/* * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert * Copyright (c) 2018-2021 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef _SE_T210_H #define _SE_T210_H #include <utils/types.h> #define SE_CRYPTO_QUEUE_LENGTH 50 #define SE_MAX_SRC_SG_COUNT 50 #define SE_MAX_DST_SG_COUNT 50 #define SE_AES_KEYSLOT_COUNT 16 #define SE_RSA_KEYSLOT_COUNT 2 #define SE_MAX_LAST_BLOCK_SIZE 0xFFFFF #define SE_AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16 #define SE_AES_IV_SIZE 16 #define SE_AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE 16 #define SE_AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE 32 #define SE_KEY_128_SIZE 16 #define SE_KEY_192_SIZE 24 #define SE_KEY_256_SIZE 32 #define SE_SHA_192_SIZE 24 #define SE_SHA_256_SIZE 32 #define SE_SHA_384_SIZE 48 #define SE_SHA_512_SIZE 64 #define SE_RNG_IV_SIZE 16 #define SE_RNG_DT_SIZE 16 #define SE_RNG_KEY_SIZE 16 #define SE_RNG_SEED_SIZE (SE_RNG_IV_SIZE + SE_RNG_KEY_SIZE + SE_RNG_DT_SIZE) #define SE_AES_CMAC_DIGEST_SIZE 16 #define SE_RSA512_DIGEST_SIZE 64 #define SE_RSA1024_DIGEST_SIZE 128 #define SE_RSA1536_DIGEST_SIZE 192 #define SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE 256 #define DECRYPT 0 #define ENCRYPT 1 /* SE register definitions */ #define SE_SE_SECURITY_REG 0x000 #define SE_HARD_SETTING BIT(0) #define SE_ENG_DIS BIT(1) #define SE_PERKEY_SETTING BIT(2) #define SE_SOFT_SETTING BIT(16) #define SE_TZRAM_SECURITY_REG 0x004 #define SE_TZRAM_HARD_SETTING BIT(0) #define SE_TZRAM_ENG_DIS BIT(1) #define SE_OPERATION_REG 0x008 #define SE_OP_ABORT 0 #define SE_OP_START 1 #define SE_OP_RESTART_OUT 2 #define SE_OP_CTX_SAVE 3 #define SE_OP_RESTART_IN 4 #define SE_INT_ENABLE_REG 0x00C #define SE_INT_STATUS_REG 0x010 #define SE_INT_IN_LL_BUF_RD BIT(0) #define SE_INT_IN_DONE BIT(1) #define SE_INT_OUT_LL_BUF_WR BIT(2) #define SE_INT_OUT_DONE BIT(3) #define SE_INT_OP_DONE BIT(4) #define SE_INT_RESEED_NEEDED BIT(5) #define SE_INT_ERR_STAT BIT(16) #define SE_CONFIG_REG 0x014 #define DST_MEMORY 0 #define DST_HASHREG 1 #define DST_KEYTABLE 2 #define DST_SRK 3 #define DST_RSAREG 4 #define SE_CONFIG_DST(x) ((x) << 2) #define ALG_NOP 0 #define ALG_AES_DEC 1 #define SE_CONFIG_DEC_ALG(x) ((x) << 8) #define ALG_NOP 0 #define ALG_AES_ENC 1 #define ALG_RNG 2 #define ALG_SHA 3 #define ALG_RSA 4 #define SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(x) ((x) << 12) #define MODE_KEY128 0 #define MODE_KEY192 1 #define MODE_KEY256 2 #define MODE_SHA1 0 #define MODE_SHA224 4 #define MODE_SHA256 5 #define MODE_SHA384 6 #define MODE_SHA512 7 #define SE_CONFIG_DEC_MODE(x) ((x) << 16) #define SE_CONFIG_ENC_MODE(x) ((x) << 24) #define SE_IN_LL_ADDR_REG 0x018 #define SE_IN_CUR_BYTE_ADDR_REG 0x01C #define SE_IN_CUR_LL_ID_REG 0x020 #define SE_OUT_LL_ADDR_REG 0x024 #define SE_OUT_CUR_BYTE_ADDR_REG 0x028 #define SE_OUT_CUR_LL_ID_REG 0x02C #define SE_HASH_RESULT_REG 0x030 #define SE_HASH_RESULT_REG_COUNT 16 #define SE_CONTEXT_SAVE_CONFIG_REG 0x070 #define KEYS_0_3 0 #define KEYS_4_7 1 #define ORIGINAL_IV 2 #define UPDATED_IV 3 #define SE_CONTEXT_AES_WORD_QUAD(x) ((x) << 0) #define SE_CONTEXT_AES_KEY_INDEX(x) ((x) << 8) #define KEYS_0_3 0 #define KEYS_4_7 1 #define KEYS_8_11 2 #define KEYS_12_15 3 #define SE_CONTEXT_RSA_WORD_QUAD(x) ((x) << 12) #define SLOT0_EXPONENT 0 #define SLOT0_MODULUS 1 #define SLOT1_EXPONENT 2 #define SLOT1_MODULUS 3 #define SE_CONTEXT_RSA_KEY_INDEX(x) ((x) << 16) #define STICKY_0_3 0 #define STICKY_4_7 1 #define SE_CONTEXT_STICKY_WORD_QUAD(x) ((x) << 24) #define STICKY_BITS 0 #define RSA_KEYTABLE 1 #define AES_KEYTABLE 2 #define MEM 4 #define SRK 6 #define