/* * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** * @file lv_list.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "lv_list.h" #if USE_LV_LIST != 0 #include "../lv_core/lv_group.h" #include "../lv_themes/lv_theme.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_anim.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_math.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define LV_LIST_LAYOUT_DEF LV_LAYOUT_COL_M #if USE_LV_ANIMATION # ifndef LV_LIST_FOCUS_TIME # define LV_LIST_FOCUS_TIME 100 /*Animation time of focusing to the a list element [ms] (0: no animation) */ # endif #else # undef LV_LIST_FOCUS_TIME # define LV_LIST_FOCUS_TIME 0 /*No animations*/ #endif /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static lv_res_t lv_list_signal(lv_obj_t * list, lv_signal_t sign, void * param); static lv_res_t lv_list_btn_signal(lv_obj_t * btn, lv_signal_t sign, void * param); static void refr_btn_width(lv_obj_t * list); static void lv_list_btn_single_selected(lv_obj_t *btn); static bool lv_list_is_list_btn(lv_obj_t * list_btn); static bool lv_list_is_list_img(lv_obj_t * list_btn); static bool lv_list_is_list_label(lv_obj_t * list_btn); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ #if USE_LV_IMG static lv_signal_func_t img_signal; #endif static lv_signal_func_t label_signal; static lv_signal_func_t ancestor_page_signal; static lv_signal_func_t ancestor_btn_signal; #if USE_LV_GROUP /*Used to make the last clicked button pressed (selected) when the list become focused and `click_focus == 1`*/ static lv_obj_t * last_clicked_btn; #endif /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Create a list objects * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new list * @param copy pointer to a list object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it * @return pointer to the created list */ lv_obj_t * lv_list_create(lv_obj_t * par, const lv_obj_t * copy) { LV_LOG_TRACE("list create started"); /*Create the ancestor basic object*/ lv_obj_t * new_list = lv_page_create(par, copy); lv_mem_assert(new_list); if(new_list == NULL) return NULL; if(ancestor_page_signal == NULL) ancestor_page_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(new_list); lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_allocate_ext_attr(new_list, sizeof(lv_list_ext_t)); lv_mem_assert(ext); if(ext == NULL) return NULL; // Important! static lv_style_t img_btn_color; lv_style_copy( &img_btn_color, &lv_style_plain); img_btn_color.image.color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xDDDDDD); img_btn_color.image.intense = LV_OPA_50; ext->style_img = &img_btn_color; ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = &lv_style_btn_rel; ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = &lv_style_btn_pr; ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL] = &lv_style_btn_tgl_rel; ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR] = &lv_style_btn_tgl_pr; ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_INA] = &lv_style_btn_ina; ext->anim_time = LV_LIST_FOCUS_TIME; ext->single_mode = false; ext->size = 0; #if USE_LV_GROUP ext->last_sel = NULL; ext->selected_btn = NULL; #endif lv_obj_set_signal_func(new_list, lv_list_signal); /*Init the new list object*/ if(copy == NULL) { lv_obj_set_size(new_list, 2 * LV_DPI, 3 * LV_DPI); lv_page_set_scrl_layout(new_list, LV_LIST_LAYOUT_DEF); lv_list_set_sb_mode(new_list, LV_SB_MODE_DRAG); /*Set the default styles*/ lv_theme_t * th = lv_theme_get_current(); if(th) { lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BG, th->list.bg); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_SCRL, th->list.scrl); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_SB, th->list.sb); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_REL, th->list.btn.rel); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_PR, th->list.btn.pr); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_REL, th->list.btn.tgl_rel); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_PR, th->list.btn.tgl_pr); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_INA, th->list.btn.ina); } else { lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BG, &lv_style_transp_fit); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_SCRL, &lv_style_pretty); } } else { lv_list_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(copy); lv_obj_t * copy_btn = lv_list_get_next_btn(copy, NULL); while(copy_btn) { const void * img_src = NULL; #if USE_LV_IMG lv_obj_t * copy_img = lv_list_get_btn_img(copy_btn); if(copy_img) img_src = lv_img_get_src(copy_img); #endif