 * @file hal_disp.c
 * @description HAL layer for display driver

 *      INCLUDES
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "../lv_hal/lv_hal_disp.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_mem.h"
#include "../lv_core/lv_obj.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_gc.h"

#if defined(LV_GC_INCLUDE)
#   include LV_GC_INCLUDE
#endif /* LV_ENABLE_GC */

 *      DEFINES

 *      TYPEDEFS


static lv_disp_t * active;

 *      MACROS


 * Initialize a display driver with default values.
 * It is used to surly have known values in the fields ant not memory junk.
 * After it you can set the fields.
 * @param driver pointer to driver variable to initialize
void lv_disp_drv_init(lv_disp_drv_t * driver)
    driver->disp_fill = NULL;
    driver->disp_map = NULL;
    driver->disp_flush = NULL;

    driver->mem_blend = NULL;
    driver->mem_fill = NULL;

    driver->vdb_wr = NULL;

 * Register an initialized display driver.
 * Automatically set the first display as active.
 * @param driver pointer to an initialized 'lv_disp_drv_t' variable (can be local variable)
 * @return pointer to the new display or NULL on error
lv_disp_t * lv_disp_drv_register(lv_disp_drv_t * driver)
    lv_disp_t * node;

    node = lv_mem_alloc(sizeof(lv_disp_t));
    if(node == NULL) return NULL;

    memcpy(&node->driver, driver, sizeof(lv_disp_drv_t));
    node->next = NULL;

    /* Set first display as active by default */
    if(LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_disp_list) == NULL) {
        LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_disp_list) = node;
        active = node;
    } else {
        ((lv_disp_t*)LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_disp_list))->next = node;

    return node;

 * Set the active display
 * @param disp pointer to a display (return value of 'lv_disp_register')
void lv_disp_set_active(lv_disp_t * disp)
    active = disp;

 * Get a pointer to the active display
 * @return pointer to the active display
lv_disp_t * lv_disp_get_active(void)
    return active;

 * Get the next display.
 * @param disp pointer to the current display. NULL to initialize.
 * @return the next display or NULL if no more. Give the first display when the parameter is NULL
lv_disp_t * lv_disp_next(lv_disp_t * disp)
    if(disp == NULL) {
        return LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_disp_list);
    } else {
        if(((lv_disp_t*)LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_disp_list))->next == NULL) return NULL;
        else return ((lv_disp_t*)LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_disp_list))->next;

 * Write the content of the internal buffer (VDB) to the display
 * @param x1 left coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param x2 right coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param y1 top coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param y2 bottom coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param color_p fill color
void lv_disp_fill(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, lv_color_t color)
    if(active == NULL) return;
    if(active->driver.disp_fill != NULL) active->driver.disp_fill(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);

 * Fill a rectangular area with a color on the active display
 * @param x1 left coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param x2 right coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param y1 top coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param y2 bottom coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param color_p pointer to an array of colors
void lv_disp_flush(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, lv_color_t * color_p)
    if(active == NULL) return;
    if(active->driver.disp_flush != NULL) {

        LV_LOG_TRACE("disp flush  started");
        active->driver.disp_flush(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_p);
        LV_LOG_TRACE("disp flush ready");

    } else {
        LV_LOG_WARN("disp flush function registered");

 * Put a color map to a rectangular area on the active display
 * @param x1 left coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param x2 right coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param y1 top coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param y2 bottom coordinate of the rectangle
 * @param color_map pointer to an array of colors
void lv_disp_map(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, const lv_color_t * color_map)
    if(active == NULL) return;
    if(active->driver.disp_map != NULL)  active->driver.disp_map(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_map);


 * Blend pixels to a destination memory from a source memory
 * In 'lv_disp_drv_t' 'mem_blend' is optional. (NULL if not available)
 * @param dest a memory address. Blend 'src' here.
 * @param src pointer to pixel map. Blend it to 'dest'.
 * @param length number of pixels in 'src'
 * @param opa opacity (0, LV_OPA_TRANSP: transparent ... 255, LV_OPA_COVER, fully cover)
void lv_disp_mem_blend(lv_color_t * dest, const lv_color_t * src, uint32_t length, lv_opa_t opa)
    if(active == NULL) return;
    if(active->driver.mem_blend != NULL) active->driver.mem_blend(dest, src, length, opa);

 * Fill a memory with a color (GPUs may support it)
 * In 'lv_disp_drv_t' 'mem_fill' is optional. (NULL if not available)
 * @param dest a memory address. Copy 'src' here.
 * @param src pointer to pixel map. Copy it to 'dest'.
 * @param length number of pixels in 'src'
 * @param opa opacity (0, LV_OPA_TRANSP: transparent ... 255, LV_OPA_COVER, fully cover)
void lv_disp_mem_fill(lv_color_t * dest, uint32_t length, lv_color_t color)
    if(active == NULL) return;
    if(active->driver.mem_fill != NULL) active->driver.mem_fill(dest, length, color);

 * Shows if memory blending (by GPU) is supported or not
 * @return false: 'mem_blend' is not supported in the driver; true: 'mem_blend' is supported in the driver
bool lv_disp_is_mem_blend_supported(void)
    if(active == NULL) return false;
    if(active->driver.mem_blend) return true;
    else return false;

 * Shows if memory fill (by GPU) is supported or not
 * @return false: 'mem_fill' is not supported in the drover; true: 'mem_fill' is supported in the driver
bool lv_disp_is_mem_fill_supported(void)
    if(active == NULL) return false;
    if(active->driver.mem_fill) return true;
    else return false;

