/** * @file lv_vdraw.c * */ #include "lv_draw_vbasic.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include "../lv_hal/lv_hal_disp.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_area.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_font.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_color.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_log.h" #if LV_VDB_SIZE != 0 #include <stddef.h> #include "../lv_core/lv_vdb.h" #include "lv_draw.h" /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define VFILL_HW_ACC_SIZE_LIMIT 50 /*Always fill < 50 px with 'sw_color_fill' because of the hw. init overhead*/ #ifndef LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN #define LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN #endif /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static void sw_mem_blend(lv_color_t * dest, const lv_color_t * src, uint32_t length, lv_opa_t opa); static void sw_color_fill(lv_area_t * mem_area, lv_color_t * mem, const lv_area_t * fill_area, lv_color_t color, lv_opa_t opa); #if LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP static inline lv_color_t color_mix_2_alpha(lv_color_t bg_color, lv_opa_t bg_opa, lv_color_t fg_color, lv_opa_t fg_opa); #endif /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Put a pixel in the Virtual Display Buffer * @param x pixel x coordinate * @param y pixel y coordinate * @param mask_p fill only on this mask (truncated to VDB area) * @param color pixel color * @param opa opacity of the area (0..255) */ void lv_vpx(lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, const lv_area_t * mask_p, lv_color_t color, lv_opa_t opa) { if(opa < LV_OPA_MIN) return; if(opa > LV_OPA_MAX) opa = LV_OPA_COVER; lv_vdb_t * vdb_p = lv_vdb_get(); if(!vdb_p) { LV_LOG_WARN("Invalid VDB pointer"); return; } /*Pixel out of the mask*/ if(x < mask_p->x1 || x > mask_p->x2 || y < mask_p->y1 || y > mask_p->y2) { return; } uint32_t vdb_width = lv_area_get_width(&vdb_p->area); /*Make the coordinates relative to VDB*/ x -= vdb_p->area.x1; y -= vdb_p->area.y1; lv_disp_t * disp = lv_disp_get_active(); if(disp->driver.vdb_wr) { disp->driver.vdb_wr((uint8_t *)vdb_p->buf, vdb_width, x, y, color, opa); } else { lv_color_t * vdb_px_p = vdb_p->buf + y * vdb_width + x; #if LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP == 0 if(opa == LV_OPA_COVER) { *vdb_px_p = color; } else { *vdb_px_p = lv_color_mix(color, *vdb_px_p, opa); } #else *vdb_px_p = color_mix_2_alpha(*vdb_px_p, (*vdb_px_p).alpha, color, opa); #endif } } /** * Fill an area in the Virtual Display Buffer * @param cords_p coordinates of the area to fill * @param mask_p fill only o this mask (truncated to VDB area) * @param color fill color * @param opa opacity of the area (0..255) */ void lv_vfill(const lv_area_t * cords_p, const lv_area_t * mask_p, lv_color_t color, lv_opa_t opa) { if(opa < LV_OPA_MIN) return; if(opa > LV_OPA_MAX) opa = LV_OPA_COVER; lv_area_t res_a; bool union_ok; lv_vdb_t * vdb_p = lv_vdb_get(); if(!vdb_p) { LV_LOG_WARN("Invalid VDB pointer"); return; } /*Get the union of cord and mask*/ /* The mask is already truncated to the vdb size * in 'lv_refr_area_with_vdb' function */ union_ok = lv_area_intersect(&res_a, cords_p, mask_p); /*If there are common part of the three