 * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
 * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *@file lv_themes.h

#ifndef LV_THEMES_H
#define LV_THEMES_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "lv_conf.h"
#include "../../lv_conf.h"

#include "../lv_core/lv_style.h"



typedef struct {
    lv_style_t *bg;
    lv_style_t *panel;

#if USE_LV_CONT != 0
    lv_style_t *cont;

#if USE_LV_BTN != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *rel;
        lv_style_t *pr;
        lv_style_t *tgl_rel;
        lv_style_t *tgl_pr;
        lv_style_t *ina;
    } btn;

#if USE_LV_IMGBTN != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *rel;
        lv_style_t *pr;
        lv_style_t *tgl_rel;
        lv_style_t *tgl_pr;
        lv_style_t *ina;
    } imgbtn;

#if USE_LV_LABEL != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *prim;
        lv_style_t *sec;
        lv_style_t *hint;
    } label;

#if USE_LV_IMG != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *light;
        lv_style_t *dark;
    } img;

#if USE_LV_LINE != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *decor;
    } line;

#if USE_LV_LED != 0
    lv_style_t *led;

#if USE_LV_BAR != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *indic;
    } bar;

#if USE_LV_SLIDER != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *indic;
        lv_style_t *knob;
    } slider;

#if USE_LV_LMETER != 0
    lv_style_t *lmeter;

#if USE_LV_GAUGE != 0
    lv_style_t *gauge;

#if USE_LV_ARC != 0
    lv_style_t *arc;

    lv_style_t *preload;

#if USE_LV_SW != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *indic;
        lv_style_t *knob_off;
        lv_style_t *knob_on;
    } sw;

#if USE_LV_CHART != 0
    lv_style_t *chart;

    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *header;
        lv_style_t *header_pr;
        lv_style_t *day_names;
        lv_style_t *highlighted_days;
        lv_style_t *inactive_days;
        lv_style_t *week_box;
        lv_style_t *today_box;
    } calendar;

#if USE_LV_CB != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        struct {
            lv_style_t *rel;
            lv_style_t *pr;
            lv_style_t *tgl_rel;
            lv_style_t *tgl_pr;
            lv_style_t *ina;
        } box;
    } cb;

#if USE_LV_BTNM != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        struct {
            lv_style_t *rel;
            lv_style_t *pr;
            lv_style_t *tgl_rel;
            lv_style_t *tgl_pr;
            lv_style_t *ina;
        } btn;
    } btnm;

#if USE_LV_KB != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        struct {
            lv_style_t *rel;
            lv_style_t *pr;
            lv_style_t *tgl_rel;
            lv_style_t *tgl_pr;
            lv_style_t *ina;
        } btn;
    } kb;

#if USE_LV_MBOX != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        struct {
            lv_style_t *bg;
            lv_style_t *rel;
            lv_style_t *pr;
        } btn;
    } mbox;

#if USE_LV_PAGE != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *scrl;
        lv_style_t *sb;
    } page;

#if USE_LV_TA != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *area;
        lv_style_t *oneline;
        lv_style_t *cursor;
        lv_style_t *sb;
    } ta;

    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *cursor;
        lv_style_t *sb;
    } spinbox;

    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *scrl;
        lv_style_t *sb;
        struct {
            lv_style_t *rel;
            lv_style_t *pr;
            lv_style_t *tgl_rel;
            lv_style_t *tgl_pr;
            lv_style_t *ina;
        } btn;
    } list;

#if USE_LV_DDLIST != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
		lv_style_t *bgo;
		lv_style_t *pr;
        lv_style_t *sel;
        lv_style_t *sb;
    } ddlist;

#if USE_LV_ROLLER != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *sel;
    } roller;

    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *indic;
        struct {
            lv_style_t *bg;
            lv_style_t *rel;
            lv_style_t *pr;
            lv_style_t *tgl_rel;
            lv_style_t *tgl_pr;
        } btn;
    } tabview;

    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *scrl;
        lv_style_t *sb;
    } tileview;

#if USE_LV_TABLE != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *cell;
    } table;

#if USE_LV_WIN != 0
    struct {
        lv_style_t *bg;
        lv_style_t *sb;
        lv_style_t *header;
        struct {
            lv_style_t *bg;
            lv_style_t *scrl;
        } content;
        struct {
            lv_style_t *rel;
            lv_style_t *pr;
        } btn;
    } win;
} lv_theme_t;


 * Set a theme for the system.
 * From now, all the created objects will use styles from this theme by default
 * @param th pointer to theme (return value of: 'lv_theme_init_xxx()')
void lv_theme_set_current(lv_theme_t *th);

 * Get the current system theme.
 * @return pointer to the current system theme. NULL if not set.
lv_theme_t * lv_theme_get_current(void);

 *    MACROS

#include "lv_theme_hekate.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

#endif /*LV_THEMES_H*/