/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2024 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <bdk.h> #include "gui.h" #include "gui_tools.h" #include "gui_tools_partition_manager.h" #include <libs/fatfs/diskio.h> #include <libs/lvgl/lvgl.h> #define AU_ALIGN_SECTORS 0x8000 // 16MB. #define AU_ALIGN_BYTES (AU_ALIGN_SECTORS * SD_BLOCKSIZE) #define SECTORS_PER_GB 0x200000 #define HOS_MIN_SIZE_MB 2048 #define ANDROID_SYSTEM_SIZE_MB 6144 // 6 GB. Fits both Legacy (4912MB) and Dynamic (6144MB) partition schemes. extern volatile boot_cfg_t *b_cfg; extern volatile nyx_storage_t *nyx_str; typedef struct _partition_ctxt_t { u32 total_sct; u32 alignment; int backup_possible; s32 hos_size; u32 emu_size; u32 l4t_size; u32 and_size; bool emu_double; bool emmc_is_64gb; bool and_dynamic; mbr_t mbr_old; lv_obj_t *bar_hos; lv_obj_t *bar_emu; lv_obj_t *bar_l4t; lv_obj_t *bar_and; lv_obj_t *sep_emu; lv_obj_t *sep_l4t; lv_obj_t *sep_and; lv_obj_t *slider_bar_hos; lv_obj_t *slider_emu; lv_obj_t *slider_l4t; lv_obj_t *slider_and; lv_obj_t *lbl_hos; lv_obj_t *lbl_emu; lv_obj_t *lbl_l4t; lv_obj_t *lbl_and; } partition_ctxt_t; typedef struct _l4t_flasher_ctxt_t { u32 offset_sct; u32 image_size_sct; } l4t_flasher_ctxt_t; partition_ctxt_t part_info; l4t_flasher_ctxt_t l4t_flash_ctxt; lv_obj_t *btn_flash_l4t; lv_obj_t *btn_flash_android; int _copy_file(const char *src, const char *dst, char *path) { FIL fp_src; FIL fp_dst; int res; // Open file for reading. f_chdrive(src); res = f_open(&fp_src, path, FA_READ); if (res != FR_OK) return res; u32 file_bytes_left = f_size(&fp_src); // Open file for writing. f_chdrive(dst); f_open(&fp_dst, path, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); f_lseek(&fp_dst, f_size(&fp_src)); f_lseek(&fp_dst, 0); while (file_bytes_left) { u32 chunk_size = MIN(file_bytes_left, SZ_4M); // 4MB chunks. file_bytes_left -= chunk_size; // Copy file to buffer. f_read(&fp_src, (void *)SDXC_BUF_ALIGNED, chunk_size, NULL); // Write file to disk. f_write(&fp_dst, (void *)SDXC_BUF_ALIGNED, chunk_size, NULL); } f_close(&fp_dst); f_chdrive(src); f_close(&fp_src); return FR_OK; } static int _stat_and_copy_files(const char *src, const char *dst, char *path, u32 *total_files, u32 *total_size, lv_obj_t **labels) { FRESULT res; FIL fp_src; FIL fp_dst; DIR dir; u32 dirLength = 0; static FILINFO fno; f_chdrive(src); // Open directory. res = f_opendir(&dir, path); if (res != FR_OK) return res; if (labels) lv_label_set_text(labels[0], path); dirLength = strlen(path); // Hard limit path to 1024 characters. Do not result to error. if (dirLength > 1024) goto out; for (;;) { // Clear file path. path[dirLength] = 0; // Read a directory item. res = f_readdir(&dir, &fno); // Break on error or end of dir. if (res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0) break; // Set new directory or file. memcpy(&path[dirLength], "/", 1); strcpy(&path[dirLength + 1], fno.fname); if (labels) { lv_label_set_text(labels[1], fno.fname); manual_system_maintenance(true); } // Copy file to destination disk. if (!(fno.fattrib & AM_DIR)) { u32 file_size = fno.fsize > RAMDISK_CLUSTER_SZ ? fno.fsize : RAMDISK_CLUSTER_SZ; // Ramdisk cluster size. // Check for overflow. if ((file_size + *total_size) < *total_size) { // Set size to > 1GB, skip next folders and return. *total_size = SZ_2G; res = -1; break; } *total_size += file_size; *total_files += 1; if (dst) { u32 file_bytes_left = fno.fsize; // Open file for writing. f_chdrive(dst); f_open(&fp_dst, path, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); f_lseek(&fp_dst, fno.fsize); f_lseek(&fp_dst, 0); // Open file for reading. f_chdrive(src); f_open(&fp_src, path, FA_READ); while (file_bytes_left) { u32 chunk_size = MIN(file_bytes_left, SZ_4M); // 4MB chunks. file_bytes_left -= chunk_size; // Copy file to buffer. f_read(&fp_src, (void *)SDXC_BUF_ALIGNED, chunk_size, NULL); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Write file to disk. f_write(&fp_dst, (void *)SDXC_BUF_ALIGNED, chunk_size, NULL); } // Finalize copied file. f_close(&fp_dst); f_chdrive(dst); f_chmod(path, fno.fattrib, 0xFF); f_chdrive(src); f_close(&fp_src); } // If total is > 1GB exit. if (*total_size > (RAM_DISK_SZ - SZ_16M)) // 0x2400000. { // Skip next folders and return. res = -1; break; } } else // It's a directory. { if (!memcmp("System Volume Information", fno.fname, 25)) continue; // Create folder to destination. if (dst) { f_chdrive(dst); f_mkdir(path); f_chmod(path, fno.fattrib, 0xFF); } // Enter the directory. res = _stat_and_copy_files(src, dst, path, total_files, total_size, labels); if (res != FR_OK) break; if (labels) { // Clear folder path. path[dirLength] = 0; lv_label_set_text(labels[0], path); } } } out: f_closedir(&dir); return res; } static void _create_gpt_partition(gpt_t *gpt, u8 *gpt_idx, u32 *curr_part_lba, u32 size_lba, char *name, int name_size) { const u8 linux_part_guid[] = { 0xAF, 0x3D, 0xC6, 0x0F, 0x83, 0x84, 0x72, 0x47, 0x8E, 0x79, 0x3D, 0x69, 0xD8, 0x47, 0x7D, 0xE4 }; u8 random_number[16]; // Create GPT partition. memcpy(gpt->entries[*gpt_idx].type_guid, linux_part_guid, 16); // Set randomly created GUID se_gen_prng128(random_number); memcpy(gpt->entries[*gpt_idx].part_guid, random_number, 16); // Set partition start and end. gpt->entries[*gpt_idx].lba_start = *curr_part_lba; gpt->entries[*gpt_idx].lba_end = *curr_part_lba + size_lba - 1; // Set name. memcpy(gpt->entries[*gpt_idx].name, name, name_size); // Wipe the first 1MB to sanitize it as raw-empty partition. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, *curr_part_lba, 0x800, (void *)SDMMC_UPPER_BUFFER); // Prepare for next. (*curr_part_lba) += size_lba; (*gpt_idx)++; } static void _prepare_and_flash_mbr_gpt() { mbr_t mbr; u8 random_number[16]; // Read current MBR. sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr); // Copy over metadata if they exist. if (*(u32 *)&part_info.mbr_old.bootstrap[0x80]) memcpy(&mbr.bootstrap[0x80], &part_info.mbr_old.bootstrap[0x80], 304); // Clear the first 16MB. memset((void *)SDMMC_UPPER_BUFFER, 0, AU_ALIGN_BYTES); sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, 0, AU_ALIGN_SECTORS, (void *)SDMMC_UPPER_BUFFER); u8 mbr_idx = 1; se_gen_prng128(random_number); memcpy(&mbr.signature, random_number, 4); // Apply L4T Linux second to MBR if no Android. if (part_info.l4t_size && !part_info.and_size) { mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].type = 0x83; // Linux system partition. mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].start_sct = AU_ALIGN_SECTORS + ((u32)part_info.hos_size << 11); mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].size_sct = part_info.l4t_size << 11; sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].start_sct, 0x800, (void *)SDMMC_UPPER_BUFFER); // Clear the first 1MB. mbr_idx++; } // emuMMC goes second or third. Next to L4T if no Android. if (part_info.emu_size) { mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].type = 0xE0; // emuMMC partition. mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].start_sct = AU_ALIGN_SECTORS + ((u32)part_info.hos_size << 11) + (part_info.l4t_size << 11) + (part_info.and_size << 11); if (!part_info.emu_double) mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].size_sct = (part_info.emu_size << 11) - 0x800; // Reserve 1MB. else { mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].size_sct = part_info.emu_size << 10; mbr_idx++; // 2nd emuMMC. mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].type = 0xE0; // emuMMC partition. mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].start_sct = mbr.partitions[mbr_idx - 1].start_sct + (part_info.emu_size << 10); mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].size_sct = (part_info.emu_size << 10) - 0x800; // Reserve 1MB. } mbr_idx++; } if (part_info.and_size) { gpt_t *gpt = zalloc(sizeof(gpt_t)); gpt_header_t gpt_hdr_backup = { 0 }; // Set GPT protective partition in MBR. mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].type = 0xEE; mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].start_sct = 1; mbr.partitions[mbr_idx].size_sct = sd_storage.sec_cnt - 1; mbr_idx++; // Set GPT header. memcpy(&gpt->header.signature, "EFI PART", 8); gpt->header.revision = 0x10000; gpt->header.size = 92; gpt->header.my_lba = 1; gpt->header.alt_lba = sd_storage.sec_cnt - 1; gpt->header.first_use_lba = (sizeof(mbr_t) + sizeof(gpt_t)) >> 9; gpt->header.last_use_lba = sd_storage.sec_cnt - 0x800 - 1; // sd_storage.sec_cnt - 33 is start of backup gpt partition entries. se_gen_prng128(random_number); memcpy(gpt->header.disk_guid, random_number, 10); memcpy(gpt->header.disk_guid + 10, "NYXGPT", 6); gpt->header.part_ent_lba = 2; gpt->header.part_ent_size = 128; // Set FAT GPT partition manually. const u8 basic_part_guid[] = { 0xA2, 0xA0, 0xD0, 0xEB, 0xE5, 0xB9, 0x33, 0x44, 0x87, 0xC0, 0x68, 0xB6, 0xB7, 0x26, 0x99, 0xC7 }; memcpy(gpt->entries[0].type_guid, basic_part_guid, 16); se_gen_prng128(random_number); memcpy(gpt->entries[0].part_guid, random_number, 16); // Clear non-standard Windows MBR attributes. bit4: Read only, bit5: Shadow copy, bit6: Hidden, bit7: No drive letter. gpt->entries[0].part_guid[7] = 0; gpt->entries[0].lba_start = mbr.partitions[0].start_sct; gpt->entries[0].lba_end = mbr.partitions[0].start_sct + mbr.partitions[0].size_sct - 1; memcpy(gpt->entries[0].name, (char[]) { 'h', 0, 'o', 0, 's', 0, '_', 0, 'd', 0, 'a', 0, 't', 0, 'a', 0 }, 16); // Set the rest of GPT partitions. u8 gpt_idx = 1; u32 curr_part_lba = AU_ALIGN_SECTORS + ((u32)part_info.hos_size << 11); // L4T partition. if (part_info.l4t_size) _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, part_info.l4t_size << 11, (char[]) { 'l', 0, '4', 0, 't', 0 }, 6); if (part_info.and_dynamic) { // Android Linux Kernel partition. 64MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x20000, (char[]) { 'b', 0, 'o', 0, 'o', 0, 't', 0 }, 8); // Android Recovery partition. 64MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x20000, (char[]) { 'r', 0, 'e', 0, 'c', 0, 'o', 0, 'v', 0, 'e', 0, 'r', 0, 'y', 0 }, 16); // Android Device Tree Reference partition. 1MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x800, (char[]) { 'd', 0, 't', 0, 'b', 0 }, 6); // Android Misc partition. 3MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x1800, (char[]) { 'm', 0, 'i', 0, 's', 0, 'c', 0 }, 8); // Android Cache partition. 60MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x1E000, (char[]) { 'c', 0, 'a', 0, 'c', 0, 'h', 0, 'e', 0 }, 10); // Android Super dynamic partition. 