area then draw to the vdb*/ if(union_ok == false) return; lv_area_t vdb_rel_a; /*Stores relative coordinates on vdb*/ vdb_rel_a.x1 = res_a.x1 - vdb_p->area.x1; vdb_rel_a.y1 = res_a.y1 - vdb_p->area.y1; vdb_rel_a.x2 = res_a.x2 - vdb_p->area.x1; vdb_rel_a.y2 = res_a.y2 - vdb_p->area.y1; lv_color_t * vdb_buf_tmp = vdb_p->buf; uint32_t vdb_width = lv_area_get_width(&vdb_p->area); /*Move the vdb_tmp to the first row*/ vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width * vdb_rel_a.y1; #if USE_LV_GPU static LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN lv_color_t color_array_tmp[LV_HOR_RES]; /*Used by 'lv_disp_mem_blend'*/ static lv_coord_t last_width = -1; lv_coord_t w = lv_area_get_width(&vdb_rel_a); /*Don't use hw. acc. for every small fill (because of the init overhead)*/ if(w < VFILL_HW_ACC_SIZE_LIMIT) { sw_color_fill(&vdb_p->area, vdb_p->buf, &vdb_rel_a, color, opa); } /*Not opaque fill*/ else if(opa == LV_OPA_COVER) { /*Use hw fill if present*/ if(lv_disp_is_mem_fill_supported()) { lv_coord_t row; for(row = vdb_rel_a.y1; row <= vdb_rel_a.y2; row++) { lv_disp_mem_fill(&vdb_buf_tmp[vdb_rel_a.x1], w, color); vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width; } } /*Use hw blend if present and the area is not too small*/ else if(lv_area_get_height(&vdb_rel_a) > VFILL_HW_ACC_SIZE_LIMIT && lv_disp_is_mem_blend_supported()) { /*Fill a one line sized buffer with a color and blend this later*/ if(color_array_tmp[0].full != color.full || last_width != w) { uint16_t i; for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { color_array_tmp[i].full = color.full; } last_width = w; } /*Blend the filled line to every line VDB line-by-line*/ lv_coord_t row; for(row = vdb_rel_a.y1; row <= vdb_rel_a.y2; row++) { lv_disp_mem_blend(&vdb_buf_tmp[vdb_rel_a.x1], color_array_tmp, w, opa); vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width; } } /*Else use sw fill if no better option*/ else { sw_color_fill(&vdb_p->area, vdb_p->buf, &vdb_rel_a, color, opa); } } /*Fill with opacity*/ else { /*Use hw blend if present*/ if(lv_disp_is_mem_blend_supported()) { if(color_array_tmp[0].full != color.full || last_width != w) { uint16_t i; for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { color_array_tmp[i].full = color.full; } last_width = w; } lv_coord_t row; for(row = vdb_rel_a.y1; row <= vdb_rel_a.y2; row++) { lv_disp_mem_blend(&vdb_buf_tmp[vdb_rel_a.x1], color_array_tmp, w, opa); vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width; } } /*Use sw fill with opa if no better option*/ else { sw_color_fill(&vdb_p->area, vdb_p->buf, &vdb_rel_a, color, opa); } } #else sw_color_fill(&vdb_p->area, vdb_p->buf, &vdb_rel_a, color, opa); #endif } /** * Draw a letter in the Virtual Display Buffer * @param pos_p left-top coordinate of the latter * @param mask_p the letter will be drawn only on this area (truncated to VDB area) * @param font_p pointer to font * @param letter a letter to draw * @param color color of letter * @param opa opacity of letter (0..255) */ void lv_vletter(const lv_point_t * pos_p, const lv_area_t * mask_p, const lv_font_t * font_p, uint32_t letter, lv_color_t color, lv_opa_t opa) { const uint8_t bpp1_opa_table[2] = {0, 255}; /*Opacity mapping with bpp = 1 (Just for compatibility)*/ const uint8_t bpp2_opa_table[4] = {0, 85, 170, 255}; /*Opacity mapping with bpp = 2*/ const uint8_t bpp4_opa_table[16] = {0, 17, 34, 51, /*Opacity mapping with bpp = 4*/ 68, 85, 102, 119, 136, 153, 170, 187, 204, 221, 238, 255 }; if(opa < LV_OPA_MIN) return; if(opa > LV_OPA_MAX) opa = LV_OPA_COVER; if(font_p == NULL) { LV_LOG_WARN("Font: character's bitmap not found"); return; } lv_coord_t pos_x = pos_p->x; lv_coord_t pos_y = pos_p->y; uint8_t letter_w = lv_font_get_real_width(font_p, letter); uint8_t letter_h = lv_font_get_height(font_p); uint8_t bpp = lv_font_get_bpp(font_p, letter); /*Bit per pixel (1,2, 4 or 8)*/ const uint8_t * bpp_opa_table; uint8_t mask_init; uint8_t mask; if(lv_font_is_monospace(font_p, letter)) { pos_x += (lv_font_get_width(font_p, letter) - letter_w) / 2; } switch(bpp) { case 1: bpp_opa_table = bpp1_opa_table; mask_init = 0x80; break; case 2: bpp_opa_table = bpp2_opa_table; mask_init = 0xC0; break; case 4: bpp_opa_table = bpp4_opa_table; mask_init = 0xF0; break; case 8: bpp_opa_table = NULL; mask_init = 0xFF; break; /*No opa table, pixel value will be used directly*/ default: return; /*Invalid bpp. Can't render the letter*/ } const uint8_t * map_p = lv_font_get_bitmap(font_p, letter); if(map_p == NULL) return; /*If the letter is completely out of mask don't draw it */ if(pos_x + letter_w < mask_p->x1 || pos_x > mask_p->x2 || pos_y + letter_h < mask_p->y1 || pos_y > mask_p->y2) return; lv_vdb_t * vdb_p = lv_vdb_get(); if(!vdb_p) { LV_LOG_WARN("Invalid VDB pointer"); return; } lv_coord_t vdb_width = lv_area_get_width(&vdb_p->area); lv_color_t * vdb_buf_tmp = vdb_p->buf; lv_coord_t col, row; uint8_t col_bit; uint8_t col_byte_cnt; uint8_t width_byte_scr = letter_w >> 3; /*Width in bytes (on the screen finally) (e.g. w = 11 -> 2 bytes wide)*/ if(letter_w & 0x7) width_byte_scr++; uint8_t width_byte_bpp = (letter_w * bpp) >> 3; /*Letter width in byte. Real width in the font*/ if((letter_w * bpp) & 0x7) width_byte_bpp++; /* Calculate the col/row start/end on the map*/ lv_coord_t col_start = pos_x >= mask_p->x1 ? 0 : mask_p->x1 - pos_x; lv_coord_t col_end = pos_x + letter_w <= mask_p->x2 ? letter_w : mask_p->x2 - pos_x + 1; lv_coord_t row_start = pos_y >= mask_p->y1 ? 0 : mask_p->y1 - pos_y; lv_coord_t row_end = pos_y + letter_h <= mask_p->y2 ? letter_h : mask_p->y2 - pos_y + 1; /*Set a pointer on VDB to the first pixel of the letter*/ vdb_buf_tmp += ((pos_y - vdb_p->area.y1) * vdb_width) + pos_x - vdb_p->area.x1; /*If the letter is partially out of mask the move there on VDB*/ vdb_buf_tmp += (row_start * vdb_width) + col_start; /*Move on the map too*/ map_p += (row_start * width_byte_bpp) + ((col_start * bpp) >> 3); lv_disp_t * disp = lv_disp_get_active(); uint8_t letter_px; lv_opa_t px_opa; for(row = row_start; row < row_end; row ++) { col_byte_cnt = 0; col_bit = (col_start * bpp) % 8; mask = mask_init >> col_bit; for(col = col_start; col < col_end; col ++) { letter_px = (*map_p & mask) >> (8 - col_bit - bpp); if(letter_px != 0) { if(opa == LV_OPA_COVER) { px_opa = bpp == 8 ? letter_px : bpp_opa_table[letter_px]; } else { px_opa = bpp == 8 ? (uint16_t)((uint16_t)letter_px * opa) >> 8 : (uint16_t)((uint16_t)bpp_opa_table[letter_px] * opa) >> 8; } if(disp->driver.vdb_wr) { disp->driver.vdb_wr((uint8_t *)vdb_p->buf, vdb_width, (col + pos_x) - vdb_p->area.x1, (row + pos_y) - vdb_p->area.y1, color, px_opa); } else { #if LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP == 0 *vdb_buf_tmp = lv_color_mix(color, *vdb_buf_tmp, px_opa); #else *vdb_buf_tmp = color_mix_2_alpha(*vdb_buf_tmp, (*vdb_buf_tmp).alpha, color, px_opa); #endif } } vdb_buf_tmp++; if(col_bit < 8 - bpp) { col_bit += bpp; mask = mask >> bpp; } else { col_bit = 0; col_byte_cnt ++; mask = mask_init; map_p ++; } } map_p += (width_byte_bpp) - col_byte_cnt; vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width - (col_end - col_start); /*Next row in VDB*/ } } /** * Draw a color map to the display (image) * @param cords_p coordinates the color map * @param mask_p the map will drawn only on this area (truncated to VDB area) * @param map_p pointer to a lv_color_t array * @param opa opacity of the map * @param chroma_keyed true: enable transparency of LV_IMG_LV_COLOR_TRANSP color pixels * @param alpha_byte true: extra alpha byte is inserted for every pixel * @param recolor mix the pixels with this color * @param recolor_opa the intense of recoloring */ void lv_vmap(const lv_area_t * cords_p, const lv_area_t * mask_p, const uint8_t * map_p, lv_opa_t opa, bool chroma_key, bool alpha_byte, lv_color_t recolor, lv_opa_t recolor_opa) { if(opa < LV_OPA_MIN) return; if(opa > LV_OPA_MAX) opa = LV_OPA_COVER; lv_area_t masked_a; bool union_ok; lv_vdb_t * vdb_p = lv_vdb_get(); if(!vdb_p) { LV_LOG_WARN("Invalid VDB pointer"); return; } /*Get the union of map size and mask*/ /* The mask is already truncated to the vdb size * in 'lv_refr_area_with_vdb' function */ union_ok = lv_area_intersect(&masked_a, cords_p, mask_p); /*If there are common part of the three area then draw to the vdb*/ if(union_ok == false) return; /*The pixel size in byte is different if an alpha byte is added too*/ uint8_t px_size_byte = alpha_byte ? LV_IMG_PX_SIZE_ALPHA_BYTE : sizeof(lv_color_t); /*If the map starts OUT of the masked area then calc. the first pixel*/ lv_coord_t map_width = lv_area_get_width(cords_p); if(cords_p->y1 < masked_a.y1) { map_p += (uint32_t) map_width * ((masked_a.y1 - cords_p->y1)) * px_size_byte; } if(cords_p->x1 < masked_a.x1) { map_p += (masked_a.x1 - cords_p->x1) * px_size_byte; } /*Stores coordinates relative to the current VDB*/ masked_a.x1 = masked_a.x1 - vdb_p->area.x1; masked_a.y1 = masked_a.y1 - vdb_p->area.y1; masked_a.x2 = masked_a.x2 - vdb_p->area.x1; masked_a.y2 = masked_a.y2 - vdb_p->area.y1; lv_coord_t vdb_width = lv_area_get_width(&vdb_p->area); lv_color_t * vdb_buf_tmp = vdb_p->buf; vdb_buf_tmp += (uint32_t) vdb_width * masked_a.y1; /*Move to the first row*/ vdb_buf_tmp += (uint32_t) masked_a.x1; /*Move to the first col*/ lv_coord_t row; lv_coord_t map_useful_w = lv_area_get_width(&masked_a); lv_disp_t * disp = lv_disp_get_active(); /*The simplest case just copy the pixels into the VDB*/ if(chroma_key == false && alpha_byte == false && opa == LV_OPA_COVER && recolor_opa == LV_OPA_TRANSP) { /*Use the custom VDB write function is exists*/ if(disp->driver.vdb_wr) { lv_coord_t col; for(row = masked_a.y1; row <= masked_a.y2; row++) { for(col = 0; col < map_useful_w; col++) { lv_color_t px_color = *((lv_color_t *)&map_p[(uint32_t)col * px_size_byte]); disp->driver.vdb_wr((uint8_t *)vdb_p->buf, vdb_width, col + masked_a.x1, row, px_color, opa); } map_p += map_width * px_size_byte; /*Next row on the map*/ } } /*Normal native VDB*/ else { for(row = masked_a.y1; row <= masked_a.y2; row++) { #if USE_LV_GPU if(lv_disp_is_mem_blend_supported() == false) { sw_mem_blend(vdb_buf_tmp, (lv_color_t *)map_p, map_useful_w, opa); } else { lv_disp_mem_blend(vdb_buf_tmp, (lv_color_t *)map_p, map_useful_w, opa); } #else sw_mem_blend(vdb_buf_tmp, (lv_color_t *)map_p, map_useful_w, opa); #endif map_p += map_width * px_size_byte; /*Next row on the map*/ vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width; /*Next row on the VDB*/ } } } /*In the other cases every pixel need to be checked one-by-one*/ else { lv_color_t chroma_key_color = LV_COLOR_TRANSP; lv_coord_t col; lv_color_t last_img_px = LV_COLOR_BLACK; lv_color_t recolored_px = lv_color_mix(recolor, last_img_px, recolor_opa); for(row = masked_a.y1; row <= masked_a.y2; row++) { for(col = 0; col < map_useful_w; col++) { lv_opa_t opa_result = opa; uint8_t * px_color_p = (uint8_t *) &map_p[(uint32_t)col * px_size_byte]; lv_color_t px_color; /*Calculate with the pixel level alpha*/ if(alpha_byte) { #if LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 8 || LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 1 px_color.full = px_color_p[0]; #elif LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 16 /*Because of Alpha byte 16 bit color can start on odd address which can cause crash*/ px_color.full = px_color_p[0] + (px_color_p[1] << 8); #elif LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 32 px_color = *((lv_color_t *)px_color_p); #endif lv_opa_t px_opa = *(px_color_p + LV_IMG_PX_SIZE_ALPHA_BYTE - 1); if(px_opa == LV_OPA_TRANSP) continue; else if(px_opa != LV_OPA_COVER) opa_result = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)px_opa * opa_result) >> 8; } else { px_color = *((lv_color_t *)px_color_p); } /*Handle chroma key*/ if(chroma_key && px_color.full == chroma_key_color.full) continue; /*Re-color the pixel if required*/ if(recolor_opa != LV_OPA_TRANSP) { if(last_img_px.full != px_color.full) { /*Minor acceleration: calculate only for new colors (save the last)*/ last_img_px = px_color; recolored_px = lv_color_mix(recolor, last_img_px, recolor_opa); } /*Handle custom VDB write is present*/ if(disp->driver.vdb_wr) { disp->driver.vdb_wr((uint8_t *)vdb_p->buf, vdb_width, col + masked_a.x1, row, recolored_px, opa_result); } /*Normal native VDB write*/ else { if(opa_result == LV_OPA_COVER) vdb_buf_tmp[col].full = recolored_px.full; else vdb_buf_tmp[col] = lv_color_mix(recolored_px, vdb_buf_tmp[col], opa_result); } } else { /*Handle custom VDB write is present*/ if(disp->driver.vdb_wr) { disp->driver.vdb_wr((uint8_t *)vdb_p->buf, vdb_width, col + masked_a.x1, row, px_color, opa_result); } /*Normal native VDB write*/ else { if(opa_result == LV_OPA_COVER) vdb_buf_tmp[col] = px_color; else { #if LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP == 0 vdb_buf_tmp[col] = lv_color_mix(px_color, vdb_buf_tmp[col], opa_result); #else vdb_buf_tmp[col] = color_mix_2_alpha(vdb_buf_tmp[col], vdb_buf_tmp[col].alpha, px_color, opa_result); #endif } } } } map_p += map_width * px_size_byte; /*Next row on the map*/ vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width; /*Next row on the VDB*/ } } } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Blend pixels to destination memory using opacity * @param dest a memory address. Copy 'src' here. * @param src pointer to pixel map. Copy it to 'dest'. * @param length number of pixels in 'src' * @param opa opacity (0, LV_OPA_TRANSP: transparent ... 