SE_CONTEXT_SRC(x) ((x) << 29) #define SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO_T210B01_REG 0x074 #define SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO_ENABLE BIT(0) #define SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO_LOCK BIT(8) #define SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO_CURR_CNT_MASK (0x3FF << 16) #define SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK 0x080 #define SE_SHA_CONFIG_REG 0x200 #define SHA_CONTINUE 0 #define SHA_INIT_HASH 1 #define SE_SHA_MSG_LENGTH_0_REG 0x204 #define SE_SHA_MSG_LENGTH_1_REG 0x208 #define SE_SHA_MSG_LENGTH_2_REG 0x20C #define SE_SHA_MSG_LENGTH_3_REG 0x210 #define SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_0_REG 0x214 #define SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_1_REG 0x218 #define SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_2_REG 0x21C #define SE_SHA_MSG_LEFT_3_REG 0x220 #define SE_CRYPTO_SECURITY_PERKEY_REG 0x280 #define SE_KEY_LOCK_FLAG 0x80 #define SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ACCESS_REG 0x284 #define SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ACCESS_REG_COUNT 16 #define SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYREAD_FLAG BIT(0) #define SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYUPDATE_FLAG BIT(1) #define SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_OIVREAD_FLAG BIT(2) #define SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_OIVUPDATE_FLAG BIT(3) #define SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_UIVREAD_FLAG BIT(4) #define SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_UIVUPDATE_FLAG BIT(5) #define SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYUSE_FLAG BIT(6) #define SE_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEY_ACCESS_FLAG 0x7F #define SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG 0x304 #define HASH_DISABLE 0 #define HASH_ENABLE 1 #define SE_CRYPTO_HASH(x) ((x) << 0) #define XOR_BYPASS 0 #define XOR_TOP 2 #define XOR_BOTTOM 3 #define SE_CRYPTO_XOR_POS(x) ((x) << 1) #define INPUT_MEMORY 0 #define INPUT_RANDOM 1 #define INPUT_AESOUT 2 #define INPUT_LNR_CTR 3 #define SE_CRYPTO_INPUT_SEL(x) ((x) << 3) #define VCTRAM_MEM 0 #define VCTRAM_AESOUT 2 #define VCTRAM_PREVMEM 3 #define SE_CRYPTO_VCTRAM_SEL(x) ((x) << 5) #define IV_ORIGINAL 0 #define IV_UPDATED 1 #define SE_CRYPTO_IV_SEL(x) ((x) << 7) #define CORE_DECRYPT 0 #define CORE_ENCRYPT 1 #define SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(x) ((x) << 8) #define SE_CRYPTO_KEYSCH_BYPASS BIT(10) #define SE_CRYPTO_CTR_CNTN(x) ((x) << 11) #define SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(x) ((x) << 24) #define MEMIF_AHB 0 #define MEMIF_MCCIF 1 #define SE_CRYPTO_MEMIF(x) ((x) << 31) #define SE_CRYPTO_LINEAR_CTR_REG 0x308 #define SE_CRYPTO_LINEAR_CTR_REG_COUNT 4 #define SE_CRYPTO_BLOCK_COUNT_REG 0x318 #define SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG 0x31C #define SE_KEYTABLE_PKT(x) ((x) << 0) #define KEYS_0_3 0 #define KEYS_4_7 1 #define ORIGINAL_IV 2 #define UPDATED_IV 3 #define SE_KEYTABLE_QUAD(x) ((x) << 2) #define SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(x) ((x) << 4) #define SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG 0x320 #define SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DST_REG 0x330 #define KEYS_0_3 0 #define KEYS_4_7 1 #define ORIGINAL_IV 2 #define UPDATED_IV 3 #define SE_KEYTABLE_DST_WORD_QUAD(x) ((x) << 0) #define SE_KEYTABLE_DST_KEY_INDEX(x) ((x) << 8) #define SE_RNG_CONFIG_REG 0x340 #define MODE_NORMAL 0 #define MODE_FORCE_INSTANTION 1 #define MODE_FORCE_RESEED 