = coords->y2 - radius + 1 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
ofs_r.x = coords->x2 - radius;
ofs_r.y = coords->y2 - radius + 1 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
for(col = 0; col <= radius; col++) {
point_l.x = ofs_l.x - col ;
point_l.y = ofs_l.y + curve_x[col];
point_r.x = ofs_r.x + col;
point_r.y = ofs_r.y + curve_x[col];
lv_opa_t px_opa;
int16_t diff = col == 0 ? 0 : curve_x[col - 1] - curve_x[col];
uint16_t d;
for(d = 0; d < swidth; d++) {
/*When stepping a pixel in y calculate the average with the pixel from the prev. column to make a blur */
if(diff == 0) {
px_opa = line_1d_blur[d];
} else {
px_opa = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)line_1d_blur[d] + line_1d_blur[d - diff]) >> 1;
px_fp(point_l.x, point_l.y, mask, style->body.shadow.color, px_opa);
point_l.y ++;
/*Don't overdraw the pixel on the middle*/
if(point_r.x > ofs_l.x) {
px_fp(point_r.x, point_r.y, mask, style->body.shadow.color, px_opa);
point_r.y ++;
area_mid.x1 = ofs_l.x + 1;
area_mid.y1 = ofs_l.y + radius;
area_mid.x2 = ofs_r.x - 1;
area_mid.y2 = area_mid.y1;
uint16_t d;
for(d = 0; d < swidth; d++) {
fill_fp(&area_mid, mask, style->body.shadow.color, line_1d_blur[d]);
area_mid.y1 ++;
area_mid.y2 ++;
static void lv_draw_shadow_full_straight(const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * mask, const lv_style_t * style, const lv_opa_t * map)
lv_coord_t radius = style->body.radius;
lv_coord_t swidth = style->body.shadow.width;// + LV_ANTIALIAS;
lv_coord_t width = lv_area_get_width(coords);
lv_coord_t height = lv_area_get_height(coords);
radius = lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(radius, width, height);
radius += LV_ANTIALIAS;
lv_area_t right_area;
right_area.x1 = coords->x2 + 1 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
right_area.y1 = coords->y1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
right_area.x2 = right_area.x1;
right_area.y2 = coords->y2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
lv_area_t left_area;
left_area.x1 = coords->x1 - 1 + LV_ANTIALIAS;
left_area.y1 = coords->y1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
left_area.x2 = left_area.x1;
left_area.y2 = coords->y2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
lv_area_t top_area;
top_area.x1 = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
top_area.y1 = coords->y1 - 1 + LV_ANTIALIAS;
top_area.x2 = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
top_area.y2 = top_area.y1;
lv_area_t bottom_area;
bottom_area.x1 = coords->x1 + radius + LV_ANTIALIAS;
bottom_area.y1 = coords->y2 + 1 - LV_ANTIALIAS;
bottom_area.x2 = coords->x2 - radius - LV_ANTIALIAS;
bottom_area.y2 = bottom_area.y1;
lv_opa_t opa_act;
int16_t d;
for(d = 1 /*+ LV_ANTIALIAS*/; d <= swidth/* - LV_ANTIALIAS*/; d++) {
opa_act = map[d];
fill_fp(&right_area, mask, style->body.shadow.color, opa_act);
fill_fp(&left_area, mask, style->body.shadow.color, opa_act);
fill_fp(&top_area, mask, style->body.shadow.color, opa_act);
fill_fp(&bottom_area, mask, style->body.shadow.color, opa_act);
static uint16_t lv_draw_cont_radius_corr(uint16_t r, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h)
if(r >= (w >> 1)) {
r = (w >> 1);
if(r != 0) r--;
if(r >= (h >> 1)) {
r = (h >> 1);
if(r != 0) r--;
if(r > 0) r -= LV_ANTIALIAS;
return r;
* Approximate the opacity for anti-aliasing.
* Used the first segment of a circle which is the longest and have the most non-linearity (cos)
* @param seg length of the line segment
* @param px_id index of pixel on the line segment
* @param line_opa opacity of the lien (it will be the max opacity)
* @return the desired opacity of the pixel
static lv_opa_t antialias_get_opa_circ(lv_coord_t seg, lv_coord_t px_id, lv_opa_t opa)
static const lv_opa_t opa_map[8] = {250, 242, 221, 196, 163, 122, 74, 18};
if(seg == 0) return LV_OPA_TRANSP;
else if(seg == 1) return LV_OPA_80;
else {
uint8_t id = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)px_id * (sizeof(opa_map) - 1)) / (seg - 1);
return (uint32_t)((uint32_t) opa_map[id] * opa) >> 8;