5922MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0xB91000, (char[]) { 's', 0, 'u', 0, 'p', 0, 'e', 0, 'r', 0 }, 10); // Android Userdata partition. u32 uda_size = (part_info.and_size << 11) - 0xC00000; // Subtract the other partitions (6144MB). if (!part_info.emu_size) uda_size -= 0x800; // Reserve 1MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, uda_size, (char[]) { 'u', 0, 's', 0, 'e', 0, 'r', 0, 'd', 0, 'a', 0, 't', 0, 'a', 0 }, 16); } else { // Android Vendor partition. 1GB _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x200000, (char[]) { 'v', 0, 'e', 0, 'n', 0, 'd', 0, 'o', 0, 'r', 0 }, 12); // Android System partition. 3GB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x600000, (char[]) { 'A', 0, 'P', 0, 'P', 0 }, 6); // Android Linux Kernel partition. 32MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x10000, (char[]) { 'L', 0, 'N', 0, 'X', 0 }, 6); // Android Recovery partition. 64MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x20000, (char[]) { 'S', 0, 'O', 0, 'S', 0 }, 6); // Android Device Tree Reference partition. 1MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x800, (char[]) { 'D', 0, 'T', 0, 'B', 0 }, 6); // Android Encryption partition. 16MB. // Note: 16MB size is for aligning UDA. If any other tiny partition must be added, it should split the MDA one. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, curr_part_lba, 0x8000, (void *)SDMMC_UPPER_BUFFER); // Clear the whole of it. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x8000, (char[]) { 'M', 0, 'D', 0, 'A', 0 }, 6); // Android Cache partition. 700MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x15E000, (char[]) { 'C', 0, 'A', 0, 'C', 0 }, 6); // Android Misc partition. 3MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, 0x1800, (char[]) { 'M', 0, 'S', 0, 'C', 0 }, 6); // Android Userdata partition. u32 uda_size = (part_info.and_size << 11) - 0x998000; // Subtract the other partitions (4912MB). if (!part_info.emu_size) uda_size -= 0x800; // Reserve 1MB. _create_gpt_partition(gpt, &gpt_idx, &curr_part_lba, uda_size, (char[]) { 'U', 0, 'D', 0, 'A', 0 }, 6); } // Handle emuMMC partitions manually. if (part_info.emu_size) { // Set 1st emuMMC. u8 emu_part_guid[] = { 0x00, 0x7E, 0xCA, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 'e', 'm', 'u', 'M', 'M', 'C' }; memcpy(gpt->entries[gpt_idx].type_guid, emu_part_guid, 16); se_gen_prng128(random_number); memcpy(gpt->entries[gpt_idx].part_guid, random_number, 16); gpt->entries[gpt_idx].lba_start = curr_part_lba; if (!part_info.emu_double) gpt->entries[gpt_idx].lba_end = curr_part_lba + (part_info.emu_size << 11) - 0x800 - 1; // Reserve 1MB. else gpt->entries[gpt_idx].lba_end = curr_part_lba + (part_info.emu_size << 10) - 1; memcpy(gpt->entries[gpt_idx].name, (char[]) { 'e', 0, 'm', 0, 'u', 0, 'm', 0, 'm', 0, 'c', 0 }, 12); gpt_idx++; // Set 2nd emuMMC. if (part_info.emu_double) { curr_part_lba += (part_info.emu_size << 10); memcpy(gpt->entries[gpt_idx].type_guid, emu_part_guid, 16); se_gen_prng128(random_number); memcpy(gpt->entries[gpt_idx].part_guid, random_number, 16); gpt->entries[gpt_idx].lba_start = curr_part_lba; gpt->entries[gpt_idx].lba_end = curr_part_lba + (part_info.emu_size << 10) - 0x800 - 1; // Reserve 1MB. memcpy(gpt->entries[gpt_idx].name, (char[]) { 'e', 0, 'm', 0, 'u', 0, 'm', 0, 'm', 0, 'c', 0, '2', 0 }, 14); gpt_idx++; } } // Set final GPT header parameters. gpt->header.num_part_ents = gpt_idx; gpt->header.part_ents_crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)gpt->entries, sizeof(gpt_entry_t) * gpt->header.num_part_ents); gpt->header.crc32 = 0; // Set to 0 for calculation. gpt->header.crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)&gpt->header, gpt->header.size); // Set final backup GPT header parameters. memcpy(&gpt_hdr_backup, &gpt->header, sizeof(gpt_header_t)); gpt_hdr_backup.my_lba = sd_storage.sec_cnt - 1; gpt_hdr_backup.alt_lba = 1; gpt_hdr_backup.part_ent_lba = sd_storage.sec_cnt - 33; gpt_hdr_backup.crc32 = 0; // Set to 0 for calculation. gpt_hdr_backup.crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)&gpt_hdr_backup, gpt_hdr_backup.size); // Write main GPT. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, gpt->header.my_lba, sizeof(gpt_t) >> 9, gpt); // Write backup GPT partition table. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, gpt_hdr_backup.part_ent_lba, ((sizeof(gpt_entry_t) * 128) >> 9), gpt->entries); // Write backup GPT header. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, gpt_hdr_backup.my_lba, 1, &gpt_hdr_backup); free(gpt); } // Write MBR. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr); } static lv_res_t _action_part_manager_ums_sd(lv_obj_t *btn) { action_ums_sd(btn); // Close and reopen partition manager. lv_action_t close_btn_action = lv_btn_get_action(close_btn, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK); close_btn_action(close_btn); lv_obj_del(ums_mbox); create_window_partition_manager(NULL); return LV_RES_INV; } static lv_res_t _action_delete_linux_installer_files(lv_obj_t * btns, const char * txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); // Delete parent mbox. mbox_action(btns, txt); // Flash Linux. if (!btn_idx) { char path[128]; sd_mount(); strcpy(path, "switchroot/install/l4t."); // Delete all l4t.xx files. u32 idx = 0; while (true) { if (idx < 10) { path[23] = '0'; itoa(idx, &path[23 + 1], 10); } else itoa(idx, &path[23], 10); if (!f_stat(path, NULL)) { f_unlink(path); } else break; idx++; } sd_unmount(); } return LV_RES_INV; } static lv_res_t _action_flash_linux_data(lv_obj_t * btns, const char * txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); // Delete parent mbox. mbox_action(btns, txt); bool succeeded = false; if (btn_idx) return LV_RES_INV; // Flash Linux. lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\251", "\222OK", "\251", "" }; static const char *mbox_btn_map2[] = { "\223Delete Installation Files", "\221OK", "" }; lv_obj_t *mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 10 * 5); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Linux Flasher#"); lv_obj_t *lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#C7EA46 Status:# Flashing Linux..."); // Create container to keep content inside. lv_obj_t *h1 = lv_cont_create(mbox, NULL); lv_cont_set_fit(h1, true, true); lv_cont_set_style(h1, &lv_style_transp_tight); lv_obj_t *bar = lv_bar_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(bar, LV_DPI * 30 / 10, LV_DPI / 5); lv_bar_set_range(bar, 0, 100); lv_bar_set_value(bar, 0); lv_obj_t *label_pct = lv_label_create(h1, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(label_pct, true); lv_label_set_text(label_pct, " "SYMBOL_DOT" 0%"); lv_label_set_style(label_pct, lv_theme_get_current()->label.prim); lv_obj_align(label_pct, bar, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, LV_DPI / 20, 0); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); sd_mount(); int res = 0; char *path = malloc(1024); char *txt_buf = malloc(SZ_4K); strcpy(path, "switchroot/install/l4t.00"); u32 path_len = strlen(path) - 2; FIL fp; res = f_open(&fp, path, FA_READ); if (res) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# Failed to open 1st part!"); goto exit; } u64 fileSize = (u64)f_size(&fp); u32 num = 0; u32 pct = 0; u32 lba_curr = 0; u32 bytesWritten = 0; u32 currPartIdx = 0; u32 prevPct = 200; int retryCount = 0; u32 total_size_sct = l4t_flash_ctxt.image_size_sct; u8 *buf = (u8 *)MIXD_BUF_ALIGNED; DWORD *clmt = f_expand_cltbl(&fp, SZ_4M, 0); // Start flashing L4T. while (total_size_sct > 0) { // If we have more than one part, check the size for the split parts and make sure that the bytes written is not more than that. if (bytesWritten >= fileSize) { // If we have more bytes written then close the file pointer and increase the part index we are using f_close(&fp); free(clmt); memset(&fp, 0, sizeof(fp)); currPartIdx++; if (currPartIdx < 10) { path[path_len] = '0'; itoa(currPartIdx, &path[path_len + 1], 10); } else itoa(currPartIdx, &path[path_len], 10); // Try to open the next file part res = f_open(&fp, path, FA_READ); if (res) { s_printf(txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Error:# Failed to open part %d#", currPartIdx); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); goto exit; } fileSize = (u64)f_size(&fp); bytesWritten = 0; clmt = f_expand_cltbl(&fp, SZ_4M, 0); } retryCount = 0; num = MIN(total_size_sct, 8192); // Read next data block from SD. res = f_read_fast(&fp, buf, num << 9); manual_system_maintenance(false); if (res) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# Reading from SD!"); manual_system_maintenance(true); f_close(&fp); free(clmt); goto exit; } // Write data block to L4T partition. res = !sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, lba_curr + l4t_flash_ctxt.offset_sct, num, buf); manual_system_maintenance(false); // If failed, retry 3 more times. while (res) { msleep(150); manual_system_maintenance(true); if (retryCount >= 3) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# Writing to SD!"); manual_system_maintenance(true); f_close(&fp); free(clmt); goto exit; } res = !sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, lba_curr + l4t_flash_ctxt.offset_sct, num, buf); manual_system_maintenance(false); } // Update completion percentage. pct = (u64)((u64)lba_curr * 100u) / (u64)l4t_flash_ctxt.image_size_sct; if (pct != prevPct) { lv_bar_set_value(bar, pct); s_printf(txt_buf, " #DDDDDD "SYMBOL_DOT"# %d%%", pct); lv_label_set_text(label_pct, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); prevPct = pct; } lba_curr += num; total_size_sct -= num; bytesWritten += num * EMMC_BLOCKSIZE; } lv_bar_set_value(bar, 100); lv_label_set_text(label_pct, " "SYMBOL_DOT" 100%"); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Restore operation ended successfully. f_close(&fp); free(clmt); succeeded = true; exit: free(path); free(txt_buf); if (!succeeded) lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, mbox_action); else lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map2, _action_delete_linux_installer_files); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); sd_unmount(); return LV_RES_INV; } static u32 _get_available_l4t_partition() { mbr_t mbr = { 0 }; gpt_t *gpt = zalloc(sizeof(gpt_t)); memset(&l4t_flash_ctxt, 0, sizeof(l4t_flasher_ctxt_t)); // Read MBR. sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr); // Read main GPT. sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 1, sizeof(gpt_t) >> 9, gpt); // Search for a suitable partition. u32 size_sct = 0; if (!memcmp(&gpt->header.signature, "EFI PART", 8) || gpt->header.num_part_ents > 128) { for (u32 i = 0; i < gpt->header.num_part_ents; i++) { if (!memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'l', 0, '4', 0, 't', 0 }, 6)) { l4t_flash_ctxt.offset_sct = gpt->entries[i].lba_start; size_sct = (gpt->entries[i].lba_end + 1) - gpt->entries[i].lba_start; break; } if (i > 126) break; } } else { for (u32 i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (mbr.partitions[i].type == 0x83) { l4t_flash_ctxt.offset_sct = mbr.partitions[i].start_sct; size_sct = mbr.partitions[i].size_sct; break; } } } free(gpt); return size_sct; } static bool _get_available_android_partition() { gpt_t *gpt = zalloc(sizeof(gpt_t)); // Read main GPT. sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 1, sizeof(gpt_t) >> 9, gpt); // Check if GPT. if (memcmp(&gpt->header.signature, "EFI PART", 8) || gpt->header.num_part_ents > 128) goto out; // Find kernel partition. for (u32 i = 0; i < gpt->header.num_part_ents; i++) { if (gpt->entries[i].lba_start && (!memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'L', 0, 'N', 0, 'X', 0 }, 6) || !memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'b', 0, 'o', 0, 'o', 0, 't', 0 }, 8))) { free(gpt); return true; } if (i > 126) break; } out: free(gpt); return false; } static lv_res_t _action_check_flash_linux(lv_obj_t *btn) { FILINFO fno; char path[128]; lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\251", "\222OK", "\251", "" }; static const char *mbox_btn_map2[] = { "\222Continue", "\222Cancel", "" }; lv_obj_t *mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Linux Flasher#"); lv_obj_t *lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#C7EA46 Status:# Searching for files and partitions..."); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); manual_system_maintenance(true); sd_mount(); // Check if L4T image exists. strcpy(path, "switchroot/install/l4t.00"); if (f_stat(path, NULL)) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# Installation files not found!"); goto error; } // Find an applicable partition for L4T. u32 size_sct = _get_available_l4t_partition(); if (!l4t_flash_ctxt.offset_sct || !size_sct || size_sct < 0x800000) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# No partition found!"); goto error; } u32 idx = 0; path[23] = 0; // Validate L4T images and consolidate their info. while (true) { if (idx < 10) { path[23] = '0'; itoa(idx, &path[23 + 1], 10); } else itoa(idx, &path[23], 10); // Check for alignment. if (f_stat(path, &fno)) break; // Check if current part is unaligned. if ((u64)fno.fsize % SZ_4M) { // Get next part filename. idx++; if (idx < 10) { path[23] = '0'; itoa(idx, &path[23 + 1], 10); } else itoa(idx, &path[23], 10); // If it exists, unaligned size for current part is not permitted. if (!f_stat(path, NULL)) // NULL: Don't override current part fs info. { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# The image is not aligned to 4 MiB!"); goto error; } // Last part. Align size to LBA (SD_BLOCKSIZE). fno.fsize = ALIGN((u64)fno.fsize, SD_BLOCKSIZE); idx--; } l4t_flash_ctxt.image_size_sct += (u64)fno.fsize >> 9; idx++; } // Check if image size is bigger than the partition available. if (l4t_flash_ctxt.image_size_sct > size_sct) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# The image is bigger than the partition!"); goto error; } char *txt_buf = malloc(SZ_4K); s_printf(txt_buf, "#C7EA46 Status:# Found installation files and partition.\n" "#00DDFF Offset:# %08x, #00DDFF Size:# %X, #00DDFF Image size:# %d MiB\n" "\nDo you want to continue?", l4t_flash_ctxt.offset_sct, size_sct, l4t_flash_ctxt.image_size_sct >> 11); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, txt_buf); free(txt_buf); lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map2, _action_flash_linux_data); goto exit; error: lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, mbox_action); exit: lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); sd_unmount(); return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _action_reboot_recovery(lv_obj_t * btns, const char * txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); // Delete parent mbox. mbox_action(btns, txt); if (!btn_idx) { // Set custom reboot type to Android Recovery. PMC(APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH0) |= PMC_SCRATCH0_MODE_RECOVERY; // Enable hekate boot configuration. b_cfg->boot_cfg = BOOT_CFG_FROM_ID | BOOT_CFG_AUTOBOOT_EN; // Set id to Android. strcpy((char *)b_cfg->id, "SWANDR"); void (*main_ptr)() = (void *)nyx_str->hekate; // Deinit hardware. sd_end(); hw_deinit(false, 0); // Chainload to hekate main. (*main_ptr)(); } return LV_RES_INV; } static lv_res_t _action_flash_android_data(lv_obj_t * btns, const char * txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); bool boot_recovery = false; // Delete parent mbox. mbox_action(btns, txt); if (btn_idx) return LV_RES_INV; // Flash Android components. char path[128]; gpt_t *gpt = zalloc(sizeof(gpt_t)); char *txt_buf = malloc(SZ_4K); lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\251", "\222OK", "\251", "" }; static const char *mbox_btn_map2[] = { "\222Continue", "\222No", "" }; lv_obj_t *mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Android Flasher#"); lv_obj_t *lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#C7EA46 Status:# Searching for files and partitions..."); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); manual_system_maintenance(true); sd_mount(); // Read main GPT. sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 1, sizeof(gpt_t) >> 9, gpt); // Validate GPT header. if (memcmp(&gpt->header.signature, "EFI PART", 8) || gpt->header.num_part_ents > 128) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# No Android GPT was found!"); goto error; } u32 offset_sct = 0; u32 size_sct = 0; // Check if Kernel image should be flashed. strcpy(path, "switchroot/install/boot.img"); if (f_stat(path, NULL)) { s_printf(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# Kernel image not found!\n"); goto boot_img_not_found; } // Find Kernel partition. for (u32 i = 0; i < gpt->header.num_part_ents; i++) { if (!memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'L', 0, 'N', 0, 'X', 0 }, 6) || !memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'b', 0, 'o', 0, 'o', 0, 't', 0 }, 8)) { offset_sct = gpt->entries[i].lba_start; size_sct = (gpt->entries[i].lba_end + 1) - gpt->entries[i].lba_start; break; } if (i > 126) break; } // Flash Kernel. if (offset_sct && size_sct) { u32 file_size = 0; u8 *buf = sd_file_read(path, &file_size); if (file_size % 0x200) { file_size = ALIGN(file_size, 0x200); u8 *buf_tmp = zalloc(file_size); memcpy(buf_tmp, buf, file_size); free(buf); buf = buf_tmp; } if ((file_size >> 9) > size_sct) s_printf(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# Kernel image too big!\n"); else { sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, offset_sct, file_size >> 9, buf); s_printf(txt_buf, "#C7EA46 Success:# Kernel image flashed!\n"); f_unlink(path); } free(buf); } else s_printf(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# Kernel partition not found!\n"); boot_img_not_found: lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Check if Recovery should be flashed. strcpy(path, "switchroot/install/recovery.img"); if (f_stat(path, NULL)) { // Not found, try twrp.img instead. strcpy(path, "switchroot/install/twrp.img"); if (f_stat(path, NULL)) { strcat(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# Recovery image not found!\n"); goto recovery_not_found; } } offset_sct = 0; size_sct = 0; // Find Recovery partition. for (u32 i = 0; i < gpt->header.num_part_ents; i++) { if (!memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'S', 0, 'O', 0, 'S', 0 }, 6) || !memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'r', 0, 'e', 0, 'c', 0, 'o', 0, 'v', 0, 'e', 0, 'r', 0, 'y', 0 }, 16)) { offset_sct = gpt->entries[i].lba_start; size_sct = (gpt->entries[i].lba_end + 1) - gpt->entries[i].lba_start; break; } if (i > 126) break; } // Flash Recovery. if (offset_sct && size_sct) { u32 file_size = 0; u8 *buf = sd_file_read(path, &file_size); if (file_size % 0x200) { file_size = ALIGN(file_size, 0x200); u8 *buf_tmp = zalloc(file_size); memcpy(buf_tmp, buf, file_size); free(buf); buf = buf_tmp; } if ((file_size >> 9) > size_sct) strcat(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# Recovery image too big!\n"); else { sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, offset_sct, file_size >> 9, buf); strcat(txt_buf, "#C7EA46 Success:# Recovery image flashed!\n"); f_unlink(path); } free(buf); } else strcat(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# Recovery partition not found!\n"); recovery_not_found: lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Check if Device Tree should be flashed. strcpy(path, "switchroot/install/nx-plat.dtimg"); if (f_stat(path, NULL)) { strcpy(path, "switchroot/install/tegra210-icosa.dtb"); if (f_stat(path, NULL)) { strcat(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# DTB image not found!"); goto dtb_not_found; } } offset_sct = 0; size_sct = 0; // Find Device Tree partition. for (u32 i = 0; i < gpt->header.num_part_ents; i++) { if (!memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'D', 0, 'T', 0, 'B', 0 }, 6) || !memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'd', 0, 't', 0, 'b', 0 }, 6)) { offset_sct = gpt->entries[i].lba_start; size_sct = (gpt->entries[i].lba_end + 1) - gpt->entries[i].lba_start; break; } if (i > 126) break; } // Flash Device Tree. if (offset_sct && size_sct) { u32 file_size = 0; u8 *buf = sd_file_read(path, &file_size); if (file_size % 0x200) { file_size = ALIGN(file_size, 0x200); u8 *buf_tmp = zalloc(file_size); memcpy(buf_tmp, buf, file_size); free(buf); buf = buf_tmp; } if ((file_size >> 9) > size_sct) strcat(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# DTB image too big!"); else { sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, offset_sct, file_size >> 9, buf); strcat(txt_buf, "#C7EA46 Success:# DTB image flashed!"); f_unlink(path); } free(buf); } else strcat(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Warning:# DTB partition not found!"); dtb_not_found: lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, txt_buf); // Check if Recovery is flashed unconditionally. for (u32 i = 0; i < gpt->header.num_part_ents; i++) { if (!memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'S', 0, 'O', 0, 'S', 0 }, 6) || !memcmp(gpt->entries[i].name, (char[]) { 'r', 0, 'e', 0, 'c', 0, 'o', 0, 'v', 0, 'e', 0, 'r', 0, 'y', 0 }, 16)) { u8 *buf = malloc(SD_BLOCKSIZE); sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, gpt->entries[i].lba_start, 1, buf); if (!memcmp(buf, "ANDROID", 7)) boot_recovery = true; free(buf); break; } if (i > 126) break; } error: if (boot_recovery) { // If a Recovery partition was found, ask user if rebooting into it is wanted. strcat(txt_buf,"\n\nDo you want to reboot into Recovery\nto finish Android installation?"); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, txt_buf); lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map2, _action_reboot_recovery); } else lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, mbox_action); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); free(txt_buf); free(gpt); sd_unmount(); return LV_RES_INV; } static lv_res_t _action_flash_android(lv_obj_t *btn) { lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\222Continue", "\222Cancel", "" }; lv_obj_t *mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Android Flasher#"); lv_obj_t *lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "This will flash #C7EA46 Kernel#, #C7EA46 DTB# and #C7EA46 Recovery# if found.