 * @file lv_list.h

#ifndef LV_LIST_H
#define LV_LIST_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *      INCLUDES
#include "lv_conf.h"
#include "../../lv_conf.h"

#if USE_LV_LIST != 0

/*Testing of dependencies*/
#if USE_LV_PAGE == 0
#error "lv_list: lv_page is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_PAGE  1) "

#if USE_LV_BTN == 0
#error "lv_list: lv_btn is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_BTN  1) "

#if USE_LV_LABEL == 0
#error "lv_list: lv_label is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_LABEL  1) "

#include "../lv_core/lv_obj.h"
#include "lv_page.h"
#include "lv_btn.h"
#include "lv_label.h"
#include "lv_img.h"

 *      DEFINES

 *      TYPEDEFS
/*Data of list*/
typedef struct
    lv_page_ext_t page; /*Ext. of ancestor*/
    /*New data for this type */
    uint16_t anim_time;                          /*Scroll animation time*/
    lv_style_t *styles_btn[LV_BTN_STATE_NUM];    /*Styles of the list element buttons*/
    lv_style_t *style_img;                       /*Style of the list element images on buttons*/
    uint32_t size; /*the number of items(buttons) in the list*/
    bool single_mode; /* whether single selected mode is enabled */
    lv_obj_t * last_sel;                          /* The last selected button. It will be reverted when the list is focused again */
    lv_obj_t * selected_btn;                      /* The button is currently being selected*/
} lv_list_ext_t;

enum {
typedef uint8_t lv_list_style_t;


 * Create a list objects
 * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new list
 * @param copy pointer to a list object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
 * @return pointer to the created list
lv_obj_t * lv_list_create(lv_obj_t * par, const lv_obj_t * copy);

 * Delete all children of the scrl object, without deleting scrl child.
 * @param obj pointer to an object
void lv_list_clean(lv_obj_t *obj);

 * Add/remove functions

 * Add a list element to the list
 * @param list pointer to list object
 * @param img_fn file name of an image before the text (NULL if unused)
 * @param txt text of the list element (NULL if unused)
 * @param rel_action pointer to release action function (like with lv_btn)
 * @return pointer to the new list element which can be customized (a button)
lv_obj_t * lv_list_add(lv_obj_t * list, const void * img_src, const char * txt, lv_action_t rel_action);

 * Remove the index of the button in the list
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @param index pointer to a the button's index in the list, index must be 0 <= index < lv_list_ext_t.size
 * @return true: successfully deleted
bool lv_list_remove(const lv_obj_t * list, uint32_t index);

 * Setter functions

 * Set single button selected mode, only one button will be selected if enabled.
 * @param list pointer to the currently pressed list object
 * @param mode, enable(true)/disable(false) single selected mode.
void lv_list_set_single_mode(lv_obj_t *list, bool mode);


 * Make a button selected. Can be used while navigating in the list with a keypad.
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @param btn pointer to a button to select
void lv_list_set_btn_selected(lv_obj_t * list, lv_obj_t * btn);

 * Set scroll animation duration on 'list_up()' 'list_down()' 'list_focus()'
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @param anim_time duration of animation [ms]
void lv_list_set_anim_time(lv_obj_t *list, uint16_t anim_time);

 * Set the scroll bar mode of a list
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @param sb_mode the new mode from 'lv_page_sb_mode_t' enum
static inline void lv_list_set_sb_mode(lv_obj_t * list, lv_sb_mode_t mode)
    lv_page_set_sb_mode(list, mode);

 * Enable the scroll propagation feature. If enabled then the List will move its parent if there is no more space to scroll.
 * @param list pointer to a List
 * @param en true or false to enable/disable scroll propagation
static inline void lv_list_set_scroll_propagation(lv_obj_t * list, bool en)
    lv_page_set_scroll_propagation(list, en);

 * Enable the edge flash effect. (Show an arc when the an edge is reached)
 * @param list pointer to a List
 * @param en true or false to enable/disable end flash
static inline void lv_list_set_edge_flash(lv_obj_t * list, bool en)
    lv_page_set_edge_flash(list, en);

 * Set a style of a list
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @param type which style should be set
 * @param style pointer to a style
void lv_list_set_style(lv_obj_t *list, lv_list_style_t type, lv_style_t *style);

 * Getter functions

 * Get single button selected mode.
 * @param list pointer to the currently pressed list object.
bool lv_list_get_single_mode(lv_obj_t *list);

 * Get the text of a list element
 * @param btn pointer to list element
 * @return pointer to the text
const char * lv_list_get_btn_text(const lv_obj_t * btn);
 * Get the label object from a list element
 * @param btn pointer to a list element (button)
 * @return pointer to the label from the list element or NULL if not found
lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_btn_label(const lv_obj_t * btn);

 * Get the image object from a list element
 * @param btn pointer to a list element (button)
 * @return pointer to the image from the list element or NULL if not found
lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_btn_img(const lv_obj_t * btn);

 * Get the next button from list. (Starts from the bottom button)
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @param prev_btn pointer to button. Search the next after it.
 * @return pointer to the next button or NULL when no more buttons
lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_prev_btn(const lv_obj_t * list, lv_obj_t * prev_btn);

 * Get the previous button from list. (Starts from the top button)
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @param prev_btn pointer to button. Search the previous before it.
 * @return pointer to the previous button or NULL when no more buttons
lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_next_btn(const lv_obj_t * list, lv_obj_t * prev_btn);

 * Get the index of the button in the list
 * @param list pointer to a list object. If NULL, assumes btn is part of a list.
 * @param btn pointer to a list element (button)
 * @return the index of the button in the list, or -1 of the button not in this list
int32_t lv_list_get_btn_index(const lv_obj_t * list, const lv_obj_t * btn);

 * Get the number of buttons in the list
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @return the number of buttons in the list
uint32_t lv_list_get_size(const lv_obj_t * list);

 * Get the currently selected button. Can be used while navigating in the list with a keypad.
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @return pointer to the selected button
lv_obj_t * lv_list_get_btn_selected(const lv_obj_t * list);

 * Get scroll animation duration
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @return duration of animation [ms]
uint16_t lv_list_get_anim_time(const lv_obj_t *list);

 * Get the scroll bar mode of a list
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @return scrollbar mode from 'lv_page_sb_mode_t' enum
static inline lv_sb_mode_t lv_list_get_sb_mode(const lv_obj_t * list)
    return lv_page_get_sb_mode(list);

 * Get the scroll propagation property
 * @param list pointer to a List
 * @return true or false
static inline bool lv_list_get_scroll_propagation(lv_obj_t * list)
    return lv_page_get_scroll_propagation(list);

 * Get the scroll propagation property
 * @param list pointer to a List
 * @return true or false
static inline bool lv_list_get_edge_flash(lv_obj_t * list)
    return lv_page_get_edge_flash(list);

 * Get a style of a list
 * @param list pointer to a list object
 * @param type which style should be get
 * @return style pointer to a style
 *  */
lv_style_t * lv_list_get_style(const lv_obj_t *list, lv_list_style_t type);

 * Other functions

 * Move the list elements up by one
 * @param list pointer a to list object
void lv_list_up(const lv_obj_t * list);
 * Move the list elements down by one
 * @param list pointer to a list object
void lv_list_down(const lv_obj_t * list);

 * Focus on a list button. It ensures that the button will be visible on the list.
 * @param btn pointer to a list button to focus
 * @param anim_en true: scroll with animation, false: without animation
void lv_list_focus(const lv_obj_t *btn, bool anim_en);

 *      MACROS

#endif  /*USE_LV_LIST*/

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

#endif  /*LV_LIST_H*/