lv_list_add(new_list, img_src, lv_list_get_btn_text(copy_btn), lv_btn_get_action(copy_btn, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK)); copy_btn = lv_list_get_next_btn(copy, copy_btn); } lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_REL, copy_ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_REL]); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_PR, copy_ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_PR]); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_REL, copy_ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL]); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_PR, copy_ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL]); lv_list_set_style(new_list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_INA, copy_ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_INA]); /*Refresh the style with new signal function*/ lv_obj_refresh_style(new_list); } LV_LOG_INFO("list created"); return new_list; } /** * Delete all children of the scrl object, without deleting scrl child. * @param obj pointer to an object */ void lv_list_clean(lv_obj_t * obj) { lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(obj); lv_obj_clean(scrl); lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(obj); ext->size = 0; } /*====================== * Add/remove functions *=====================*/ /** * Add a list element to the list * @param list pointer to list object * @param img_fn file name of an image before the text (NULL if unused) * @param txt text of the list element (NULL if unused) * @param rel_action pointer to release action function (like with lv_btn) * @return pointer to the new list element which can be customized (a button) */ lv_obj_t * lv_list_add(lv_obj_t * list, const void * img_src, const char * txt, lv_action_t rel_action) { lv_style_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(list); lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); ext->size ++; /*Create a list element with the image an the text*/ lv_obj_t * liste; liste = lv_btn_create(list, NULL); /*Save the original signal function because it will be required in `lv_list_btn_signal`*/ if(ancestor_btn_signal == NULL) ancestor_btn_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(liste); /*Set the default styles*/ lv_btn_set_style(liste, LV_BTN_STYLE_REL, ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_REL]); lv_btn_set_style(liste, LV_BTN_STYLE_PR, ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_PR]); lv_btn_set_style(liste, LV_BTN_STYLE_TGL_REL, ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL]); lv_btn_set_style(liste, LV_BTN_STYLE_TGL_PR, ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR]); lv_btn_set_style(liste, LV_BTN_STYLE_INA, ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_INA]); lv_btn_set_action(liste, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, rel_action); lv_page_glue_obj(liste, true); lv_btn_set_layout(liste, LV_LAYOUT_ROW_M); lv_btn_set_fit(liste, false, true); lv_obj_set_protect(liste, LV_PROTECT_PRESS_LOST); lv_obj_set_signal_func(liste, lv_list_btn_signal); /*Make the size adjustment*/ lv_coord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(list); lv_style_t * style_scrl = lv_obj_get_style(lv_page_get_scrl(list)); lv_coord_t pad_hor_tot = style->body.padding.hor + style_scrl->body.padding.hor; w -= pad_hor_tot * 2; lv_obj_set_width(liste, w); #if USE_LV_IMG != 0 lv_obj_t * img = NULL; if(img_src) { img = lv_img_create(liste, NULL); lv_img_set_src(img, img_src); lv_obj_set_style(img, ext->style_img); lv_obj_set_click(img, false); if(img_signal == NULL) img_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(img); } #endif if(txt != NULL) { lv_coord_t btn_hor_pad = ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STYLE_REL]->body.padding.hor; lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(liste, NULL); lv_label_set_text(label, txt); lv_obj_set_click(label, false); lv_label_set_long_mode(label, LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL); lv_obj_set_width(label, liste->coords.x2 - label->coords.x1 - btn_hor_pad); if(label_signal == NULL) label_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(label); } #if USE_LV_GROUP /* If this is the first item to be added to the list and the list is * focussed, select it */ { lv_group_t *g = lv_obj_get_group(list); if(ext->size == 1 && lv_group_get_focused(g) == list) { lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, liste); } } #endif return liste; } /** * Remove the index of the button in the list * @param list pointer to a list object * @param index pointer to a the button's index in the list, index must be 0 <= index < lv_list_ext_t.size * @return