2 #define SE_RNG_CONFIG_MODE(x) ((x) << 0) #define SRC_NONE 0 #define SRC_ENTROPY 1 #define SRC_LFSR 2 #define SE_RNG_CONFIG_SRC(x) ((x) << 2) #define SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_REG 0x344 #define RO_ENTR_LOCK_DISABLE 0 #define RO_ENTR_LOCK_ENABLE 1 #define SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_ENTR_SRC_LOCK(x) ((x) << 0) #define RO_ENTR_DISABLE 0 #define RO_ENTR_ENABLE 1 #define SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_ENTR_SRC(x) ((x) << 1) #define RO_HW_DIS_CYA_DISABLE 0 #define RO_HW_DIS_CYA_ENABLE 1 #define SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_HW_DIS_CYA(x) ((x) << 2) #define SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_ENTR_SUBSMPL(x) ((x) << 4) #define SE_RNG_SRC_CONFIG_ENTR_DATA_FLUSH BIT(8) #define SE_RNG_RESEED_INTERVAL_REG 0x348 #define SE_RSA_CONFIG 0x400 #define RSA_KEY_SLOT_ONE 0 #define RSA_KEY_SLOT_TW0 1 #define RSA_KEY_SLOT(x) ((x) << 24) #define SE_RSA_KEY_SIZE_REG 0x404 #define RSA_KEY_WIDTH_512 0 #define RSA_KEY_WIDTH_1024 1 #define RSA_KEY_WIDTH_1536 2 #define RSA_KEY_WIDTH_2048 3 #define SE_RSA_EXP_SIZE_REG 0x408 #define SE_RSA_SECURITY_PERKEY_REG 0x40C #define SE_RSA_KEY_LOCK_FLAG 0x80 #define SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ACCESS_REG 0x410 #define SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYREAD_FLAG BIT(0) #define SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYUPDATE_FLAG BIT(1) #define SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYUSE_FLAG BIT(2) #define SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEY_ACCESS_FLAG 0x7F #define SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEY_READ_UPDATE_FLAG (SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYREAD_FLAG | SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYUPDATE_FLAG) #define SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEY_READ_UPDATE_USE_FLAG (SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYREAD_FLAG | SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYUPDATE_FLAG | SE_RSA_KEY_TBL_DIS_KEYUSE_FLAG) #define SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ADDR_REG 0x420 #define SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_PKT(x) ((x) << 0) #define RSA_KEY_TYPE_EXP 0 #define RSA_KEY_TYPE_MOD 1 #define SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_TYPE(x) ((x) << 6) #define RSA_KEY_NUM(x) ((x) << 7) #define RSA_KEY_INPUT_MODE_REG 0 #define RSA_KEY_INPUT_MODE_DMA 1 #define SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_INPUT_MODE(x) ((x) << 8) #define RSA_KEY_READ 0 #define RSA_KEY_WRITE 1 #define SE_RSA_KEY_OP(x) ((x) << 10) #define SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_DATA_REG 0x424 #define SE_RSA_OUTPUT_REG 0x428 #define SE_RSA_OUTPUT_REG_COUNT 64 #define SE_STATUS_REG 0x800 #define SE_STATUS_STATE_IDLE 0 #define SE_STATUS_STATE_BUSY 1 #define SE_STATUS_STATE_WAIT_OUT 2 #define SE_STATUS_STATE_WAIT_IN 3 #define SE_STATUS_STATE_MASK 3 #define SE_STATUS_MEM_IF_IDLE (0 << 2) #define SE_STATUS_MEM_IF_BUSY BIT(2) #define SE_ERR_STATUS_REG 0x804 #define SE_ERR_STATUS_SE_NS_ACCESS BIT(0) #define SE_ERR_STATUS_BUSY_REG_WR BIT(1) #define SE_ERR_STATUS_DST BIT(2) #define SE_ERR_STATUS_SRK_USAGE_LIMIT BIT(3) #define SE_ERR_STATUS_TZRAM_NS_ACCESS BIT(24) #define SE_ERR_STATUS_TZRAM_ADDRESS BIT(25) #define SE_MISC_REG 0x808 #define SE_ENTROPY_NEXT_192BIT BIT(0) #define SE_ENTROPY_VN_BYPASS BIT(1) #define SE_CLK_OVR_ON BIT(2) #define SE_SPARE_REG 0x80C #define SE_ERRATA_FIX_DISABLE 0 #define SE_ERRATA_FIX_ENABLE 1 #define SE_ECO(x) ((x) << 0) #endif