\n" "These will be deleted after a successful flash.\n" "Do you want to continue?"); lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, _action_flash_android_data); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _action_part_manager_flash_options0(lv_obj_t *btns, const char *txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); switch (btn_idx) { case 0: action_ums_sd(btns); lv_obj_del(ums_mbox); break; case 1: _action_check_flash_linux(btns); break; case 2: _action_flash_android(btns); break; case 3: mbox_action(btns, txt); return LV_RES_INV; } return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _action_part_manager_flash_options1(lv_obj_t *btns, const char *txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); switch (btn_idx) { case 0: action_ums_sd(btns); lv_obj_del(ums_mbox); break; case 1: mbox_action(btns, txt); _action_check_flash_linux(NULL); return LV_RES_INV; case 2: mbox_action(btns, txt); return LV_RES_INV; } return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _action_part_manager_flash_options2(lv_obj_t *btns, const char *txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); switch (btn_idx) { case 0: action_ums_sd(btns); lv_obj_del(ums_mbox); break; case 1: mbox_action(btns, txt); _action_flash_android(NULL); return LV_RES_INV; case 2: mbox_action(btns, txt); return LV_RES_INV; } return LV_RES_OK; } static int _backup_and_restore_files(bool backup, lv_obj_t **labels) { const char *src_drv = backup ? "sd:" : "ram:"; const char *dst_drv = backup ? "ram:" : "sd:"; int res = 0; u32 total_size = 0; u32 total_files = 0; char *path = malloc(0x1000); path[0] = 0; // Set default as root folder. // Check if Mariko Warmboot Storage exists in source drive. f_chdrive(src_drv); bool backup_mws = !part_info.backup_possible && !f_stat("warmboot_mariko", NULL); bool backup_pld = !part_info.backup_possible && !f_stat("payload.bin", NULL); if (!part_info.backup_possible) { // Change path to hekate/Nyx. strcpy(path, "bootloader"); // Create hekate/Nyx/MWS folders in destination drive. f_chdrive(dst_drv); f_mkdir("bootloader"); if (backup_mws) f_mkdir("warmboot_mariko"); } // Copy all or hekate/Nyx files. res = _stat_and_copy_files(src_drv, dst_drv, path, &total_files, &total_size, labels); // If incomplete backup mode, copy MWS and payload.bin also. if (!res) { if (backup_mws) { strcpy(path, "warmboot_mariko"); res = _stat_and_copy_files(src_drv, dst_drv, path, &total_files, &total_size, labels); } if (!res && backup_pld) { strcpy(path, "payload.bin"); res = _copy_file(src_drv, dst_drv, path); } } free(path); return res; } static lv_res_t _create_mbox_start_partitioning(lv_obj_t *btn) { lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\251", "\222OK", "\251", "" }; static const char *mbox_btn_map1[] = { "\222SD UMS", "\222Flash Linux", "\222Flash Android", "\221OK", "" }; static const char *mbox_btn_map2[] = { "\222SD UMS", "\222Flash Linux", "\221OK", "" }; static const char *mbox_btn_map3[] = { "\222SD UMS", "\222Flash Android", "\221OK", "" }; lv_obj_t *mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Partition Manager#"); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); bool buttons_set = false; // Use safety wait if backup is not possible. char *txt_buf = malloc(SZ_4K); strcpy(txt_buf, "#FF8000 Partition Manager#\n\nSafety wait ends in "); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, txt_buf); u32 seconds = 5; u32 text_idx = strlen(txt_buf); while (seconds) { s_printf(txt_buf + text_idx, "%d seconds...", seconds); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); msleep(1000); seconds--; } lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Partition Manager#\n\n" "#FFDD00 Warning: Do you really want to continue?!#\n\n" "Press #FF8000 POWER# to Continue.\nPress #FF8000 VOL# to abort."); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); manual_system_maintenance(true); free(txt_buf); if (!(btn_wait() & BTN_POWER)) goto exit; // Start partitioning. lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Partition Manager#"); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); manual_system_maintenance(true); lv_obj_t *lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); lv_obj_t *lbl_paths[2]; // Create backup/restore paths labels. lbl_paths[0] = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_text(lbl_paths[0], "/"); lv_label_set_long_mode(lbl_paths[0], LV_LABEL_LONG_DOT); lv_cont_set_fit(lbl_paths[0], false, true); lv_obj_set_width(lbl_paths[0], (LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6) - LV_DPI / 2); lv_label_set_align(lbl_paths[0], LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER); lbl_paths[1] = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_text(lbl_paths[1], " "); lv_label_set_long_mode(lbl_paths[1], LV_LABEL_LONG_DOT); lv_cont_set_fit(lbl_paths[1], false, true); lv_obj_set_width(lbl_paths[1], (LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6) - LV_DPI / 2); lv_label_set_align(lbl_paths[1], LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER); sd_mount(); FATFS ram_fs; // Read current MBR. sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &part_info.mbr_old); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#00DDFF Status:# Initializing Ramdisk..."); lv_label_set_text(lbl_paths[0], "Please wait..."); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Initialize RAM disk. if (ram_disk_init(&ram_fs, RAM_DISK_SZ)) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# Failed to initialize Ramdisk!"); goto error; } lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#00DDFF Status:# Backing up files..."); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Do full or hekate/Nyx backup. if (_backup_and_restore_files(true, lbl_paths)) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# Failed to back up files!"); goto error; } f_mount(NULL, "sd:", 1); // Unmount SD card. lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#00DDFF Status:# Formatting FAT32 partition..."); lv_label_set_text(lbl_paths[0], "Please wait..."); lv_label_set_text(lbl_paths[1], " "); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Set reserved size. u32 part_rsvd_size = (part_info.emu_size << 11) + (part_info.l4t_size << 11) + (part_info.and_size << 11); part_rsvd_size += part_rsvd_size ? part_info.alignment : 0; // Do not reserve alignment space if no extra partitions. disk_set_info(DRIVE_SD, SET_SECTOR_COUNT, &part_rsvd_size); u8 *buf = malloc(SZ_4M); // Set cluster size to 64KB and try to format. u32 cluster_size = 65536; u32 mkfs_error = f_mkfs("sd:", FM_FAT32, cluster_size, buf, SZ_4M); if (!mkfs_error) goto mkfs_no_error; // Retry formatting by halving cluster size, until one succeeds. while (cluster_size > 4096) { cluster_size /= 2; mkfs_error = f_mkfs("sd:", FM_FAT32, cluster_size, buf, SZ_4M); if (!mkfs_error) break; } if (mkfs_error) { // Failed to format. s_printf((char *)buf, "#FFDD00 Error:# Failed to format disk (%d)!\n\n" "Remove the SD card and check that is OK.\nIf not, format it, reinsert it and\npress #FF8000 POWER#!", mkfs_error); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, (char *)buf); lv_label_set_text(lbl_paths[0], " "); manual_system_maintenance(true); sd_end(); while (!(btn_wait() & BTN_POWER)); sd_mount(); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#00DDFF Status:# Restoring files..."); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Restore backed up files back to SD. if (_backup_and_restore_files(false, lbl_paths)) { // Failed to restore files. Try again once more. if (_backup_and_restore_files(false, lbl_paths)) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# Failed to restore files!"); free(buf); goto error; } } lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#00DDFF Status:# Restored files but the operation failed!"); f_mount(NULL, "ram:", 1); // Unmount ramdisk. free(buf); goto error; } mkfs_no_error: free(buf); // Remount sd card as it was unmounted from formatting it. f_mount(&sd_fs, "sd:", 1); // Mount SD card. lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#00DDFF Status:# Restoring files..."); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Restore backed up files back to SD. if (_backup_and_restore_files(false, lbl_paths)) { // Failed to restore files. Try again once more. if (_backup_and_restore_files(false, lbl_paths)) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Error:# Failed to restore files!"); goto error; } } f_mount(NULL, "ram:", 1); // Unmount ramdisk. f_chdrive("sd:"); // Set Volume label. f_setlabel("0:SWITCH SD"); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#00DDFF Status:# Flashing partition table..."); lv_label_set_text(lbl_paths[0], "Please wait..."); lv_label_set_text(lbl_paths[1], " "); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Prepare MBR and GPT header and partition entries and flash them. _prepare_and_flash_mbr_gpt(); // Enable/Disable buttons depending on partition layout. if (part_info.l4t_size) { lv_obj_set_click(btn_flash_l4t, true); lv_btn_set_state(btn_flash_l4t, LV_BTN_STATE_REL); } else { lv_obj_set_click(btn_flash_l4t, false); lv_btn_set_state(btn_flash_l4t, LV_BTN_STATE_INA); } // Enable/Disable buttons depending on partition layout. if (part_info.and_size) { lv_obj_set_click(btn_flash_android, true); lv_btn_set_state(btn_flash_android, LV_BTN_STATE_REL); } else { lv_obj_set_click(btn_flash_android, false); lv_btn_set_state(btn_flash_android, LV_BTN_STATE_INA); } sd_unmount(); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#00DDFF Status:# Done!"); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Set buttons depending on what user chose to create. if (part_info.l4t_size && part_info.and_size) lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map1, _action_part_manager_flash_options0); else if (part_info.l4t_size) lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map2, _action_part_manager_flash_options1); else if (part_info.and_size) lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map3, _action_part_manager_flash_options2); if (part_info.l4t_size || part_info.and_size) buttons_set = true; goto out; error: f_chdrive("sd:"); out: lv_obj_del(lbl_paths[0]); lv_obj_del(lbl_paths[1]); exit: if (!buttons_set) lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, mbox_action); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); // Disable partitioning button. if (btn) lv_btn_set_state(btn, LV_BTN_STATE_INA); return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _create_mbox_partitioning_option0(lv_obj_t *btns, const char *txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); switch (btn_idx) { case 0: action_ums_sd(btns); return LV_RES_OK; case 1: mbox_action(btns, txt); _create_mbox_start_partitioning(NULL); break; case 2: mbox_action(btns, txt); break; } return LV_RES_INV; } static lv_res_t _create_mbox_partitioning_option1(lv_obj_t *btns, const char *txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); mbox_action(btns, txt); if (!btn_idx) { mbox_action(btns, txt); _create_mbox_start_partitioning(NULL); return LV_RES_INV; } return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _create_mbox_partitioning_warn(lv_obj_t *btn) { lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\222SD UMS", "\222Start", "\222Cancel", "" }; static const char *mbox_btn_map2[] = { "\222Start", "\222Cancel", "" }; lv_obj_t * mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); char *txt_buf = malloc(SZ_4K); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Partition Manager#"); lv_obj_t *lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); s_printf(txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Warning: This will partition the SD Card!#\n\n"); if (part_info.backup_possible) { strcat(txt_buf, "#C7EA46 Your files will be backed up and restored!#\n" "#FFDD00 Any other partition will be wiped!#"); } else { strcat(txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Your files will be wiped!#\n" "#FFDD00 Any other partition will be also wiped!#\n" "#FFDD00 Use USB UMS to copy them over!#"); } lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, txt_buf); if (part_info.backup_possible) lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map2, _create_mbox_partitioning_option1); else lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, _create_mbox_partitioning_option0); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); free(txt_buf); return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _create_mbox_partitioning_android(lv_obj_t *btns, const char *txt) { int btn_idx = lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns); mbox_action(btns, txt); part_info.and_dynamic = !btn_idx; _create_mbox_partitioning_warn(NULL); return LV_RES_INV; } static lv_res_t _create_mbox_partitioning_andr_part(lv_obj_t *btn) { lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\222Dynamic", "\222Legacy", "" }; lv_obj_t * mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 10 * 5); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Android Partitioning#"); lv_obj_t *lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "Please select a partition scheme:\n\n" "#C7EA46 Dynamic:# Android 13+\n" "#C7EA46 Legacy:# Android 10-11\n"); lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, _create_mbox_partitioning_android); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _create_mbox_partitioning_next(lv_obj_t *btn) { if (part_info.and_size) return _create_mbox_partitioning_andr_part(NULL); else return _create_mbox_partitioning_warn(NULL); } static void _update_partition_bar() { lv_obj_t *h1 = lv_obj_get_parent(part_info.bar_hos); // Set widths based on max bar width. u32 total_size = (part_info.total_sct - AU_ALIGN_SECTORS) / SECTORS_PER_GB; u32 bar_hos_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1) * (part_info.hos_size >> 10) / total_size; u32 bar_emu_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1) * (part_info.emu_size >> 10) / total_size; u32 bar_l4t_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1) * (part_info.l4t_size >> 10) / total_size; u32 bar_and_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1) * (part_info.and_size >> 10) / total_size; // Update bar widths. lv_obj_set_size(part_info.bar_hos, bar_hos_size, LV_DPI / 2); lv_obj_set_size(part_info.bar_emu, bar_emu_size, LV_DPI / 2); lv_obj_set_size(part_info.bar_l4t, bar_l4t_size, LV_DPI / 2); lv_obj_set_size(part_info.bar_and, bar_and_size, LV_DPI / 2); // Re-align bars. lv_obj_align(part_info.bar_emu, part_info.bar_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); lv_obj_align(part_info.bar_l4t, part_info.bar_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); lv_obj_align(part_info.bar_and, part_info.bar_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); // Set emuMMC blending separator sizes and realign. lv_obj_set_size(part_info.sep_emu, bar_emu_size ? 8 : 0, LV_DPI / 2); lv_obj_align(part_info.sep_emu, part_info.bar_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); // Set L4T blending separator sizes and realign. lv_obj_set_size(part_info.sep_l4t, bar_l4t_size ? 8 : 0, LV_DPI / 2); lv_obj_align(part_info.sep_l4t, part_info.bar_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); // Set Android blending separator sizes and realign. lv_obj_set_size(part_info.sep_and, bar_and_size ? 8 : 0, LV_DPI / 2); lv_obj_align(part_info.sep_and, part_info.bar_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); } static lv_res_t _action_slider_emu(lv_obj_t *slider) { #define EMUMMC_32GB_FULL 29856 #define EMUMMC_64GB_FULL (59664 + 1) // 1MB extra for backup GPT. const u32 rsvd_mb = 4 + 4 + 16 + 8; // BOOT0 + BOOT1 + 16MB offset + 8MB alignment. u32 size; char lbl_text[64]; bool prev_emu_double = part_info.emu_double; int slide_val = lv_slider_get_value(slider); u32 max_emmc_size = !part_info.emmc_is_64gb ? EMUMMC_32GB_FULL : EMUMMC_64GB_FULL; part_info.emu_double = false; size = (slide_val > 10 ? (slide_val - 10) : slide_val) + 3; // Min 4GB. size *= 1024; // Convert to GB. size += rsvd_mb; // Add reserved size. if (!slide_val) size = 0; // Reset if 0. else if (slide_val >= 11) { size *= 2; part_info.emu_double = true; } // Handle special cases. 2nd value is for 64GB Aula. if (slide_val == 10) size = max_emmc_size; else if (slide_val == 20) size = 2 * max_emmc_size; // Sanitize sizes based on new HOS size. s32 hos_size = (part_info.total_sct >> 11) - 16 - size - part_info.l4t_size - part_info.and_size; if (hos_size > HOS_MIN_SIZE_MB) { part_info.emu_size = size; part_info.hos_size = hos_size; s_printf(lbl_text, "#96FF00 %d GiB#", hos_size >> 10); lv_label_set_text(part_info.lbl_hos, lbl_text); lv_bar_set_value(part_info.slider_bar_hos, hos_size >> 10); if (!part_info.emu_double) { if (slide_val != 10) s_printf(lbl_text, "#FF3C28 %d GiB#", size >> 10); else s_printf(lbl_text, "#FF3C28 %d FULL#", size >> 10); } else s_printf(lbl_text, "#FFDD00 2x##FF3C28 %d#", size >> 11); lv_label_set_text(part_info.lbl_emu, lbl_text); } else { u32 emu_size = part_info.emu_size; if (emu_size == max_emmc_size) emu_size = 10; else if (emu_size == 2 * max_emmc_size) emu_size = 20; else if (emu_size) { if (prev_emu_double) emu_size /= 2; emu_size -= rsvd_mb; emu_size /= 1024; emu_size -= 3; if (prev_emu_double) emu_size += 11; } int new_slider_val = emu_size; part_info.emu_double = prev_emu_double ? true : false; lv_slider_set_value(slider, new_slider_val); } _update_partition_bar(); return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _action_slider_l4t(lv_obj_t *slider) { char lbl_text[64]; u32 size = (u32)lv_slider_get_value(slider) << 10; if (size < 4096) size = 0; else if (size < 8192) size = 8192; s32 hos_size = (part_info.total_sct >> 11) - 16 - part_info.emu_size - size - part_info.and_size; // Sanitize sizes based on new HOS size. if (hos_size > HOS_MIN_SIZE_MB) { if (size <= 8192) lv_slider_set_value(slider, size >> 10); } else { size = (part_info.total_sct >> 11) - 16 - part_info.emu_size - part_info.and_size - 2048; hos_size = (part_info.total_sct >> 11) - 16 - part_info.emu_size - part_info.and_size - size; if (hos_size < HOS_MIN_SIZE_MB || size < 8192) { lv_slider_set_value(slider, part_info.l4t_size >> 10); goto out; } lv_slider_set_value(slider, size >> 10); } part_info.l4t_size = size; part_info.hos_size = hos_size; s_printf(lbl_text, "#96FF00 %d GiB#", hos_size >> 10); lv_label_set_text(part_info.lbl_hos, lbl_text); lv_bar_set_value(part_info.slider_bar_hos, hos_size >> 10); s_printf(lbl_text, "#00DDFF %d GiB#", size >> 10); lv_label_set_text(part_info.lbl_l4t, lbl_text); _update_partition_bar(); out: return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _action_slider_and(lv_obj_t *slider) { char lbl_text[64]; u32 user_size = (u32)lv_slider_get_value(slider) << 10; if (user_size < 2048) user_size = 0; else if (user_size < 4096) user_size = 4096; u32 and_size = user_size ? (user_size + ANDROID_SYSTEM_SIZE_MB) : 0; s32 hos_size = (part_info.total_sct >> 11) - 16 - part_info.emu_size - part_info.l4t_size - and_size; // Sanitize sizes based on new HOS size. if (hos_size > HOS_MIN_SIZE_MB) { if (user_size <= 4096) lv_slider_set_value(slider, user_size >> 10); } else { and_size = (part_info.total_sct >> 11) - 16 - part_info.emu_size - part_info.l4t_size - 2048; hos_size = (part_info.total_sct >> 11) - 16 - part_info.emu_size - part_info.l4t_size - and_size; if (hos_size < HOS_MIN_SIZE_MB || and_size < 8192) { lv_slider_set_value(slider, part_info.and_size >> 10); goto out; } user_size = and_size - ANDROID_SYSTEM_SIZE_MB; lv_slider_set_value(slider, user_size >> 10); } part_info.and_size = and_size; part_info.hos_size = hos_size; s_printf(lbl_text, "#96FF00 %d GiB#", hos_size >> 10); lv_label_set_text(part_info.lbl_hos, lbl_text); lv_bar_set_value(part_info.slider_bar_hos, hos_size >> 10); s_printf(lbl_text, "#FF8000 %d GiB#", user_size >> 10); lv_label_set_text(part_info.lbl_and, lbl_text); _update_partition_bar(); out: return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_res_t _mbox_check_files_total_size_option(lv_obj_t *btns, const char *txt) { // If "don't backup" button was pressed, disable backup/restore of files. if (!lv_btnm_get_pressed(btns)) part_info.backup_possible = false; mbox_action(btns, txt); return LV_RES_INV; } static void _create_mbox_check_files_total_size() { static lv_style_t bar_hos_ind, bar_emu_ind, bar_l4t_ind, bar_and_ind; static lv_style_t sep_emu_bg, sep_l4t_bg, sep_and_bg; // Set HOS bar style. lv_style_copy(&bar_hos_ind, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.indic); bar_hos_ind.