true: successfully deleted */ bool lv_list_remove(const lv_obj_t * list, uint32_t index) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); if(index >= ext->size) return false; uint32_t count = 0; lv_obj_t * e = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, NULL); while(e != NULL) { if(count == index) { lv_obj_del(e); ext->size --; return true; } e = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, e); count ++; } return false; } /*===================== * Setter functions *====================*/ /** * Set single button selected mode, only one button will be selected if enabled. * @param list pointer to the currently pressed list object * @param mode, enable(true)/disable(false) single selected mode. */ void lv_list_set_single_mode(lv_obj_t *list, bool mode) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); ext->single_mode = mode; } #if USE_LV_GROUP /** * Make a button selected * @param list pointer to a list object * @param btn pointer to a button to selectthe */ void lv_list_set_btn_selected(lv_obj_t * list, lv_obj_t * btn) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); if(ext->selected_btn) { lv_btn_state_t s = lv_btn_get_state(ext->selected_btn); if(s == LV_BTN_STATE_PR) lv_btn_set_state(ext->selected_btn, LV_BTN_STATE_REL); else if(s == LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR) lv_btn_set_state(ext->selected_btn, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL); } ext->selected_btn = btn; if( btn != NULL ) { ext->last_sel = btn; } if(ext->selected_btn) { lv_btn_state_t s = lv_btn_get_state(ext->selected_btn); if(s == LV_BTN_STATE_REL) lv_btn_set_state(ext->selected_btn, LV_BTN_STATE_PR); else if(s == LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL) lv_btn_set_state(ext->selected_btn, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR); lv_page_focus(list, ext->selected_btn, ext->anim_time); } } #endif /** * Set scroll animation duration on 'list_up()' 'list_down()' 'list_focus()' * @param list pointer to a list object * @param anim_time duration of animation [ms] */ void lv_list_set_anim_time(lv_obj_t * list, uint16_t anim_time) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); #if USE_LV_ANIMATION == 0 anim_time = 0; #endif if(ext->anim_time == anim_time) return; ext->anim_time = anim_time; } /** * Set a style of a list * @param list pointer to a list object * @param type which style should be set * @param style pointer to a style */ void lv_list_set_style(lv_obj_t * list, lv_list_style_t type, lv_style_t * style) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); lv_btn_style_t btn_style_refr = LV_BTN_STYLE_REL; lv_obj_t * btn; switch(type) { case LV_LIST_STYLE_BG: lv_page_set_style(list, LV_PAGE_STYLE_BG, style); /*style change signal will call 'refr_btn_width' */ break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_SCRL: lv_page_set_style(list, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SCRL, style); refr_btn_width(list); break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_SB: lv_page_set_style(list, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SB, style); break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_EDGE_FLASH: lv_page_set_style(list, LV_PAGE_STYLE_EDGE_FLASH, style); break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_REL: ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = style; btn_style_refr = LV_BTN_STYLE_REL; break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_PR: ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = style; btn_style_refr = LV_BTN_STYLE_PR; break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_REL: ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL] = style; btn_style_refr = LV_BTN_STYLE_TGL_REL; break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_PR: ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR] = style; btn_style_refr = LV_BTN_STYLE_TGL_PR; break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_INA: ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_INA] = style; btn_style_refr = LV_BTN_STYLE_INA; break; } /*Refresh existing buttons' style*/ if(type == LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_PR || type == LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_REL || type == LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_REL || type == LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_PR || type == LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_INA) { btn = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, NULL); while(btn != NULL) { lv_btn_set_style(btn, btn_style_refr, ext->styles_btn[btn_style_refr]); btn = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, btn); } } } /*===================== * Getter functions *====================*/ /** * Get single button selected mode. * @param list pointer to the currently pressed list object. */ bool lv_list_get_single_mode(lv_obj_t *list) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); return (ext->single_mode); } /** * Get the text of a list element * @param btn pointer to list element * @return pointer to the text */ const char * lv_list_get_btn_text(const lv_obj_t * btn) { lv_obj_t * label = lv_list_get_btn_label(btn); if(label == NULL) return ""; return lv_label_get_text(label); } /** * Get the label object from a list element * @param btn pointer to a list element (button) * @return pointer to the label from the list element or NULL if not found */ lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_btn_label(const lv_obj_t * btn) { lv_obj_t * label = lv_obj_get_child(btn, NULL); if(label == NULL) return NULL; while(lv_list_is_list_label(label) == false) { label = lv_obj_get_child(btn, label); if(label == NULL) break; } return label; } /** * Get the image object from a list element * @param btn pointer to a list element (button) * @return pointer to the image from the list element or NULL if not found */ lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_btn_img(const lv_obj_t * btn) { #if USE_LV_IMG != 0 lv_obj_t * img = lv_obj_get_child(btn, NULL); if(img == NULL) return NULL; while(lv_list_is_list_img(img) == false) { img = lv_obj_get_child(btn, img); if(img == NULL) break; } return img; #else return NULL; #endif } /** * Get the previous button from list. (Starts from the top button) * @param list pointer to a list object * @param prev_btn pointer to button. Search the previous before it. * @return pointer to the previous button or NULL when no more buttons */ lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_prev_btn(const lv_obj_t * list, lv_obj_t * prev_btn) { /* Not a good practice but user can add/create objects to the lists manually. * When getting the next button try to be sure that it is at least a button */ lv_obj_t * btn ; lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(list); btn = lv_obj_get_child(scrl, prev_btn); if(btn == NULL) return NULL; while(lv_list_is_list_btn(btn) == false) { btn = lv_obj_get_child(scrl, btn); if(btn == NULL) break; } return btn; } /** * Get the next button from list. (Starts from the bottom button) * @param list pointer to a list object * @param prev_btn pointer to button. Search the next after it. * @return pointer to the next button or NULL when no more buttons */ lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_next_btn(const lv_obj_t * list, lv_obj_t * prev_btn) { /* Not a good practice but user can add/create objects to the lists manually. * When getting the next button try to be sure that it is at least a button */ lv_obj_t * btn ; lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(list); btn = lv_obj_get_child_back(scrl, prev_btn); if(btn == NULL) return NULL; while(lv_list_is_list_btn(btn) == false) { btn = lv_obj_get_child_back(scrl, btn); if(btn == NULL) break; } return btn; } /** * Get the index of the button in the list * @param list pointer to a list object. If NULL, assumes btn is part of a list. * @param btn pointer to a list element (button) * @return the index of the button in the list, or -1 of the button not in this list */ int32_t lv_list_get_btn_index(const lv_obj_t * list, const lv_obj_t * btn) { int index = 0; if( list == NULL ){ /* no list provided, assuming btn is part of a list */ list = lv_obj_get_parent(lv_obj_get_parent(btn)); } lv_obj_t * e = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, NULL); while(e != NULL) { if(e == btn) { return index; } index ++; e = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, e); } return -1; } /** * Get the number of buttons in the list * @param list pointer to a list object * @return the number of buttons in the list */ uint32_t lv_list_get_size(const lv_obj_t * list) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); return ext->size; } #if USE_LV_GROUP /** * Get the currently selected button * @param list pointer to a list object * @return pointer to the selected button */ lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_btn_selected(const lv_obj_t * list) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); return ext->selected_btn; } #endif /** * Get scroll animation duration * @param list pointer to a list object * @return duration of animation [ms] */ uint16_t lv_list_get_anim_time(const lv_obj_t * list) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); return