/* * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert * Copyright (c) 2018 Rajko Stojadinovic * Copyright (c) 2018-2022 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ //! fix the dram stuff and the pop ups #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <bdk.h> #include "gui.h" #include "fe_emummc_tools.h" #include "../config.h" #include <libs/fatfs/diskio.h> #include <libs/fatfs/ff.h> #define OUT_FILENAME_SZ 128 #define NAND_PATROL_SECTOR 0xC20 #define NUM_SECTORS_PER_ITER 8192 // 4MB Cache. extern hekate_config h_cfg; extern volatile boot_cfg_t *b_cfg; void load_emummc_cfg(emummc_cfg_t *emu_info) { memset(emu_info, 0, sizeof(emummc_cfg_t)); // Parse emuMMC configuration. LIST_INIT(ini_sections); if (!ini_parse(&ini_sections, "emuMMC/emummc.ini", false)) return; LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_sec_t, ini_sec, &ini_sections, link) { if (!strcmp(ini_sec->name, "emummc")) { LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_kv_t, kv, &ini_sec->kvs, link) { if (!strcmp("enabled", kv->key)) emu_info->enabled = atoi(kv->val); else if (!strcmp("sector", kv->key)) emu_info->sector = strtol(kv->val, NULL, 16); else if (!strcmp("id", kv->key)) emu_info->id = strtol(kv->val, NULL, 16); else if (!strcmp("path", kv->key)) { emu_info->path = (char *)malloc(strlen(kv->val) + 1); strcpy(emu_info->path, kv->val); } else if (!strcmp("nintendo_path", kv->key)) { emu_info->nintendo_path = (char *)malloc(strlen(kv->val) + 1); strcpy(emu_info->nintendo_path, kv->val); } } break; } } ini_free(&ini_sections); } void save_emummc_cfg(u32 part_idx, u32 sector_start, const char *path) { sd_mount(); char lbuf[16]; FIL fp; if (f_open(&fp, "emuMMC/emummc.ini", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS) != FR_OK) return; // Add config entry. f_puts("[emummc]\nenabled=", &fp); if (part_idx && sector_start) { itoa(part_idx, lbuf, 10); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); } else if(path) f_puts("1", &fp); else f_puts("0", &fp); if (!sector_start) f_puts("\nsector=0x0", &fp); else { f_puts("\nsector=0x", &fp); itoa(sector_start, lbuf, 16); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); } if (path) { f_puts("\npath=", &fp); f_puts(path, &fp); } // Get ID from path. u32 id_from_path = 0; if (path && strlen(path) >= 4) memcpy(&id_from_path, path + strlen(path) - 4, 4); f_puts("\nid=0x", &fp); itoa(id_from_path, lbuf, 16); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); f_puts("\nnintendo_path=", &fp); if (path) { f_puts(path, &fp); f_puts("/Nintendo\n", &fp); } else f_puts("\n", &fp); f_close(&fp); } void update_emummc_base_folder(char *outFilename, u32 sdPathLen, u32 currPartIdx) { if (currPartIdx < 10) { outFilename[sdPathLen] = '0'; itoa(currPartIdx, &outFilename[sdPathLen + 1], 10); } else itoa(currPartIdx, &outFilename[sdPathLen], 10); } static int _dump_emummc_file_part(emmc_tool_gui_t *gui, char *sd_path, sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part) { static const u32 FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT = 0xFFFFFFFF; static const u32 SECTORS_TO_MIB_COEFF = 11; u32 multipartSplitSize = 0xFE000000; u32 totalSectors = part->lba_end - part->lba_start + 1; u32 currPartIdx = 0; u32 numSplitParts = 0; int res = 0; char *outFilename = sd_path; u32 sdPathLen = strlen(sd_path); s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#96FF00 SD Card free space:# %d MiB\n#96FF00 Total size:# %d MiB\n\n", (u32)(sd_fs.free_clst * sd_fs.csize >> SECTORS_TO_MIB_COEFF), totalSectors >> SECTORS_TO_MIB_COEFF); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_info, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); lv_bar_set_value(gui->bar, 0); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_pct, " "SYMBOL_DOT" 0%"); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Check if the USER partition or the RAW eMMC fits the sd card free space. if (totalSectors > (sd_fs.free_clst * sd_fs.csize)) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FFDD00 Not enough free space for file based emuMMC!