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x96FF00); bar_hos_ind.body.grad_color = bar_hos_ind.body.main_color; // Set emuMMC bar style. lv_style_copy(&bar_emu_ind, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.indic); bar_emu_ind.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF3C28); bar_emu_ind.body.grad_color = bar_emu_ind.body.main_color; // Set L4T bar style. lv_style_copy(&bar_l4t_ind, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.indic); bar_l4t_ind.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x00DDFF); bar_l4t_ind.body.grad_color = bar_l4t_ind.body.main_color; // Set Android bar style. lv_style_copy(&bar_and_ind, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.indic); bar_and_ind.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF8000); bar_and_ind.body.grad_color = bar_and_ind.body.main_color; // Set separator styles. lv_style_copy(&sep_emu_bg, lv_theme_get_current()->cont); sep_emu_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF3C28); sep_emu_bg.body.grad_color = sep_emu_bg.body.main_color; sep_emu_bg.body.radius = 0; lv_style_copy(&sep_l4t_bg, &sep_emu_bg); sep_l4t_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x00DDFF); sep_l4t_bg.body.grad_color = sep_l4t_bg.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&sep_and_bg, &sep_emu_bg); sep_and_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF8000); sep_and_bg.body.grad_color = sep_and_bg.body.main_color; char *txt_buf = malloc(SZ_8K); lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\251", "\222OK", "\251", "" }; static const char *mbox_btn_map2[] = { "\222Don't Backup", "\222OK", "" }; lv_obj_t *mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "Analyzing SD card usage. This might take a while..."); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); manual_system_maintenance(true); char *path = malloc(0x1000); u32 total_files = 0; u32 total_size = 0; path[0] = 0; // Check total size of files. int res = _stat_and_copy_files("sd:", NULL, path, &total_files, &total_size, NULL); // Not more than 1.0GB. part_info.backup_possible = !res && !(total_size > (RAM_DISK_SZ - SZ_16M)); if (part_info.backup_possible) { s_printf(txt_buf, "#96FF00 The SD Card files will be backed up automatically!#\n" "#FFDD00 Any other partition will be wiped!#\n" "#00DDFF Total files:# %d, #00DDFF Total size:# %d MiB", total_files, total_size >> 20); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, txt_buf); } else { lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FFDD00 The SD Card cannot be backed up automatically!#\n" "#FFDD00 Any other partition will be also wiped!#\n\n" "You will be asked to back up your files later via UMS."); } // Create container to keep content inside. lv_obj_t *h1 = lv_cont_create(mbox, NULL); lv_cont_set_fit(h1, false, true); lv_cont_set_style(h1, &lv_style_transp_tight); lv_obj_set_width(h1, lv_obj_get_width(mbox) - LV_DPI * 3); lv_obj_t *lbl_part = lv_label_create(h1, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_part, true); lv_label_set_text(lbl_part, "#00DDFF Current MBR partition layout:#"); // Read current MBR. mbr_t mbr = { 0 }; sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr); // Calculate MBR partitions size. total_size = (sd_storage.sec_cnt - AU_ALIGN_SECTORS) / SECTORS_PER_GB; u32 bar_hos_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1) * (mbr.partitions[0].size_sct / SECTORS_PER_GB) / total_size; u32 bar_emu_size = 0; for (u32 i = 1; i < 4; i++) if (mbr.partitions[i].type == 0xE0) bar_emu_size += mbr.partitions[i].size_sct; bar_emu_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1) * (bar_emu_size / SECTORS_PER_GB) / total_size; u32 bar_l4t_size = 0; for (u32 i = 1; i < 4; i++) if (mbr.partitions[i].type == 0x83) bar_l4t_size += mbr.partitions[i].size_sct; bar_l4t_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1) * (bar_l4t_size / SECTORS_PER_GB) / total_size; u32 bar_and_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1) - bar_hos_size - bar_emu_size - bar_l4t_size; // Create HOS bar. lv_obj_t *bar_mbr_hos = lv_bar_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(bar_mbr_hos, bar_hos_size, LV_DPI / 3); lv_bar_set_range(bar_mbr_hos, 0, 1); lv_bar_set_value(bar_mbr_hos, 1); lv_bar_set_style(bar_mbr_hos, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_hos_ind); lv_obj_align(bar_mbr_hos, lbl_part, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 6); // Create emuMMC bar. lv_obj_t *bar_mbr_emu = lv_bar_create(h1, bar_mbr_hos); lv_obj_set_size(bar_mbr_emu, bar_emu_size, LV_DPI / 3); lv_bar_set_style(bar_mbr_emu, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_emu_ind); lv_obj_align(bar_mbr_emu, bar_mbr_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); // Create L4T bar. lv_obj_t *bar_mbr_l4t = lv_bar_create(h1, bar_mbr_hos); lv_obj_set_size(bar_mbr_l4t, bar_l4t_size, LV_DPI / 3); lv_bar_set_style(bar_mbr_l4t, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_l4t_ind); lv_obj_align(bar_mbr_l4t, bar_mbr_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); // Create GPT bar. lv_obj_t *bar_mbr_gpt = lv_bar_create(h1, bar_mbr_hos); lv_obj_set_size(bar_mbr_gpt, bar_and_size > 1 ? bar_and_size : 0, LV_DPI / 3); lv_bar_set_style(bar_mbr_gpt, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_and_ind); lv_obj_align(bar_mbr_gpt, bar_mbr_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); // Create emuMMC separator. lv_obj_t *sep_mbr_emu = lv_cont_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(sep_mbr_emu, bar_emu_size ? 8 : 0, LV_DPI / 3); lv_obj_set_style(sep_mbr_emu, &sep_emu_bg); lv_obj_align(sep_mbr_emu, bar_mbr_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); // Create L4T separator. lv_obj_t *sep_mbr_l4t = lv_cont_create(h1, sep_mbr_emu); lv_obj_set_size(sep_mbr_l4t, bar_l4t_size ? 8 : 0, LV_DPI / 3); lv_obj_set_style(sep_mbr_l4t, &sep_l4t_bg); lv_obj_align(sep_mbr_l4t, bar_mbr_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); // Create GPT separator. lv_obj_t *sep_mbr_gpt = lv_cont_create(h1, sep_mbr_emu); lv_obj_set_size(sep_mbr_gpt, bar_and_size ? (bar_and_size > 1 ? 8 : 0) : 0, LV_DPI / 3); lv_obj_set_style(sep_mbr_gpt, &sep_and_bg); lv_obj_align(sep_mbr_gpt, bar_mbr_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); // Print partition table info. s_printf(txt_buf, "Partition 0 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 1 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 2 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 3 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x", mbr.partitions[0].type, mbr.partitions[0].start_sct, mbr.partitions[0].size_sct, mbr.partitions[1].type, mbr.partitions[1].start_sct, mbr.partitions[1].size_sct, mbr.partitions[2].type, mbr.partitions[2].start_sct, mbr.partitions[2].size_sct, mbr.partitions[3].type, mbr.partitions[3].start_sct, mbr.partitions[3].size_sct); lv_obj_t *lbl_table = lv_label_create(h1, NULL); lv_label_set_style(lbl_table, &monospace_text); lv_label_set_text(lbl_table, txt_buf); lv_obj_align(lbl_table, h1, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, LV_DPI); if (!part_info.backup_possible) lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, mbox_action); else lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map2, _mbox_check_files_total_size_option); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); free(txt_buf); free(path); } static lv_res_t _action_fix_mbr(lv_obj_t *btn) { lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char *mbox_btn_map[] = { "\251", "\222OK", "\251", "" }; lv_obj_t * mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 6); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#FF8000 Fix Hybrid MBR#"); lv_obj_t *lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); mbr_t mbr[2] = { 0 }; gpt_t *gpt = zalloc(sizeof(gpt_t)); gpt_header_t gpt_hdr_backup = { 0 }; bool has_mbr_attributes = false; bool hybrid_mbr_changed = false; bool gpt_partition_exists = false; // Try to init sd card. No need for valid MBR. if (!sd_mount() && !sd_get_card_initialized()) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Failed to init SD!#"); goto out; } sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr[0]); sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 1, sizeof(gpt_t) >> 9, gpt); memcpy(&mbr[1], &mbr[0], sizeof(mbr_t)); sd_unmount(); // Check for secret MBR attributes. if (gpt->entries[0].part_guid[7]) has_mbr_attributes = true; // Check if there's a GPT Protective partition. for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (mbr[0].partitions[i].type == 0xEE) gpt_partition_exists = true; } // Check if GPT is valid. if (!gpt_partition_exists || memcmp(&gpt->header.signature, "EFI PART", 8) || gpt->header.num_part_ents > 128) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Warning:# No valid GPT was found!"); gpt_partition_exists = false; if (has_mbr_attributes) goto check_changes; else goto out; } sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, gpt->header.alt_lba, 1, &gpt_hdr_backup); // Parse GPT. LIST_INIT(gpt_parsed); for (u32 i = 0; i < gpt->header.num_part_ents; i++) { emmc_part_t *part = (emmc_part_t *)zalloc(sizeof(emmc_part_t)); if (gpt->entries[i].lba_start < gpt->header.first_use_lba) continue; part->index = i; part->lba_start = gpt->entries[i].lba_start; part->lba_end = gpt->entries[i].lba_end; // ASCII conversion. Copy only the LSByte of the UTF-16LE name. for (u32 j = 0; j < 36; j++) part->name[j] = gpt->entries[i].name[j]; part->name[35] = 0; list_append(&gpt_parsed, &part->link); } // Set FAT and emuMMC partitions. u32 mbr_idx = 1; bool found_hos_data = false; LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(emmc_part_t, part, &gpt_parsed, link) { // FatFS simple GPT found a fat partition, set it. if (sd_fs.part_type && !part->index) { mbr[1].partitions[0].type = sd_fs.fs_type == FS_EXFAT ? 