ext->anim_time; } /** * Get a style of a list * @param list pointer to a list object * @param type which style should be get * @return style pointer to a style * */ lv_style_t * lv_list_get_style(const lv_obj_t * list, lv_list_style_t type) { lv_style_t * style = NULL; lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); switch(type) { case LV_LIST_STYLE_BG: style = lv_page_get_style(list, LV_PAGE_STYLE_BG); break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_SCRL: style = lv_page_get_style(list, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SB); break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_SB: style = lv_page_get_style(list, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SCRL); break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_EDGE_FLASH: style = lv_page_get_style(list, LV_PAGE_STYLE_EDGE_FLASH); break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_REL: style = ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_REL]; break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_PR: style = ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_PR]; break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_REL: style = ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL]; break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_TGL_PR: style = ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR]; break; case LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_INA: style = ext->styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_INA]; break; default: style = NULL; break; } return style; } /*===================== * Other functions *====================*/ /** * Move the list elements up by one * @param list pointer a to list object */ void lv_list_up(const lv_obj_t * list) { /*Search the first list element which 'y' coordinate is below the parent * and position the list to show this element on the bottom*/ lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(list); lv_obj_t * e; lv_obj_t * e_prev = NULL; e = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, NULL); while(e != NULL) { if(e->coords.y2 <= list->coords.y2) { if(e_prev != NULL) { lv_coord_t new_y = lv_obj_get_height(list) - (lv_obj_get_y(e_prev) + lv_obj_get_height(e_prev)); lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); if(ext->anim_time == 0) { lv_obj_set_y(scrl, new_y); } else { #if USE_LV_ANIMATION lv_anim_t a; a.var = scrl; a.start = lv_obj_get_y(scrl); a.end = new_y; a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)lv_obj_set_y; a.path = lv_anim_path_linear; a.end_cb = NULL; a.act_time = 0; a.time = LV_LIST_FOCUS_TIME; a.playback = 0; a.playback_pause = 0; a.repeat = 0; a.repeat_pause = 0; lv_anim_create(&a); #endif } } break; } e_prev = e; e = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, e); } } /** * Move the list elements down by one * @param list pointer to a list object */ void lv_list_down(const lv_obj_t * list) { /*Search the first list element which 'y' coordinate is above the parent * and position the list to show this element on the top*/ lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(list); lv_obj_t * e; e = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, NULL); while(e != NULL) { if(e->coords.y1 < list->coords.y1) { lv_coord_t new_y = -lv_obj_get_y(e); lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); if(ext->anim_time == 0) { lv_obj_set_y(scrl, new_y); } else { #if USE_LV_ANIMATION lv_anim_t a; a.var = scrl; a.start = lv_obj_get_y(scrl); a.end = new_y; a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)lv_obj_set_y; a.path = lv_anim_path_linear; a.end_cb = NULL; a.act_time = 0; a.time = LV_LIST_FOCUS_TIME; a.playback = 0; a.playback_pause = 0; a.repeat = 0; a.repeat_pause = 0; lv_anim_create(&a); #endif } break; } e = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, e); } } /** * Focus on a list button. It ensures that the button will be visible on the list. * @param btn pointer to a list button to focus * @param anim_en true: scroll with animation, false: without animation */ void lv_list_focus(const lv_obj_t * btn, bool anim_en) { #if USE_LV_ANIMATION == 0 anim_en = false; #endif lv_obj_t * list = lv_obj_get_parent(lv_obj_get_parent(btn)); lv_page_focus(list, btn, anim_en == false ? 