#\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); return 0; } // Check if filesystem is FAT32 or the free space is smaller and dump in parts. if (totalSectors > (FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT / EMMC_BLOCKSIZE)) { u32 multipartSplitSectors = multipartSplitSize / EMMC_BLOCKSIZE; numSplitParts = (totalSectors + multipartSplitSectors - 1) / multipartSplitSectors; // Get first part filename. update_emummc_base_folder(outFilename, sdPathLen, 0); } FIL fp; s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#96FF00 Filepath:#\n%s\n#96FF00 Filename:# #FF8000 %s#", gui->base_path, outFilename + strlen(gui->base_path)); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_info, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); res = f_open(&fp, outFilename, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); if (res) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FF0000 Error (%d) while creating#\n#FFDD00 %s#\n", res, outFilename); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); return 0; } u8 *buf = (u8 *)MIXD_BUF_ALIGNED; u32 lba_curr = part->lba_start; u32 bytesWritten = 0; u32 prevPct = 200; int retryCount = 0; DWORD *clmt = NULL; u64 totalSize = (u64)((u64)totalSectors << 9); if (totalSize <= FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT) clmt = f_expand_cltbl(&fp, SZ_4M, totalSize); else clmt = f_expand_cltbl(&fp, SZ_4M, MIN(totalSize, multipartSplitSize)); u32 num = 0; u32 pct = 0; lv_obj_set_opa_scale(gui->bar, LV_OPA_COVER); lv_obj_set_opa_scale(gui->label_pct, LV_OPA_COVER); while (totalSectors > 0) { if (numSplitParts != 0 && bytesWritten >= multipartSplitSize) { f_close(&fp); free(clmt); memset(&fp, 0, sizeof(fp)); currPartIdx++; update_emummc_base_folder(outFilename, sdPathLen, currPartIdx); // Create next part. s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "%s#", outFilename + strlen(gui->base_path)); lv_label_cut_text(gui->label_info, strlen(lv_label_get_text(gui->label_info)) - 3, 3); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_info, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); res = f_open(&fp, outFilename, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); if (res) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FF0000 Error (%d) while creating#\n#FFDD00 %s#\n", res, outFilename); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); return 0; } bytesWritten = 0; totalSize = (u64)((u64)totalSectors << 9); clmt = f_expand_cltbl(&fp, SZ_4M, MIN(totalSize, multipartSplitSize)); } // Check for cancellation combo. if (btn_read_vol() == (BTN_VOL_UP | BTN_VOL_DOWN)) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FFDD00 The emuMMC was cancelled!#\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); f_close(&fp); free(clmt); f_unlink(outFilename); msleep(1000); return 0; } retryCount = 0; num = MIN(totalSectors, NUM_SECTORS_PER_ITER); while (!sdmmc_storage_read(storage, lba_curr, num, buf)) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FFDD00 Error reading %d blocks @ LBA %08X,#\n" "#FFDD00 from eMMC (try %d). #", num, lba_curr, ++retryCount); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); msleep(150); if (retryCount >= 3) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#FF0000 Aborting...#\nPlease try again...\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); f_close(&fp); free(clmt); f_unlink(outFilename); return 0; } else { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Retrying...#"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); } } manual_system_maintenance(false); res = f_write_fast(&fp, buf, EMMC_BLOCKSIZE * num); manual_system_maintenance(false); if (res) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FF0000 Fatal error (%d) when writing to SD Card#\nPlease try again...\n", res); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); f_close(&fp); free(clmt); f_unlink(outFilename); return 0; } pct = (u64)((u64)(lba_curr - part->lba_start) * 100u) / (u64)(part->lba_end - part->lba_start); if (pct != prevPct) { lv_bar_set_value(gui->bar, pct); s_printf(gui->txt_buf, " "SYMBOL_DOT" %d%%", pct); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_pct, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); prevPct = pct; } lba_curr += num; totalSectors -= num; bytesWritten += num * EMMC_BLOCKSIZE; // Force a flush after a lot of data if not splitting. if (numSplitParts == 0 && bytesWritten >= multipartSplitSize) { f_sync(&fp); bytesWritten = 0; } manual_system_maintenance(false); } lv_bar_set_value(gui->bar, 100); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_pct, " "SYMBOL_DOT" 100%"); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Operation ended successfully. f_close(&fp); free(clmt); return 1; } void dump_emummc_file(emmc_tool_gui_t *gui) { int res = 0; int base_len = 0; u32 timer = 0; char *txt_buf = (char *)malloc(SZ_16K); gui->base_path = (char *)malloc(OUT_FILENAME_SZ); gui->txt_buf = txt_buf; txt_buf[0] = 0; lv_label_set_text(gui->label_log, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); if (!sd_mount()) { lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, "#FFDD00 Failed to init SD!