/* * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string.h> #include "hos.h" #include "sept.h" #include "../config.h" #include <gfx/di.h> #include <ianos/ianos.h> #include <libs/fatfs/ff.h> #include <mem/heap.h> #include <soc/hw_init.h> #include <soc/pmc.h> #include <soc/t210.h> #include "../storage/nx_emmc.h" #include <storage/nx_sd.h> #include <storage/sdmmc.h> #include <utils/btn.h> #include <utils/types.h> #include <utils/util.h> #include <gfx_utils.h> #define RELOC_META_OFF 0x7C #define PATCHED_RELOC_SZ 0x94 #define WB_RST_ADDR 0x40010ED0 #define WB_RST_SIZE 0x30 u8 warmboot_reboot[] = { 0x14, 0x00, 0x9F, 0xE5, // LDR R0, =0x7000E450 0x01, 0x10, 0xB0, 0xE3, // MOVS R1, #1 0x00, 0x10, 0x80, 0xE5, // STR R1, [R0] 0x0C, 0x00, 0x9F, 0xE5, // LDR R0, =0x7000E400 0x10, 0x10, 0xB0, 0xE3, // MOVS R1, #0x10 0x00, 0x10, 0x80, 0xE5, // STR R1, [R0] 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xEA, // LOOP 0x50, 0xE4, 0x00, 0x70, // #0x7000E450 0x00, 0xE4, 0x00, 0x70 // #0x7000E400 }; #define SEPT_PRI_ADDR 0x4003F000 #define SEPT_PK1T_ADDR 0xC0400000 #define SEPT_TCSZ_ADDR (SEPT_PK1T_ADDR - 0x4) #define SEPT_STG1_ADDR (SEPT_PK1T_ADDR + 0x2E100) #define SEPT_STG2_ADDR (SEPT_PK1T_ADDR + 0x60E0) #define SEPT_PKG_SZ (0x2F100 + WB_RST_SIZE) extern volatile boot_cfg_t *b_cfg; extern hekate_config h_cfg; extern volatile nyx_storage_t *nyx_str; extern bool is_ipl_updated(void *buf); extern void reloc_patcher(u32 payload_dst, u32 payload_src, u32 payload_size); void check_sept() { hos_eks_get(); // Check if non-hekate payload is used for sept and restore it. if (h_cfg.sept_run) { if (!f_stat("sept/payload.bak", NULL)) { f_unlink("sept/payload.bin"); f_rename("sept/payload.bak", "sept/payload.bin"); } return; } u8 *pkg1 = (u8 *)calloc(1, 0x40000); sdmmc_storage_t storage; sdmmc_t sdmmc; if (!sdmmc_storage_init_mmc(&storage, &sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8, SDHCI_TIMING_MMC_HS400)) { EPRINTF("Failed to init eMMC."); goto out_free; } sdmmc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&storage, EMMC_BOOT0); // Read package1. char *build_date = malloc(32); sdmmc_storage_read(&storage, 0x100000 / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, 0x40000 / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, pkg1); const pkg1_id_t *pkg1_id = pkg1_identify(pkg1, build_date); free(build_date); if (!pkg1_id) { EPRINTF("Unknown pkg1 version."); goto out_free; } if (pkg1_id->kb >= KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_700 && !h_cfg.sept_run) { u32 key_idx = 0; if (pkg1_id->kb >= KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_810) key_idx = 1; if (h_cfg.eks && h_cfg.eks->enabled[key_idx] >= pkg1_id->kb) { h_cfg.sept_run = true; goto out_free; } sdmmc_storage_end(&storage); reboot_to_sept((u8 *)pkg1 + pkg1_id->tsec_off, pkg1_id->kb); } out_free: free(pkg1); sdmmc_storage_end(&storage); } int reboot_to_sept(const u8 *tsec_fw, u32 kb) { FIL fp; // Copy warmboot reboot code and TSEC fw. u32 tsec_fw_size = 0x3000; if (kb > KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_700) tsec_fw_size = 0x3300; memcpy((u8 *)(SEPT_PK1T_ADDR - WB_RST_SIZE), (u8 *)warmboot_reboot, sizeof(warmboot_reboot)); memcpy((void *)SEPT_PK1T_ADDR, tsec_fw, tsec_fw_size); *(vu32 *)SEPT_TCSZ_ADDR = tsec_fw_size; // Copy sept-primary. if (f_open(&fp, "sept/sept-primary.bin", FA_READ)) goto error; if (f_read(&fp, (u8 *)SEPT_STG1_ADDR, f_size(&fp), NULL)) { f_close(&fp); goto error; } f_close(&fp); // Copy sept-secondary. if (kb < KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_810) { if (f_open(&fp, "sept/sept-secondary_00.enc", FA_READ)) goto error; } else { if (f_open(&fp, "sept/sept-secondary_01.enc", FA_READ)) goto error; } if (f_read(&fp, (u8 *)SEPT_STG2_ADDR, f_size(&fp), NULL)) { f_close(&fp); goto error; } f_close(&fp); b_cfg->boot_cfg |= (BOOT_CFG_AUTOBOOT_EN | BOOT_CFG_SEPT_RUN); bool update_sept_payload = true; if (!f_open(&fp, "sept/payload.bin", FA_READ | FA_WRITE)) { ipl_ver_meta_t tmp_ver; ipl_ver_meta_t heka_ver; f_lseek(&fp, PATCHED_RELOC_SZ + sizeof(boot_cfg_t)); f_read(&fp, &tmp_ver, sizeof(ipl_ver_meta_t), NULL); memcpy(&heka_ver, (u8 *)nyx_str->hekate + 0x118, sizeof(ipl_ver_meta_t)); if (tmp_ver.magic == heka_ver.magic) { if (tmp_ver.version == heka_ver.version) { // Save auto boot config to sept payload, if any. boot_cfg_t *tmp_cfg = malloc(sizeof(boot_cfg_t)); memcpy(tmp_cfg, (boot_cfg_t *)b_cfg, sizeof(boot_cfg_t)); f_lseek(&fp, PATCHED_RELOC_SZ); f_write(&fp, tmp_cfg, sizeof(boot_cfg_t), NULL); update_sept_payload = false; } f_close(&fp); } else { f_close(&fp); f_rename("sept/payload.bin", "sept/payload.bak"); // Backup foreign payload. } } if (update_sept_payload) { volatile reloc_meta_t *reloc = (reloc_meta_t *)(nyx_str->hekate + RELOC_META_OFF); f_mkdir("sept"); f_open(&fp, "sept/payload.bin", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS); f_write(&fp, (u8 *)nyx_str->hekate, reloc->end - reloc->start, NULL); f_close(&fp); } sd_end(); u32 pk1t_sept = SEPT_PK1T_ADDR - (ALIGN(PATCHED_RELOC_SZ, 0x10) + WB_RST_SIZE); void (*sept)() = (void *)pk1t_sept; reloc_patcher(WB_RST_ADDR, pk1t_sept, SEPT_PKG_SZ); // Patch SDRAM init to perform an SVC immediately after second write. PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH45) = 0x2E38DFFF; PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH46) = 0x6001DC28; // Set SVC handler to jump to sept-primary in IRAM. PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH33) = SEPT_PRI_ADDR; PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH40) = 0x6000F208; reconfig_hw_workaround(false, 0); (*sept)(); error: return 0; }