0 : lv_list_get_anim_time(list)); } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Signal function of the list * @param list pointer to a list object * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted */ static lv_res_t lv_list_signal(lv_obj_t * list, lv_signal_t sign, void * param) { lv_res_t res; /* Include the ancient signal function */ res = ancestor_page_signal(list, sign, param); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CORD_CHG) { /*Be sure the width of the buttons are correct*/ lv_coord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(list); if(w != lv_area_get_width(param)) { /*Width changed*/ refr_btn_width(list); } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_STYLE_CHG) { /*Because of the possible change of horizontal and vertical padding refresh buttons width */ refr_btn_width(list); } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_FOCUS) { #if USE_LV_GROUP lv_hal_indev_type_t indev_type = lv_indev_get_type(lv_indev_get_act()); /*With ENCODER select the first button only in edit mode*/ if(indev_type == LV_INDEV_TYPE_ENCODER) { lv_group_t * g = lv_obj_get_group(list); if(lv_group_get_editing(g)) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); if(ext->last_sel) { /* Select the last used button */ lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, ext->last_sel); } else { /*Get the first button and mark it as selected*/ lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, lv_list_get_next_btn(list, NULL)); } } else { lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, NULL); } } /*Else select the clicked button*/ else { /*Mark the last clicked button (if any) as selected because it triggered the focus*/ if(last_clicked_btn) { lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, last_clicked_btn); } else { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); if(ext->last_sel) { /* Select the last used button */ lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, ext->last_sel); } else { /*Get the first button and mark it as selected*/ lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, lv_list_get_next_btn(list, NULL)); } } } #endif } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_DEFOCUS) { #if USE_LV_GROUP /*De-select the selected btn*/ lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, NULL); last_clicked_btn = NULL; /*button click will be set if click happens before focus*/ lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); ext->selected_btn = NULL; #endif } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_GET_EDITABLE) { bool * editable = (bool *)param; *editable = true; } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CONTROLL) { #if USE_LV_GROUP char c = *((char *)param); if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_RIGHT || c == LV_GROUP_KEY_DOWN) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); /*If there is a valid selected button the make the previous selected*/ if(ext->selected_btn) { lv_obj_t * btn_prev = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, ext->selected_btn); if(btn_prev) lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, btn_prev); } /*If there is no selected button the make the first selected*/ else { lv_obj_t * btn = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, NULL); if(btn) lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, btn); /*If there are no buttons on the list then there is no first button*/ } } else if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_LEFT || c == LV_GROUP_KEY_UP) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); /*If there is a valid selected button the make the next selected*/ if(ext->selected_btn != NULL) { lv_obj_t * btn_next = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, ext->selected_btn); if(btn_next) lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, btn_next); } /*If there is no selected button the make the first selected*/ else { lv_obj_t * btn = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, NULL); if(btn) lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, btn); } } else if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_ENTER) { /*Get the 'pressed' button*/ lv_obj_t * btn = NULL; btn = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, btn); while(btn != NULL) { if(lv_btn_get_state(btn) == LV_BTN_STATE_PR) break; btn = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, btn); } if(btn != NULL) { lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); ext->last_sel = btn; lv_action_t rel_action; rel_action = lv_btn_get_action(btn, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK); if(rel_action != NULL) rel_action(btn); } } #endif } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_GET_TYPE) { lv_obj_type_t * buf = param; uint8_t i; for(i = 0; i < LV_MAX_ANCESTOR_NUM - 1; i++) { /*Find the last set data*/ if(buf->type[i] == NULL) break; } buf->type[i] = "lv_list"; } return res; } /** * Signal function of the list buttons * @param btn pointer to a