forked from CTCaer/hekate

BDK will allow developers to use the full collection of drivers, with limited editing, if any, for making payloads for Nintendo Switch. Using a single source for everything will also help decoupling Switch specific code and easily port it to other Tegra X1/X1+ platforms. And maybe even to lower targets. Everything is now centrilized into bdk folder. Every module or project can utilize it by simply including it. This is just the start and it will continue to improve.
216 lines
4.8 KiB
216 lines
4.8 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 CTCaer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "ini.h"
#include "../gfx/gfx.h"
#include "../libs/fatfs/ff.h"
#include "../soc/fuse.h"
#include "../soc/t210.h"
#include "../storage/nx_sd.h"
#include "../storage/sdmmc.h"
#include "../utils/btn.h"
#include "../utils/list.h"
#include "../utils/util.h"
extern hekate_config h_cfg;
extern nyx_config n_cfg;
void set_default_configuration()
h_cfg.autoboot = 0;
h_cfg.autoboot_list = 0;
h_cfg.bootwait = 3;
h_cfg.se_keygen_done = 0;
h_cfg.backlight = 100;
h_cfg.autohosoff = 0;
h_cfg.autonogc = 1;
h_cfg.updater2p = 0;
h_cfg.brand = NULL;
h_cfg.tagline = NULL;
h_cfg.errors = 0;
h_cfg.eks = NULL;
h_cfg.sept_run = EMC(EMC_SCRATCH0) & EMC_SEPT_RUN;
h_cfg.aes_slots_new = false;
h_cfg.rcm_patched = fuse_check_patched_rcm();
h_cfg.emummc_force_disable = false;
sd_power_cycle_time_start = 0;
void set_nyx_default_configuration()
n_cfg.themecolor = 167;
n_cfg.timeoff = 0;
n_cfg.home_screen = 0;
n_cfg.verification = 1;
n_cfg.ums_emmc_rw = 0;
int create_config_entry()
if (!sd_mount())
return 1;
char lbuf[32];
FIL fp;
bool mainIniFound = false;
if (ini_parse(&ini_sections, "bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini", false))
mainIniFound = true;
u8 res = f_open(&fp, "bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini", FA_READ);
if (res == FR_NO_FILE || res == FR_NO_PATH)
if (!res)
return 1;
if (f_open(&fp, "bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS) != FR_OK)
return 1;
// Add config entry.
f_puts("[config]\nautoboot=", &fp);
itoa(h_cfg.autoboot, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\nautoboot_list=", &fp);
itoa(h_cfg.autoboot_list, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\nbootwait=", &fp);
itoa(h_cfg.bootwait, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\nbacklight=", &fp);
itoa(h_cfg.backlight, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\nautohosoff=", &fp);
itoa(h_cfg.autohosoff, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\nautonogc=", &fp);
itoa(h_cfg.autonogc, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\nupdater2p=", &fp);
itoa(h_cfg.updater2p, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
if (h_cfg.brand)
f_puts("\nbrand=", &fp);
f_puts(h_cfg.brand, &fp);
if (h_cfg.tagline)
f_puts("\ntagline=", &fp);
f_puts(h_cfg.tagline, &fp);
f_puts("\n", &fp);
if (mainIniFound)
// Re-construct existing entries.
LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_sec_t, ini_sec, &ini_sections, link)
if (!strcmp(ini_sec->name, "config"))
switch (ini_sec->type)
case INI_CHOICE: // Re-construct Boot entry [ ].
f_puts("[", &fp);
f_puts(ini_sec->name, &fp);
f_puts("]\n", &fp);
// Re-construct boot entry's config.
LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_kv_t, kv, &ini_sec->kvs, link)
f_puts(kv->key, &fp);
f_puts("=", &fp);
f_puts(kv->val, &fp);
f_puts("\n", &fp);
case INI_CAPTION: // Re-construct caption entry { }.
f_puts("{", &fp);
f_puts(ini_sec->name, &fp);
f_puts("}\n", &fp);
case INI_NEWLINE: // Re-construct cosmetic newline \n.
f_puts("\n", &fp);
case INI_COMMENT: // Re-construct comment entry #.
f_puts("#", &fp);
f_puts(ini_sec->name, &fp);
f_puts("\n", &fp);
return 0;
int create_nyx_config_entry()
if (!sd_mount())
return 1;
char lbuf[32];
FIL fp;
// Make sure that bootloader folder exists.
if (f_open(&fp, "bootloader/nyx.ini", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS) != FR_OK)
return 1;
// Add config entry.
f_puts("[config]\nthemecolor=", &fp);
itoa(n_cfg.themecolor, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\ntimeoff=", &fp);
itoa(n_cfg.timeoff, lbuf, 16);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\nhomescreen=", &fp);
itoa(n_cfg.home_screen, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\nverification=", &fp);
itoa(n_cfg.verification, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\numsemmcrw=", &fp);
itoa(n_cfg.ums_emmc_rw, lbuf, 10);
f_puts(lbuf, &fp);
f_puts("\n", &fp);
return 0;