#"); goto out; } lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, "Checking for available free space..."); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Get SD Card free space for file based emuMMC. f_getfree("", &sd_fs.free_clst, NULL); if (!emmc_initialize(false)) { lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, "#FFDD00 Failed to init eMMC!#"); goto out; } int i = 0; char sdPath[OUT_FILENAME_SZ]; // Create Restore folders, if they do not exist. f_mkdir("emuMMC"); strcpy(sdPath, "emuMMC/SD"); base_len = strlen(sdPath); for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { update_emummc_base_folder(sdPath, base_len, j); if(f_stat(sdPath, NULL) == FR_NO_FILE) break; } f_mkdir(sdPath); strcat(sdPath, "/eMMC"); f_mkdir(sdPath); strcat(sdPath, "/"); strcpy(gui->base_path, sdPath); timer = get_tmr_s(); const u32 BOOT_PART_SECTORS = 0x2000; // Force 4 MiB. emmc_part_t bootPart; memset(&bootPart, 0, sizeof(bootPart)); bootPart.lba_start = 0; bootPart.lba_end = BOOT_PART_SECTORS - 1; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { strcpy(bootPart.name, "BOOT"); bootPart.name[4] = (u8)('0' + i); bootPart.name[5] = 0; s_printf(txt_buf, "#00DDFF %02d: %s#\n#00DDFF Range: 0x%08X - 0x%08X#\n\n", i, bootPart.name, bootPart.lba_start, bootPart.lba_end); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, txt_buf); s_printf(txt_buf, "%02d: %s... ", i, bootPart.name); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); emmc_set_partition(i + 1); strcat(sdPath, bootPart.name); res = _dump_emummc_file_part(gui, sdPath, &emmc_storage, &bootPart); if (!res) { s_printf(txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Failed!#\n"); goto out_failed; } else s_printf(txt_buf, "Done!\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); strcpy(sdPath, gui->base_path); } // Get GP partition size dynamically. emmc_set_partition(EMMC_GPP); // Get GP partition size dynamically. const u32 RAW_AREA_NUM_SECTORS = emmc_storage.sec_cnt; emmc_part_t rawPart; memset(&rawPart, 0, sizeof(rawPart)); rawPart.lba_start = 0; rawPart.lba_end = RAW_AREA_NUM_SECTORS - 1; strcpy(rawPart.name, "GPP"); s_printf(txt_buf, "#00DDFF %02d: %s#\n#00DDFF Range: 0x%08X - 0x%08X#\n\n", i, rawPart.name, rawPart.lba_start, rawPart.lba_end); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, txt_buf); s_printf(txt_buf, "%02d: %s... ", i, rawPart.name); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); res = _dump_emummc_file_part(gui, sdPath, &emmc_storage, &rawPart); if (!res) s_printf(txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Failed!#\n"); else s_printf(txt_buf, "Done!\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); out_failed: timer = get_tmr_s() - timer; emmc_end(); if (res) { s_printf(txt_buf, "Time taken: %dm %ds.\nFinished!", timer / 60, timer % 60); gui->base_path[strlen(gui->base_path) - 5] = '\0'; strcpy(sdPath, gui->base_path); strcat(sdPath, "file_based"); FIL fp; f_open(&fp, sdPath, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); f_close(&fp); gui->base_path[strlen(gui->base_path) - 1] = 0; save_emummc_cfg(0, 0, gui->base_path); } else s_printf(txt_buf, "Time taken: %dm %ds.", timer / 60, timer % 60); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_finish, txt_buf); out: free(txt_buf); free(gui->base_path); sd_unmount(); } static int _dump_emummc_raw_part(emmc_tool_gui_t *gui, int active_part, int part_idx, u32 sd_part_off, emmc_part_t *part, u32 resized_count) { u32 num = 0; u32 pct = 0; u32 prevPct = 200; int retryCount = 0; u32 sd_sector_off = sd_part_off + (0x2000 * active_part); u32 lba_curr = part->lba_start; u8 *buf = (u8 *)MIXD_BUF_ALIGNED; s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n\n\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_info, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); lv_bar_set_value(gui->bar, 0); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_pct, " "SYMBOL_DOT" 0%"); manual_system_maintenance(true); s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#96FF00 Base folder:#\n%s\n#96FF00 Partition offset:# #FF8000 0x%08X#", gui->base_path, sd_part_off); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_info, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); lv_obj_set_opa_scale(gui->bar, LV_OPA_COVER); lv_obj_set_opa_scale(gui->label_pct, LV_OPA_COVER); u32 user_offset = 0; if (resized_count) { // Get USER partition info. LIST_INIT(gpt_parsed); emmc_gpt_parse(&gpt_parsed); emmc_part_t *user_part = emmc_part_find(&gpt_parsed, "USER"); if (!user_part) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FFDD00 USER partition not found!#\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); return 0; } user_offset = user_part->lba_start; part->lba_end = user_offset - 1; emmc_gpt_free(&gpt_parsed); } u32 totalSectors = part->lba_end - part->lba_start + 1; while (totalSectors > 0) { // Check for cancellation combo. if (btn_read_vol() == (BTN_VOL_UP | BTN_VOL_DOWN)) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FFDD00 The emuMMC was cancelled!#\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); msleep(1000); return 0; } retryCount = 0; num = MIN(totalSectors, NUM_SECTORS_PER_ITER); // Read data from eMMC. while (!sdmmc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, lba_curr, num, buf)) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FFDD00 Error reading %d blocks @LBA %08X,#\n" "#FFDD00 from eMMC (try %d). #", num, lba_curr, ++retryCount); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); msleep(150); if (retryCount >= 3) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#FF0000 Aborting...#\nPlease try again...\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); return 0; } else { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Retrying...#\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); } } manual_system_maintenance(false); // Write data to SD card. retryCount = 0; while (!sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sd_sector_off + lba_curr, num, buf)) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FFDD00 Error writing %d blocks @LBA %08X,#\n" "#FFDD00 to SD (try %d). #", num, lba_curr, ++retryCount); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); msleep(150); if (retryCount >= 3) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#FF0000 Aborting...#\nPlease try again...\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); return 0; } else { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Retrying...#\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); } } manual_system_maintenance(false); pct = (u64)((u64)(lba_curr - part->lba_start) * 100u) / (u64)(part->lba_end - part->lba_start); if (pct != prevPct) { lv_bar_set_value(gui->bar, pct); s_printf(gui->txt_buf, " "SYMBOL_DOT" %d%%", pct); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_pct, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); prevPct = pct; } lba_curr += num; totalSectors -= num; } lv_bar_set_value(gui->bar, 100); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_pct, " "SYMBOL_DOT" 100%"); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Set partition type to emuMMC (0xE0). if (active_part == 2) { mbr_t mbr; sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr); mbr.partitions[part_idx].type = 0xE0; sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, 0, 1, &mbr); } if (resized_count) { lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, "Done!\n"); // Calculate USER size and set it for FatFS. u32 user_sectors = resized_count - user_offset - 33; user_sectors = ALIGN_DOWN(user_sectors, 0x20); // Align down to cluster size. disk_set_info(DRIVE_EMU, SET_SECTOR_COUNT, &user_sectors); // Initialize BIS for emuMMC. BIS keys should be already in place. emmc_part_t user_part = {0}; user_part.lba_start = user_offset; user_part.lba_end = user_offset + user_sectors - 1; strcpy(user_part.name, "USER"); nx_emmc_bis_init(&user_part, true, sd_sector_off); s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "Formatting USER... \n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Format USER partition. u8 *buff = malloc(SZ_4M); int mkfs_error = f_mkfs("emu:", FM_FAT32 | FM_SFD | FM_PRF2, 16384, buff, SZ_4M); free(buff); // Mount sd card back. sd_mount(); if (mkfs_error) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#FF0000 Failed (%d)!