/* * Touch driver for Nintendo Switch's STMicroelectronics FingerTip touch controller * * Copyright (c) 2018 langerhans * Copyright (c) 2018 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string.h> #include "../soc/clock.h" #include "../soc/i2c.h" #include "../soc/pinmux.h" #include "../power/max7762x.h" #include "../power/max77620.h" #include "../soc/gpio.h" #include "../soc/t210.h" #include "../utils/util.h" #include "touch.h" #include "../gfx/gfx.h" #define DPRINTF(...) gfx_printf(__VA_ARGS__) static int touch_command(u8 cmd) { int err = i2c_send_byte(I2C_3, STMFTS_I2C_ADDR, cmd, 0); if (!err) return 1; // TODO: Check for completion in event loop msleep(1); return 0; } static void _touch_process_contact_event(touch_event *event, bool touching) { event->x = (event->raw[2] << 4) | ((event->raw[4] & STMFTS_MASK_Y_LSB) >> 4); // Normally, GUI elements have bigger horizontal estate. // Avoid parsing y axis when finger is removed to minimize touch noise. if (touching) { event->y = (event->raw[3] << 4) | (event->raw[4] & STMFTS_MASK_X_MSB); event->z = event->raw[5]; event->fingers = ((event->raw[1] & STMFTS_MASK_TOUCH_ID) >> 4) + 1; } else event->fingers = 0; } static void _touch_parse_event(touch_event *event) { event->type = event->raw[1] & STMFTS_MASK_EVENT_ID; switch (event->type) { case STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_ENTER: case STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_MOTION: _touch_process_contact_event(event, true); if (event->z > 52) // Discard noisy hover touch. event->touch = true; else { event->touch = false; event->type = STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_LEAVE; } break; case STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_LEAVE: event->touch = false; _touch_process_contact_event(event, false); break; case STMFTS_EV_NO_EVENT: if (event->touch) event->type = STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_MOTION; break; default: if (event->touch && event->raw[0] == STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_MOTION) event->type = STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_MOTION; else event->type = STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_LEAVE; } // gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 300); // DPRINTF("x = %d \ny = %d \nz: %d \n", event->x, event->y, event->z); // DPRINTF("0 = %02X\n1 = %02x\n2 = %02x\n3 = %02x\n", event->raw[0], event->raw[1], event->raw[2], event->raw[3]); // DPRINTF("4 = %02X\n5 = %02x\n6 = %02x\n7 = %02x\n", event->raw[4], event->raw[5], event->raw[6], event->raw[7]); } void touch_poll(touch_event *event) { i2c_recv_buf_small(event->raw, 8, I2C_3, STMFTS_I2C_ADDR, STMFTS_LATEST_EVENT); _touch_parse_event(event); } touch_event touch_poll_wait() { touch_event event; do { touch_poll(&event); } while (event.type != STMFTS_EV_MULTI_TOUCH_LEAVE); return event; } touch_info touch_get_info() { touch_info info; u8 buf[8]; memset(&buf, 0, 8); i2c_recv_buf_small(buf, 8, I2C_3, STMFTS_I2C_ADDR, STMFTS_READ_INFO); info.chip_id = buf[0] << 8 | buf[1]; info.fw_ver = buf[2] << 8 | buf[3]; info.config_id = buf[4]; info.config_ver = buf[5]; //DPRINTF("ID: %04X, FW Ver: %d.%02d\nCfg ID: %02x, Cfg Ver: %d\n", // info.chip_id, info.fw_ver >> 8, info.fw_ver & 0xFF, info.config_id, info.config_ver); return info; } int touch_power_on() { // Configure touchscreen GPIO. PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_DAP4_SCLK) = PINMUX_PULL_DOWN | 3; gpio_config(GPIO_PORT_J, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_MODE_GPIO); gpio_output_enable(GPIO_PORT_J, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE); gpio_write(GPIO_PORT_J, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_HIGH); // IRQ and more. // PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_TOUCH_INT) = PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_TRISTATE | PINMUX_PULL_UP | 3; // gpio_config(GPIO_PORT_X, GPIO_PIN_1, GPIO_MODE_GPIO); // gpio_write(GPIO_PORT_X, GPIO_PIN_1, GPIO_LOW); // Configure Touscreen and GCAsic shared GPIO. PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_CAM_I2C_SDA) = PINMUX_TRISTATE | PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PULL_UP | 3; PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_CAM_I2C_SCL) = PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | 1; gpio_config(GPIO_PORT_S, GPIO_PIN_3, GPIO_MODE_GPIO); // Initialize I2C3. pinmux_config_i2c(I2C_3); clock_enable_i2c(I2C_3); i2c_init(I2C_3); // Enables LDO6 for touchscreen VDD/AVDD supply max77620_regulator_set_volt_and_flags(REGULATOR_LDO6, 2900000, MAX77620_POWER_MODE_NORMAL); i2c_send_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, MAX77620_REG_LDO6_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_ADE_ENABLE | (3 << 3) | (MAX77620_POWER_MODE_NORMAL << MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT)); msleep(20); // Initialize touchscreen module. if (touch_command(STMFTS_SYSTEM_RESET)) return 0; if (touch_command(STMFTS_SLEEP_OUT)) return 0; if (touch_command(STMFTS_MS_CX_TUNING)) return 0; if (touch_command(STMFTS_SS_CX_TUNING)) return 0; if (touch_command(STMFTS_FULL_FORCE_CALIBRATION)) return 0; if (touch_command(STMFTS_MS_MT_SENSE_ON)) return 0; if (touch_command(STMFTS_SS_HOVER_SENSE_OFF)) return 0; return 1; } void touch_power_off() { touch_command(STMFTS_SLEEP_IN); // Disable touchscreen power. gpio_write(GPIO_PORT_J, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_LOW); // Disables LDO6 for touchscreen VDD, AVDD supply max77620_regulator_enable(REGULATOR_LDO6, 0); i2c_send_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, MAX77620_REG_LDO6_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_ADE_ENABLE | (2 << 3) | (MAX77620_POWER_MODE_NORMAL << MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT)); clock_disable_i2c(I2C_3); }