button on the list * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted */ static lv_res_t lv_list_btn_signal(lv_obj_t * btn, lv_signal_t sign, void * param) { lv_res_t res; /* Include the ancient signal function */ res = ancestor_btn_signal(btn, sign, param); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_RELEASED) { lv_obj_t * list = lv_obj_get_parent(lv_obj_get_parent(btn)); lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); ext->page.scroll_prop_ip = 0; #if USE_LV_GROUP lv_group_t * g = lv_obj_get_group(list); if(lv_group_get_focused(g) == list && lv_indev_is_dragging(lv_indev_get_act()) == false) { /* Is the list is focused then be sure only the button being released * has a pressed state to indicate the selected state on the list*/ lv_obj_t * btn_i = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, NULL); while(btn_i) { lv_btn_state_t s = lv_btn_get_state(btn_i); if(s == LV_BTN_STATE_PR) lv_btn_set_state(btn_i, LV_BTN_STATE_REL); else if(s == LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR) lv_btn_set_state(btn_i, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL); btn_i = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, btn_i); } /*Make the released button "selected"*/ lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, btn); } /* If `click_focus == 1` then LV_SIGNAL_FOCUS need to know which button triggered the focus * to mark it as selected (pressed state)*/ last_clicked_btn = btn; #endif if(lv_indev_is_dragging(lv_indev_get_act()) == false && ext->single_mode) { lv_list_btn_single_selected(btn); } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESS_LOST) { lv_obj_t * list = lv_obj_get_parent(lv_obj_get_parent(btn)); lv_list_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(list); ext->page.scroll_prop_ip = 0; } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CLEANUP) { #if USE_LV_GROUP lv_obj_t * list = lv_obj_get_parent(lv_obj_get_parent(btn)); lv_obj_t * sel = lv_list_get_btn_selected(list); if(sel == btn) lv_list_set_btn_selected(list, lv_list_get_next_btn(list, btn)); #endif } return res; } static void refr_btn_width(lv_obj_t * list) { lv_style_t * style = lv_list_get_style(list, LV_LIST_STYLE_BG); lv_style_t * style_scrl = lv_obj_get_style(lv_page_get_scrl(list)); lv_coord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(list); lv_coord_t btn_w = w - (style->body.padding.hor + style_scrl->body.padding.hor) * 2; lv_obj_t * btn = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, NULL); while(btn) { /*Make the size adjustment for each buttons*/ if(lv_obj_get_width(btn) != btn_w) { lv_obj_set_width(btn, btn_w); /*Set the label size to roll its text*/ lv_obj_t * label = lv_list_get_btn_label(btn); lv_obj_set_width(label, btn->coords.x2 - label->coords.x1); lv_label_set_text(label, NULL); } btn = lv_list_get_prev_btn(list, btn); } } /** * Make a single button selected in the list, deselect others, should be called in list btns call back. * @param btn pointer to the currently pressed list btn object */ static void lv_list_btn_single_selected(lv_obj_t *btn) { lv_obj_t *list = lv_obj_get_parent(lv_obj_get_parent(btn)); lv_obj_t * e = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, NULL); do { if(e == btn) { lv_btn_set_state(e, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL); } else { lv_btn_set_state(e, LV_BTN_STATE_REL); } e = lv_list_get_next_btn(list, e); } while (e != NULL); } /** * Check if this is really a list button or another object. * @param list_btn List button */ static bool lv_list_is_list_btn(lv_obj_t * list_btn) { lv_obj_type_t type; lv_obj_get_type(list_btn, &type); uint8_t cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < LV_MAX_ANCESTOR_NUM; cnt++) { if(type.type[cnt] == NULL) break; if(!strcmp(type.type[cnt], "lv_btn")) return true; } return false; } /** * Check if this is really a list label or another object. * @param list_label List label */ static bool lv_list_is_list_label(lv_obj_t * list_label) { lv_obj_type_t type; lv_obj_get_type(list_label, &type); uint8_t cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < LV_MAX_ANCESTOR_NUM; cnt++) { if(type.type[cnt] == NULL) break; if(!strcmp(type.type[cnt], "lv_label")) return true; } return false; } /** * Check if this is really a list image or another object. * @param list_image List image */ static bool lv_list_is_list_img(lv_obj_t * list_img) { lv_obj_type_t type; lv_obj_get_type(list_img, &type); uint8_t cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < LV_MAX_ANCESTOR_NUM; cnt++) { if(type.type[cnt] == NULL) break; if(!strcmp(type.type[cnt], "lv_img")) return true; } return false; } #endif