#\nPlease try again...\n", mkfs_error); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); return 0; } lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, "Done!\n"); // Flush BIS cache, deinit, clear BIS keys slots and reinstate SBK. nx_emmc_bis_end(); hos_bis_keys_clear(); s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "Writing new GPT... "); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); // Read MBR, GPT and backup GPT. mbr_t mbr; gpt_t *gpt = calloc(1, sizeof(gpt_t)); gpt_header_t gpt_hdr_backup; sdmmc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, 0, 1, &mbr); sdmmc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, 1, sizeof(gpt_t) >> 9, gpt); sdmmc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, gpt->header.alt_lba, 1, &gpt_hdr_backup); // Find USER partition. u32 gpt_entry_idx = 0; for (gpt_entry_idx = 0; gpt_entry_idx < gpt->header.num_part_ents; gpt_entry_idx++) if (!memcmp(gpt->entries[gpt_entry_idx].name, (char[]) { 'U', 0, 'S', 0, 'E', 0, 'R', 0 }, 8)) break; if (gpt_entry_idx >= gpt->header.num_part_ents) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "\n#FF0000 No USER partition...#\nPlease try again...\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); free(gpt); return 0; } // Set new emuMMC size and USER size. mbr.partitions[0].size_sct = resized_count; gpt->entries[gpt_entry_idx].lba_end = user_part.lba_end; // Update Main GPT. gpt->header.alt_lba = resized_count - 1; gpt->header.last_use_lba = resized_count - 34; gpt->header.part_ents_crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)gpt->entries, sizeof(gpt_entry_t) * gpt->header.num_part_ents); gpt->header.crc32 = 0; // Set to 0 for calculation. gpt->header.crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)&gpt->header, gpt->header.size); // Update Backup GPT. gpt_hdr_backup.my_lba = resized_count - 1; gpt_hdr_backup.part_ent_lba = resized_count - 33; gpt_hdr_backup.part_ents_crc32 = gpt->header.part_ents_crc32; gpt_hdr_backup.crc32 = 0; // Set to 0 for calculation. gpt_hdr_backup.crc32 = crc32_calc(0, (const u8 *)&gpt_hdr_backup, gpt_hdr_backup.size); // Write main GPT. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sd_sector_off + gpt->header.my_lba, sizeof(gpt_t) >> 9, gpt); // Write backup GPT partition table. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sd_sector_off + gpt_hdr_backup.part_ent_lba, ((sizeof(gpt_entry_t) * 128) >> 9), gpt->entries); // Write backup GPT header. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sd_sector_off + gpt_hdr_backup.my_lba, 1, &gpt_hdr_backup); // Write MBR. sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sd_sector_off, 1, &mbr); // Clear nand patrol. memset(buf, 0, EMMC_BLOCKSIZE); sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sd_part_off + NAND_PATROL_SECTOR, 1, buf); free(gpt); } return 1; } static int _emummc_raw_derive_bis_keys(emmc_tool_gui_t *gui, u32 resized_count) { if (!resized_count) return 1; bool error = false; char *txt_buf = (char *)malloc(SZ_16K); txt_buf[0] = 0; // Generate BIS keys. hos_bis_keygen(); u8 *cal0_buf = malloc(SZ_64K); // Read and decrypt CAL0 for validation of working BIS keys. emmc_set_partition(EMMC_GPP); LIST_INIT(gpt); emmc_gpt_parse(&gpt); emmc_part_t *cal0_part = emmc_part_find(&gpt, "PRODINFO"); // check if null nx_emmc_bis_init(cal0_part, false, 0); nx_emmc_bis_read(0, 0x40, cal0_buf); nx_emmc_bis_end(); emmc_gpt_free(&gpt); nx_emmc_cal0_t *cal0 = (nx_emmc_cal0_t *)cal0_buf; // Check keys validity. if (memcmp(&cal0->magic, "CAL0", 4)) { // Clear EKS keys. hos_eks_clear(KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MAX); strcpy(txt_buf, "#FFDD00 BIS keys validation failed!