/* * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string.h> #include "se.h" #include "heap.h" #include "t210.h" #include "se_t210.h" typedef struct _se_ll_t { vu32 num; vu32 addr; vu32 size; } se_ll_t; static void _gf256_mul_x(void *block) { u8 *pdata = (u8 *)block; u32 carry = 0; for (u32 i = 0xF; i >= 0; i--) { u8 b = pdata[i]; pdata[i] = (b << 1) | carry; carry = b >> 7; } if (carry) pdata[0xF] ^= 0x87; } static void _se_ll_init(se_ll_t *ll, u32 addr, u32 size) { ll->num = 0; ll->addr = addr; ll->size = size; } static void _se_ll_set(se_ll_t *dst, se_ll_t *src) { SE(SE_IN_LL_ADDR_REG_OFFSET) = (u32)src; SE(SE_OUT_LL_ADDR_REG_OFFSET) = (u32)dst; } static int _se_wait() { while (!(SE(SE_INT_STATUS_REG_OFFSET) & SE_INT_OP_DONE(INT_SET))) ; if (SE(SE_INT_STATUS_REG_OFFSET) & SE_INT_ERROR(INT_SET) || SE(SE_STATUS_0) & 3 || SE(SE_ERR_STATUS_0) != 0) return 0; return 1; } static int _se_execute(u32 op, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size) { se_ll_t *ll_dst = NULL, *ll_src = NULL; if (dst) { ll_dst = (se_ll_t *)malloc(sizeof(se_ll_t)); _se_ll_init(ll_dst, (u32)dst, dst_size); } if (src) { ll_src = (se_ll_t *)malloc(sizeof(se_ll_t)); _se_ll_init(ll_src, (u32)src, src_size); } _se_ll_set(ll_dst, ll_src); SE(SE_ERR_STATUS_0) = SE(SE_ERR_STATUS_0); SE(SE_INT_STATUS_REG_OFFSET) = SE(SE_INT_STATUS_REG_OFFSET); SE(SE_OPERATION_REG_OFFSET) = SE_OPERATION(op); int res = _se_wait(); if (src) free(ll_src); if (dst) free(ll_dst); return res; } static int _se_execute_one_block(u32 op, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size) { u8 *block = (u8 *)malloc(0x10); memset(block, 0, 0x10); SE(SE_BLOCK_COUNT_REG_OFFSET) = 0; memcpy(block, src, src_size); int res = _se_execute(op, block, 0x10, block, 0x10); memcpy(dst, block, dst_size); free(block); return res; } static void _se_aes_ctr_set(void *ctr) { u32 *data = (u32 *)ctr; for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) SE(SE_CRYPTO_CTR_REG_OFFSET + 4 * i) = data[i]; } void se_rsa_acc_ctrl(u32 rs, u32 flags) { if (flags & 0x7F) SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ACCESS_REG_OFFSET + 4 * rs) = ((flags >> 4) & 4 | flags & 3) ^ 7; if (flags & 0x80) SE(SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ACCESS_LOCK_OFFSET) &= ~(1 << rs); } void se_key_acc_ctrl(u32 ks, u32 flags) { if (flags & 0x7F) SE(SE_KEY_TABLE_ACCESS_REG_OFFSET + 4 * ks) = ~flags; if (flags & 0x80) SE(SE_KEY_TABLE_ACCESS_LOCK_OFFSET) &= ~(1 << ks); } void se_aes_key_set(u32 ks, void *key, u32 size) { u32 *data = (u32 *)key; for (u32 i = 0; i < size / 4; i++) { SE(SE_KEYTABLE_REG_OFFSET) = SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(ks) | i; SE(SE_KEYTABLE_DATA0_REG_OFFSET) = data[i]; } } void se_aes_key_clear(u32 ks) { for (u32 i = 0; i < TEGRA_SE_AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE / 4; i++) { SE(SE_KEYTABLE_REG_OFFSET) = SE_KEYTABLE_SLOT(ks) | i; SE(SE_KEYTABLE_DATA0_REG_OFFSET) = 0; } } int se_aes_unwrap_key(u32 ks_dst, u32 ks_src, const void *input) { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CONFIG_DEC_ALG(ALG_AES_DEC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_KEYTAB); SE(SE_CRYPTO_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks_src) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_DECRYPT); SE(SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DST_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_DST_KEY_INDEX(ks_dst); return _se_execute(OP_START, NULL, 0, input, 0x10); } int se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(u32 ks, u32 enc, void *dst, const void *src) { if (enc) { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_AES_ENC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT); } else { SE(SE_CONFIG_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CONFIG_DEC_ALG(ALG_AES_DEC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_DECRYPT); } SE(SE_BLOCK_COUNT_REG_OFFSET) = 0; return _se_execute(OP_START, dst, 0x10, src, 0x10); } int se_aes_crypt_ctr(u32 ks, void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *src, u32 src_size, void *ctr) { SE(SE_SPARE_0_REG_OFFSET) = 1; SE(SE_CONFIG_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CONFIG_ENC_ALG(ALG_AES_ENC) | SE_CONFIG_DST(DST_MEMORY); SE(SE_CRYPTO_REG_OFFSET) = SE_CRYPTO_KEY_INDEX(ks) | SE_CRYPTO_CORE_SEL(CORE_ENCRYPT) | SE_CRYPTO_XOR_POS(XOR_BOTTOM) | SE_CRYPTO_INPUT_SEL(INPUT_LNR_CTR) | SE_CRYPTO_CTR_VAL(1); _se_aes_ctr_set(ctr); u32 src_size_aligned = src_size & 0xFFFFFFF0; u32 src_size_delta = src_size & 0xF; if (src_size_aligned) { SE(SE_BLOCK_COUNT_REG_OFFSET) = (src_size >> 4) - 1; if (!_se_execute(OP_START, dst, dst_size, src, src_size_aligned)) return 0; } if (src_size - src_size_aligned && src_size_aligned < dst_size) return _se_execute_one_block(OP_START, dst + src_size_aligned, MIN(src_size_delta, dst_size - src_size_aligned), src + src_size_aligned, src_size_delta); return 1; } int se_aes_xts_crypt_sec(u32 ks1, u32 ks2, u32 enc, u64 sec, void *dst, void *src, u32 secsize) { int res = 0; u8 *tweak = (u8 *)malloc(0x10); u8 *pdst = (u8 *)dst; u8 *psrc = (u8 *)src; //Generate tweak. for (int i = 0xF; i >= 0; i--) { tweak[i] = sec & 0xFF; sec >>= 8; } if (!se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(ks1, 1, tweak, tweak)) goto out; //We are assuming a 0x10-aligned sector size in this implementation. for (u32 i = 0; i < secsize / 0x10; i++) { for (u32 j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) pdst[j] = psrc[j] ^ tweak[j]; if (!se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(ks2, enc, pdst, pdst)) goto out; for (u32 j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) pdst[j] = pdst[j] ^ tweak[j]; _gf256_mul_x(tweak); psrc += 0x10; pdst += 0x10; } res = 1; out:; free(tweak); return res; } int se_aes_xts_crypt(u32 ks1, u32 ks2, u32 enc, u64 sec, void *dst, void *src, u32 secsize, u32 num_secs) { u8 *pdst = (u8 *)dst; u8 *psrc = (u8 *)src; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_secs; i++) if (!se_aes_xts_crypt_sec(ks1, ks2, enc, sec + i, pdst + secsize * i, psrc + secsize * i, secsize)) return 0; return 1; }