0x7 : 0xC; mbr[1].partitions[0].start_sct = part->lba_start; mbr[1].partitions[0].size_sct = (part->lba_end - part->lba_start + 1); } // FatFS simple GPT didn't find a fat partition as the first one. if (!sd_fs.part_type && !found_hos_data && !strcmp(part->name, "hos_data")) { mbr[1].partitions[0].type = 0xC; mbr[1].partitions[0].start_sct = part->lba_start; mbr[1].partitions[0].size_sct = (part->lba_end - part->lba_start + 1); found_hos_data = true; } // Set up to max 2 emuMMC partitions. if (!strcmp(part->name, "emummc") || !strcmp(part->name, "emummc2")) { mbr[1].partitions[mbr_idx].type = 0xE0; mbr[1].partitions[mbr_idx].start_sct = part->lba_start; mbr[1].partitions[mbr_idx].size_sct = (part->lba_end - part->lba_start + 1); mbr_idx++; } // Total reached last slot. if (mbr_idx >= 3) break; } emmc_gpt_free(&gpt_parsed); // Set GPT protective partition. mbr[1].partitions[mbr_idx].type = 0xEE; mbr[1].partitions[mbr_idx].start_sct = 1; mbr[1].partitions[mbr_idx].size_sct = sd_storage.sec_cnt - 1; // Check for differences. for (u32 i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if ((mbr[0].partitions[i].type != mbr[1].partitions[i].type) || (mbr[0].partitions[i].start_sct != mbr[1].partitions[i].start_sct) || (mbr[0].partitions[i].size_sct != mbr[1].partitions[i].size_sct)) { hybrid_mbr_changed = true; break; } } check_changes: if (!hybrid_mbr_changed && !has_mbr_attributes) { lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#96FF00 Warning:# The Hybrid MBR needs no change!#"); goto out; } char *txt_buf = malloc(SZ_16K); // Current MBR info. s_printf(txt_buf, "#00DDFF Current MBR Layout:#\n"); s_printf(txt_buf + strlen(txt_buf), "Partition 0 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 1 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 2 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 3 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n\n", mbr[0].partitions[0].type, mbr[0].partitions[0].start_sct, mbr[0].partitions[0].size_sct, mbr[0].partitions[1].type, mbr[0].partitions[1].start_sct, mbr[0].partitions[1].size_sct, mbr[0].partitions[2].type, mbr[0].partitions[2].start_sct, mbr[0].partitions[2].size_sct, mbr[0].partitions[3].type, mbr[0].partitions[3].start_sct, mbr[0].partitions[3].size_sct); // New MBR info. s_printf(txt_buf + strlen(txt_buf), "#00DDFF New MBR Layout:#\n"); s_printf(txt_buf + strlen(txt_buf), "Partition 0 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 1 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 2 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x\n" "Partition 3 - Type: %02x, Start: %08x, Size: %08x", mbr[1].partitions[0].type, mbr[1].partitions[0].start_sct, mbr[1].partitions[0].size_sct, mbr[1].partitions[1].type, mbr[1].partitions[1].start_sct, mbr[1].partitions[1].size_sct, mbr[1].partitions[2].type, mbr[1].partitions[2].start_sct, mbr[1].partitions[2].size_sct, mbr[1].partitions[3].type, mbr[1].partitions[3].start_sct, mbr[1].partitions[3].size_sct); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, txt_buf); lv_label_set_style(lbl_status, &monospace_text); free(txt_buf); lbl_status = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_status, true); lv_label_set_align(lbl_status, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FF8000 Warning: Do you really want to continue?!#\n\n" "Press #FF8000 POWER# to Continue.\nPress #FF8000 VOL# to abort."); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); manual_system_maintenance(true); if (btn_wait() & BTN_POWER) { sd_mount(); // Write MBR. if (hybrid_mbr_changed) sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr[1]); // Fix MBR secret attributes. if (has_mbr_attributes) { // Clear secret attributes. gpt->entries[0].part_guid[7] = 0; if (gpt_partition_exists) { // Fix CRC32s. u32 entries_size = sizeof(gpt_entry_t) * gpt->header.num_part_ents; gpt->header.part_ents_crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)gpt->entries, entries_size); gpt->header.crc32 = 0; // Set to 0 for calculation. gpt->header.crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)&gpt->header, gpt->header.size); gpt_hdr_backup.part_ents_crc32 = gpt->header.part_ents_crc32; gpt_hdr_backup.crc32 = 0; // Set to 0 for calculation. gpt_hdr_backup.crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)&gpt_hdr_backup, gpt_hdr_backup.size); // Write main GPT. u32 aligned_entries_size = ALIGN(entries_size, SD_BLOCKSIZE); sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, gpt->header.my_lba, (sizeof(gpt_header_t) + aligned_entries_size) >> 9, gpt); // Write backup GPT partition table. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, gpt_hdr_backup.part_ent_lba, aligned_entries_size >> 9, gpt->entries); // Write backup GPT header. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, gpt_hdr_backup.my_lba, 1, &gpt_hdr_backup); } else { // Only write the relevant sector if the only change is MBR attributes. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, 2, 1, &gpt->entries[0]); } } sd_unmount(); lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#96FF00 The new Hybrid MBR was written successfully!#"); } else lv_label_set_text(lbl_status, "#FFDD00 Warning: The Hybrid MBR Fix was canceled!#"); out: free(gpt); lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, mbox_action); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); return LV_RES_OK; } lv_res_t create_window_partition_manager(lv_obj_t *btn) { lv_obj_t *win = nyx_create_standard_window(SYMBOL_SD" Partition Manager"); lv_win_add_btn(win, NULL, SYMBOL_MODULES_ALT" Fix Hybrid MBR", _action_fix_mbr); static lv_style_t bar_hos_bg, bar_emu_bg, bar_l4t_bg, bar_and_bg; static lv_style_t bar_hos_ind, bar_emu_ind, bar_l4t_ind, bar_and_ind; static lv_style_t bar_hos_btn, bar_emu_btn, bar_l4t_btn, bar_and_btn; static lv_style_t sep_emu_bg, sep_l4t_bg, sep_and_bg; // Set HOS bar styles. lv_style_copy(&bar_hos_bg, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.bg); bar_hos_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x4A8000); bar_hos_bg.body.grad_color = bar_hos_bg.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&bar_hos_ind, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.indic); bar_hos_ind.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x96FF00); bar_hos_ind.body.grad_color = bar_hos_ind.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&bar_hos_btn, lv_theme_get_current()->slider.knob); bar_hos_btn.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x77CC00); bar_hos_btn.body.grad_color = bar_hos_btn.body.main_color; // Set eMUMMC bar styles. lv_style_copy(&bar_emu_bg, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.bg); bar_emu_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x940F00); bar_emu_bg.body.grad_color = bar_emu_bg.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&bar_emu_ind, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.indic); bar_emu_ind.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF3C28); bar_emu_ind.body.grad_color = bar_emu_ind.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&bar_emu_btn, lv_theme_get_current()->slider.knob); bar_emu_btn.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xB31200); bar_emu_btn.body.grad_color = bar_emu_btn.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&sep_emu_bg, lv_theme_get_current()->cont); sep_emu_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF3C28); sep_emu_bg.body.grad_color = sep_emu_bg.body.main_color; sep_emu_bg.body.radius = 0; // Set L4T bar styles. lv_style_copy(&bar_l4t_bg, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.bg); bar_l4t_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x006E80); bar_l4t_bg.body.grad_color = bar_l4t_bg.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&bar_l4t_ind, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.indic); bar_l4t_ind.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x00DDFF); bar_l4t_ind.body.grad_color = bar_l4t_ind.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&bar_l4t_btn, lv_theme_get_current()->slider.knob); bar_l4t_btn.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x00B1CC); bar_l4t_btn.body.grad_color = bar_l4t_btn.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&sep_l4t_bg, &sep_emu_bg); sep_l4t_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x00DDFF); sep_l4t_bg.body.grad_color = sep_l4t_bg.body.main_color; // Set Android bar styles. lv_style_copy(&bar_and_bg, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.bg); bar_and_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x804000); bar_and_bg.body.grad_color = bar_and_bg.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&bar_and_ind, lv_theme_get_current()->bar.indic); bar_and_ind.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF8000); bar_and_ind.body.grad_color = bar_and_ind.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&bar_and_btn, lv_theme_get_current()->slider.knob); bar_and_btn.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xCC6600); bar_and_btn.body.grad_color = bar_and_btn.body.main_color; lv_style_copy(&sep_and_bg, &sep_emu_bg); sep_and_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF8000); sep_and_bg.body.grad_color = sep_and_bg.body.main_color; lv_obj_t *sep = lv_label_create(win, NULL); lv_label_set_static_text(sep, ""); lv_obj_align(sep, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 0); // Create container to keep content inside. lv_obj_t *h1 = lv_cont_create(win, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(h1, LV_HOR_RES - (LV_DPI * 8 / 10), LV_VER_RES - LV_DPI); if (!sd_mount()) { lv_obj_t *lbl = lv_label_create(h1, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl, true); lv_label_set_text(lbl, "#FFDD00 Failed to init SD!