#\n"); error = true; } free(cal0_buf); if (error) { lv_obj_t *dark_bg = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(dark_bg, &mbox_darken); lv_obj_set_size(dark_bg, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); static const char * mbox_btn_map[] = { "\251", "\222Close", "\251", "" }; lv_obj_t * mbox = lv_mbox_create(dark_bg, NULL); lv_mbox_set_recolor_text(mbox, true); lv_obj_set_width(mbox, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 5); lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "#C7EA46 BIS Keys Generation#"); lv_obj_t * lb_desc = lv_label_create(mbox, NULL); lv_label_set_long_mode(lb_desc, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK); lv_label_set_recolor(lb_desc, true); lv_label_set_style(lb_desc, &monospace_text); lv_obj_set_width(lb_desc, LV_HOR_RES / 9 * 4); lv_label_set_text(lb_desc, txt_buf); lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, mbox_btn_map, mbox_action); lv_obj_align(mbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_top(mbox, true); free(txt_buf); return 0; } free(txt_buf); return 1; } void dump_emummc_raw(emmc_tool_gui_t *gui, int part_idx, u32 sector_start, u32 resized_count) { int res = 0; u32 timer = 0; char *txt_buf = (char *)malloc(SZ_16K); gui->base_path = (char *)malloc(OUT_FILENAME_SZ); gui->txt_buf = txt_buf; txt_buf[0] = 0; lv_label_set_text(gui->label_log, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); if (!sd_mount()) { lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, "#FFDD00 Failed to init SD!#"); goto out; } if (!emmc_initialize(false)) { lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, "#FFDD00 Failed to init eMMC!#"); goto out; } if (!_emummc_raw_derive_bis_keys(gui, resized_count)) { s_printf(gui->txt_buf, "#FFDD00 For formatting USER partition,#\n#FFDD00 BIS keys are needed!#\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, gui->txt_buf); emmc_end(); goto out; } int i = 0; char sdPath[OUT_FILENAME_SZ]; // Create Restore folders, if they do not exist. f_mkdir("emuMMC"); s_printf(sdPath, "emuMMC/RAW%d", part_idx); f_mkdir(sdPath); strcat(sdPath, "/"); strcpy(gui->base_path, sdPath); timer = get_tmr_s(); const u32 BOOT_PART_SECTORS = 0x2000; // Force 4 MiB. emmc_part_t bootPart; memset(&bootPart, 0, sizeof(bootPart)); bootPart.lba_start = 0; bootPart.lba_end = BOOT_PART_SECTORS - 1; // Clear partition start. memset((u8 *)MIXD_BUF_ALIGNED, 0, SZ_16M); sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sector_start - 0x8000, 0x8000, (u8 *)MIXD_BUF_ALIGNED); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { strcpy(bootPart.name, "BOOT"); bootPart.name[4] = (u8)('0' + i); bootPart.name[5] = 0; s_printf(txt_buf, "#00DDFF %02d: %s#\n#00DDFF Range: 0x%08X - 0x%08X#\n\n", i, bootPart.name, bootPart.lba_start, bootPart.lba_end); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, txt_buf); s_printf(txt_buf, "%02d: %s... ", i, bootPart.name); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); emmc_set_partition(i + 1); strcat(sdPath, bootPart.name); res = _dump_emummc_raw_part(gui, i, part_idx, sector_start, &bootPart, 0); if (!res) { s_printf(txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Failed!#\n"); goto out_failed; } else s_printf(txt_buf, "Done!\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); strcpy(sdPath, gui->base_path); } emmc_set_partition(EMMC_GPP); // Get GP partition size dynamically. const u32 RAW_AREA_NUM_SECTORS = emmc_storage.sec_cnt; emmc_part_t rawPart; memset(&rawPart, 0, sizeof(rawPart)); rawPart.lba_start = 0; rawPart.lba_end = RAW_AREA_NUM_SECTORS - 1; strcpy(rawPart.name, "GPP"); { s_printf(txt_buf, "#00DDFF %02d: %s#\n#00DDFF Range: 0x%08X - 0x%08X#\n\n", i, rawPart.name, rawPart.lba_start, rawPart.lba_end); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_info, txt_buf); s_printf(txt_buf, "%02d: %s... ", i, rawPart.name); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); res = _dump_emummc_raw_part(gui, 2, part_idx, sector_start, &rawPart, resized_count); if (!res) s_printf(txt_buf, "#FFDD00 Failed!#\n"); else s_printf(txt_buf, "Done!\n"); lv_label_ins_text(gui->label_log, LV_LABEL_POS_LAST, txt_buf); manual_system_maintenance(true); } out_failed: timer = get_tmr_s() - timer; emmc_end(); if (res) { s_printf(txt_buf, "Time taken: %dm %ds.\nFinished!", timer / 60, timer % 60); strcpy(sdPath, gui->base_path); strcat(sdPath, "raw_based"); FIL fp; f_open(&fp, sdPath, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); f_write(&fp, §or_start, 4, NULL); f_close(&fp); gui->base_path[strlen(gui->base_path) - 1] = 0; save_emummc_cfg(part_idx, sector_start, gui->base_path); } else s_printf(txt_buf, "Time taken: %dm %ds.", timer / 60, timer % 60); lv_label_set_text(gui->label_finish, txt_buf); out: free(txt_buf); free(gui->base_path); sd_unmount(); }