/* * BPMP-Lite IRQ driver for Tegra X1 * * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef IRQ_H #define IRQ_H #include "../utils/types.h" #define IRQ_MAX_HANDLERS 16 /* Primary interrupt controller ids */ #define IRQ_TMR1 0 #define IRQ_TMR2 1 #define IRQ_RTC 2 #define IRQ_CEC 3 #define IRQ_SHR_SEM_INBOX_FULL 4 #define IRQ_SHR_SEM_INBOX_EMPTY 5 #define IRQ_SHR_SEM_OUTBOX_FULL 6 #define IRQ_SHR_SEM_OUTBOX_EMPTY 7 #define IRQ_NVJPEG 8 #define IRQ_NVDEC 9 #define IRQ_QUAD_SPI 10 #define IRQ_DPAUX_INT1 11 #define IRQ_SATA_RX_STAT 13 #define IRQ_SDMMC1 14 #define IRQ_SDMMC2 15 #define IRQ_VGPIO_INT 16 #define IRQ_VII2C_INT 17 #define IRQ_SDMMC3 19 #define IRQ_USB 20 #define IRQ_USB2 21 #define IRQ_SATA_CTL 23 #define IRQ_PMC_INT 24 #define IRQ_FC_INT 25 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CPU 26 #define IRQ_ARB_SEM_GNT_COP 28 #define IRQ_ARB_SEM_GNT_CPU 29 #define IRQ_SDMMC4 31 /* Secondary interrupt controller ids */ #define IRQ_GPIO1 32 #define IRQ_GPIO2 33 #define IRQ_GPIO3 34 #define IRQ_GPIO4 35 #define IRQ_UARTA 36 #define IRQ_UARTB 37 #define IRQ_I2C 38 #define IRQ_USB3_HOST_INT 39 #define IRQ_USB3_HOST_SMI 40 #define IRQ_TMR3 41 #define IRQ_TMR4 42 #define IRQ_USB3_HOST_PME 43 #define IRQ_USB3_DEV_HOST 44 #define IRQ_ACTMON 45 #define IRQ_UARTC 46 #define IRQ_THERMAL 48 #define IRQ_XUSB_PADCTL 49 #define IRQ_TSEC 50 #define IRQ_EDP 51 #define IRQ_I2C5 53 #define IRQ_GPIO5 55 #define IRQ_USB3_DEV_SMI 56 #define IRQ_USB3_DEV_PME 57 #define IRQ_SE 58 #define IRQ_SPI1 59 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_COP 60 #define IRQ_CLDVFS 62 #define IRQ_I2C6 63 /* Tertiary interrupt controller ids */ #define IRQ_HOST1X_SYNCPT_COP 64 #define IRQ_HOST1X_SYNCPT_CPU 65 #define IRQ_HOST1X_GEN_COP 66 #define IRQ_HOST1X_GEN_CPU 67 #define IRQ_NVENC 68 #define IRQ_VI 69 #define IRQ_ISPB 70 #define IRQ_ISP 71 #define IRQ_VIC 72 #define IRQ_DISPLAY 73 #define IRQ_DISPLAYB 74 #define IRQ_SOR1 75 #define IRQ_SOR 76 #define IRQ_MC 77 #define IRQ_EMC 78 #define IRQ_TSECB 80 #define IRQ_HDA 81 #define IRQ_SPI2 82 #define IRQ_SPI3 83 #define IRQ_I2C2 84 #define IRQ_PMU_EXT 86 #define IRQ_GPIO6 87 #define IRQ_GPIO7 89 #define IRQ_UARTD 90 #define IRQ_I2C3 92 #define IRQ_SPI4 93 /* Quaternary interrupt controller ids */ #define IRQ_DTV 96 #define IRQ_PCIE_INT 98 #define IRQ_PCIE_MSI 99 #define IRQ_AVP_CACHE 101 #define IRQ_APE_INT1 102 #define IRQ_APE_INT0 103 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH0 104 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH1 105 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH2 106 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH3 107 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH4 108 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH5 109 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH6 110 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH7 111 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH8 112 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH9 113 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH10 114 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH11 115 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH12 116 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH13 117 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH14 118 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH15 119 #define IRQ_I2C4 120 #define IRQ_TMR5 121 #define IRQ_WDT_CPU 123 #define IRQ_WDT_AVP 124 #define IRQ_GPIO8 125 #define IRQ_CAR 126 /* Quinary interrupt controller ids */ #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH16 128 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH17 129 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH18 130 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH19 131 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH20 132 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH21 133 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH22 134 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH23 135 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH24 136 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH25 137 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH26 138 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH27 139 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH28 140 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH29 141 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH30 142 #define IRQ_APB_DMA_CH31 143 #define IRQ_CPU0_PMU_INTR 144 #define IRQ_CPU1_PMU_INTR 145 #define IRQ_CPU2_PMU_INTR 146 #define IRQ_CPU3_PMU_INTR 147 #define IRQ_SDMMC1_SYS 148 #define IRQ_SDMMC2_SYS 149 #define IRQ_SDMMC3_SYS 150 #define IRQ_SDMMC4_SYS 151 #define IRQ_TMR6 152 #define IRQ_TMR7 153 #define IRQ_TMR8 154 #define IRQ_TMR9 155 #define IRQ_TMR0 156 #define IRQ_GPU_STALL 157 #define IRQ_GPU_NONSTALL 158 #define IRQ_DPAUX 159 /* Senary interrupt controller ids */ #define IRQ_MPCORE_AXIERRIRQ 160 #define IRQ_MPCORE_INTERRIRQ 161 #define IRQ_EVENT_GPIO_A 162 #define IRQ_EVENT_GPIO_B 163 #define IRQ_EVENT_GPIO_C 164 #define IRQ_FLOW_RSM_CPU 168 #define IRQ_FLOW_RSM_COP 169 #define IRQ_TMR_SHARED 170 #define IRQ_MPCORE_CTIIRQ0 171 #define IRQ_MPCORE_CTIIRQ1 172 #define IRQ_MPCORE_CTIIRQ2 173 #define IRQ_MPCORE_CTIIRQ3 174 #define IRQ_MSELECT_ERROR 175 #define IRQ_TMR10 176 #define IRQ_TMR11 177 #define IRQ_TMR12 178 #define IRQ_TMR13 179 typedef int (*irq_handler_t)(u32 irq, void *data); typedef enum _irq_status_t { IRQ_NONE = 0, IRQ_HANDLED = 1, IRQ_ERROR = 2, IRQ_ENABLED = 0, IRQ_NO_SLOTS_AVAILABLE = 1, IRQ_ALREADY_REGISTERED = 2 } irq_status_t; typedef enum _irq_flags_t { IRQ_FLAG_NONE = 0, IRQ_FLAG_ONE_OFF = (1 << 0), IRQ_FLAG_REPLACEABLE = (1 << 1) } irq_flags_t; void irq_end(); void irq_free(u32 irq); void irq_wait_event(); void irq_disable_wait_event(); irq_status_t irq_request(u32 irq, irq_handler_t handler, void *data, irq_flags_t flags); #endif