#"); return LV_RES_OK; } memset(&part_info, 0, sizeof(partition_ctxt_t)); _create_mbox_check_files_total_size(); char *txt_buf = malloc(SZ_8K); part_info.total_sct = sd_storage.sec_cnt; // Align down total size to ensure alignment of all partitions after HOS one. part_info.alignment = part_info.total_sct - ALIGN_DOWN(part_info.total_sct, AU_ALIGN_SECTORS); part_info.total_sct -= part_info.alignment; u32 extra_sct = AU_ALIGN_SECTORS + 0x400000; // Reserved 16MB alignment for FAT partition + 2GB. // Set initial HOS partition size, so the correct cluster size can be selected. part_info.hos_size = (part_info.total_sct >> 11) - 16; // Important if there's no slider change. // Check if eMMC should be 64GB (Aula). part_info.emmc_is_64gb = fuse_read_hw_type() == FUSE_NX_HW_TYPE_AULA; // Read current MBR. mbr_t mbr = { 0 }; sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr); u32 bar_hos_size = lv_obj_get_width(h1); u32 bar_emu_size = 0; u32 bar_l4t_size = 0; u32 bar_and_size = 0; lv_obj_t *lbl = lv_label_create(h1, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl, true); lv_label_set_text(lbl, "Choose #FFDD00 new# partition layout:"); // Create disk layout blocks. // HOS partition block. lv_obj_t *bar_hos = lv_bar_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(bar_hos, bar_hos_size, LV_DPI / 2); lv_bar_set_range(bar_hos, 0, 1); lv_bar_set_value(bar_hos, 1); lv_bar_set_style(bar_hos, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_hos_ind); lv_obj_align(bar_hos, lbl, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 6); part_info.bar_hos = bar_hos; // emuMMC partition block. lv_obj_t *bar_emu = lv_bar_create(h1, bar_hos); lv_obj_set_size(bar_emu, bar_emu_size, LV_DPI / 2); lv_bar_set_style(bar_emu, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_emu_ind); lv_obj_align(bar_emu, bar_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); part_info.bar_emu = bar_emu; // L4T partition block. lv_obj_t *bar_l4t = lv_bar_create(h1, bar_hos); lv_obj_set_size(bar_l4t, bar_l4t_size, LV_DPI / 2); lv_bar_set_style(bar_l4t, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_l4t_ind); lv_obj_align(bar_l4t, bar_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); part_info.bar_l4t = bar_l4t; // Android partition block. lv_obj_t *bar_and = lv_bar_create(h1, bar_hos); lv_obj_set_size(bar_and, bar_and_size, LV_DPI / 2); lv_bar_set_style(bar_and, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_and_ind); lv_obj_align(bar_and, bar_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); part_info.bar_and = bar_and; // HOS partition block. lv_obj_t *sep_emu = lv_cont_create(h1, NULL); lv_cont_set_fit(sep_emu, false, false); lv_obj_set_size(sep_emu, 0, LV_DPI / 2); // 8. lv_obj_set_style(sep_emu, &sep_emu_bg); lv_obj_align(sep_emu, bar_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); part_info.sep_emu = sep_emu; // Create disk layout blending separators. lv_obj_t *sep_l4t = lv_cont_create(h1, sep_emu); lv_obj_set_style(sep_l4t, &sep_l4t_bg); lv_obj_align(sep_l4t, bar_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); part_info.sep_l4t = sep_l4t; lv_obj_t *sep_and = lv_cont_create(h1, sep_emu); lv_obj_set_style(sep_and, &sep_and_bg); lv_obj_align(sep_and, bar_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, -4, 0); part_info.sep_and = sep_and; // Create slider type labels. lv_obj_t *lbl_hos = lv_label_create(h1, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_hos, true); lv_label_set_static_text(lbl_hos, "#96FF00 "SYMBOL_DOT" HOS (FAT32):#"); lv_obj_align(lbl_hos, bar_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 2); lv_obj_t *lbl_emu = lv_label_create(h1, lbl_hos); lv_label_set_static_text(lbl_emu, "#FF3C28 "SYMBOL_DOT" emuMMC (RAW):#"); lv_obj_align(lbl_emu, lbl_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3); lv_obj_t *lbl_l4t = lv_label_create(h1, lbl_hos); lv_label_set_static_text(lbl_l4t, "#00DDFF "SYMBOL_DOT" Linux (EXT4):#"); lv_obj_align(lbl_l4t, lbl_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3); lv_obj_t *lbl_and = lv_label_create(h1, lbl_hos); lv_label_set_static_text(lbl_and, "#FF8000 "SYMBOL_DOT" Android (USER):#"); lv_obj_align(lbl_and, lbl_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3); // Create HOS size slider. Non-interactive. lv_obj_t *slider_bar_hos = lv_bar_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(slider_bar_hos, LV_DPI * 7, LV_DPI * 3 / 17); lv_bar_set_range(slider_bar_hos, 0, (part_info.total_sct - AU_ALIGN_SECTORS) / SECTORS_PER_GB); lv_bar_set_value(slider_bar_hos, (part_info.total_sct - AU_ALIGN_SECTORS) / SECTORS_PER_GB); lv_bar_set_style(slider_bar_hos, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG, &bar_hos_bg); lv_bar_set_style(slider_bar_hos, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_hos_ind); lv_obj_align(slider_bar_hos, lbl_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, LV_DPI * 6 / 4, 0); part_info.slider_bar_hos = slider_bar_hos; // Create emuMMC size slider. lv_obj_t *slider_emu = lv_slider_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(slider_emu, LV_DPI * 7, LV_DPI / 3); lv_slider_set_range(slider_emu, 0, 20); lv_slider_set_value(slider_emu, 0); lv_slider_set_style(slider_emu, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG, &bar_emu_bg); lv_slider_set_style(slider_emu, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_emu_ind); lv_slider_set_style(slider_emu, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, &bar_emu_btn); lv_obj_align(slider_emu, slider_bar_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3 + 5); lv_slider_set_action(slider_emu, _action_slider_emu); part_info.slider_emu = slider_bar_hos; // Create L4T size slider. lv_obj_t *slider_l4t = lv_slider_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(slider_l4t, LV_DPI * 7, LV_DPI / 3); lv_slider_set_range(slider_l4t, 0, (part_info.total_sct - extra_sct) / SECTORS_PER_GB); lv_slider_set_value(slider_l4t, 0); lv_slider_set_style(slider_l4t, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG, &bar_l4t_bg); lv_slider_set_style(slider_l4t, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_l4t_ind); lv_slider_set_style(slider_l4t, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, &bar_l4t_btn); lv_obj_align(slider_l4t, slider_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3 - 3); lv_slider_set_action(slider_l4t, _action_slider_l4t); part_info.slider_l4t = slider_l4t; // Create Android size slider. lv_obj_t *slider_and = lv_slider_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(slider_and, LV_DPI * 7, LV_DPI / 3); lv_slider_set_range(slider_and, 0, (part_info.total_sct - extra_sct) / SECTORS_PER_GB - 4); // Subtract android reserved size. lv_slider_set_value(slider_and, 0); lv_slider_set_style(slider_and, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG, &bar_and_bg); lv_slider_set_style(slider_and, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC, &bar_and_ind); lv_slider_set_style(slider_and, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, &bar_and_btn); lv_obj_align(slider_and, slider_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3 - 3); lv_slider_set_action(slider_and, _action_slider_and); part_info.slider_and = slider_and; // Create HOS size label. lv_obj_t *lbl_sl_hos = lv_label_create(h1, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_sl_hos, true); s_printf(txt_buf, "#96FF00 %d GiB#", (part_info.total_sct - AU_ALIGN_SECTORS) >> 11 >> 10); lv_label_set_text(lbl_sl_hos, txt_buf); lv_obj_align(lbl_sl_hos, slider_bar_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, LV_DPI * 4 / 7, 0); part_info.lbl_hos = lbl_sl_hos; // Create emuMMC size label. lv_obj_t *lbl_sl_emu = lv_label_create(h1, lbl_sl_hos); lv_label_set_text(lbl_sl_emu, "#FF3C28 0 GiB#"); lv_obj_align(lbl_sl_emu, lbl_sl_hos, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3); part_info.lbl_emu = lbl_sl_emu; // Create L4T size label. lv_obj_t *lbl_sl_l4t = lv_label_create(h1, lbl_sl_hos); lv_label_set_text(lbl_sl_l4t, "#00DDFF 0 GiB#"); lv_obj_align(lbl_sl_l4t, lbl_sl_emu, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3); part_info.lbl_l4t = lbl_sl_l4t; // Create Android size label. lv_obj_t *lbl_sl_and = lv_label_create(h1, lbl_sl_hos); lv_label_set_text(lbl_sl_and, "#FF8000 0 GiB#"); lv_obj_align(lbl_sl_and, lbl_sl_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 3); part_info.lbl_and = lbl_sl_and; // Set partition manager notes. lv_obj_t *lbl_notes = lv_label_create(h1, NULL); lv_label_set_recolor(lbl_notes, true); lv_label_set_static_text(lbl_notes, "Note 1: Only up to #C7EA46 1GB# can be backed up. If more, you will be asked to back them manually at the next step.\n" "Note 2: Resized emuMMC formats the USER partition. A save data manager can be used to move them over.\n" "Note 3: The #C7EA46 Flash Linux# and #C7EA46 Flash Android# will flash files if suitable partitions and installer files are found.\n"); lv_label_set_style(lbl_notes, &hint_small_style); lv_obj_align(lbl_notes, lbl_and, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI / 5); // Create UMS button. lv_obj_t *btn1 = lv_btn_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_t *label_btn = lv_label_create(btn1, NULL); lv_btn_set_fit(btn1, true, true); lv_label_set_static_text(label_btn, SYMBOL_USB" SD UMS"); lv_obj_align(btn1, h1, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 0, LV_DPI * 5); lv_btn_set_action(btn1, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, _action_part_manager_ums_sd); // Create Flash Linux button. btn_flash_l4t = lv_btn_create(h1, NULL); lv_obj_t *label_btn2 = lv_label_create(btn_flash_l4t, NULL); lv_btn_set_fit(btn_flash_l4t, true, true); lv_label_set_static_text(label_btn2, SYMBOL_DOWNLOAD" Flash Linux"); lv_obj_align(btn_flash_l4t, btn1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, LV_DPI / 3, 0); lv_btn_set_action(btn_flash_l4t, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, _action_check_flash_linux); // Disable Flash Linux button if partition not found. u32 size_sct = _get_available_l4t_partition(); if (!l4t_flash_ctxt.offset_sct || !size_sct || size_sct < 0x800000) { lv_obj_set_click(btn_flash_l4t, false); lv_btn_set_state(btn_flash_l4t, LV_BTN_STATE_INA); } // Create Flash Android button. btn_flash_android = lv_btn_create(h1, NULL); label_btn = lv_label_create(btn_flash_android, NULL); lv_btn_set_fit(btn_flash_android, true, true); lv_label_set_static_text(label_btn, SYMBOL_DOWNLOAD" Flash Android"); lv_obj_align(btn_flash_android, btn_flash_l4t, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, LV_DPI / 3, 0); lv_btn_set_action(btn_flash_android, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, _action_flash_android); // Disable Flash Android button if partition not found. if (!_get_available_android_partition()) { lv_obj_set_click(btn_flash_android, false); lv_btn_set_state(btn_flash_android, LV_BTN_STATE_INA); } // Create next step button. btn1 = lv_btn_create(h1, NULL); label_btn = lv_label_create(btn1, NULL); lv_btn_set_fit(btn1, true, true); lv_label_set_static_text(label_btn, SYMBOL_SD" Next Step"); lv_obj_align(btn1, h1, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT, 0, LV_DPI * 5); lv_btn_set_action(btn1, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, _create_mbox_partitioning_next); free(txt_buf); sd_unmount(); return LV_RES_OK; }