255, LV_OPA_COVER, fully cover) */ static void sw_mem_blend(lv_color_t * dest, const lv_color_t * src, uint32_t length, lv_opa_t opa) { if(opa == LV_OPA_COVER) { memcpy(dest, src, length * sizeof(lv_color_t)); } else { uint32_t col; for(col = 0; col < length; col++) { dest[col] = lv_color_mix(src[col], dest[col], opa); } } } /** * * @param mem_area coordinates of 'mem' memory area * @param mem a memory address. Considered to a rectangular window according to 'mem_area' * @param fill_area coordinates of an area to fill. Relative to 'mem_area'. * @param color fill color * @param opa opacity (0, LV_OPA_TRANSP: transparent ... 255, LV_OPA_COVER, fully cover) */ static void sw_color_fill(lv_area_t * mem_area, lv_color_t * mem, const lv_area_t * fill_area, lv_color_t color, lv_opa_t opa) { /*Set all row in vdb to the given color*/ lv_coord_t row; lv_coord_t col; lv_coord_t mem_width = lv_area_get_width(mem_area); lv_disp_t * disp = lv_disp_get_active(); if(disp->driver.vdb_wr) { for(col = fill_area->x1; col <= fill_area->x2; col++) { for(row = fill_area->y1; row <= fill_area->y2; row++) { disp->driver.vdb_wr((uint8_t *)mem, mem_width, col, row, color, opa); } } } else { mem += fill_area->y1 * mem_width; /*Go to the first row*/ /*Run simpler function without opacity*/ if(opa == LV_OPA_COVER) { /*Fill the first row with 'color'*/ for(col = fill_area->x1; col <= fill_area->x2; col++) { mem[col] = color; } /*Copy the first row to all other rows*/ lv_color_t * mem_first = &mem[fill_area->x1]; lv_coord_t copy_size = (fill_area->x2 - fill_area->x1 + 1) * sizeof(lv_color_t); mem += mem_width; for(row = fill_area->y1 + 1; row <= fill_area->y2; row++) { memcpy(&mem[fill_area->x1], mem_first, copy_size); mem += mem_width; } } /*Calculate with alpha too*/ else { #if LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP == 0 lv_color_t bg_tmp = LV_COLOR_BLACK; lv_color_t opa_tmp = lv_color_mix(color, bg_tmp, opa); #endif for(row = fill_area->y1; row <= fill_area->y2; row++) { for(col = fill_area->x1; col <= fill_area->x2; col++) { #if LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP == 0 /*If the bg color changed recalculate the result color*/ if(mem[col].full != bg_tmp.full) { bg_tmp = mem[col]; opa_tmp = lv_color_mix(color, bg_tmp, opa); } mem[col] = opa_tmp; #else mem[col] = color_mix_2_alpha(mem[col], mem[col].alpha, color, opa); #endif } mem += mem_width; } } } } #if LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP /** * Mix two colors. Both color can have alpha value. It requires ARGB888 colors. * @param bg_color background color * @param bg_opa alpha of the background color * @param fg_color foreground color * @param fg_opa alpha of the foreground color * @return the mixed color. the alpha channel (color.alpha) contains the result alpha */ static inline lv_color_t color_mix_2_alpha(lv_color_t bg_color, lv_opa_t bg_opa, lv_color_t fg_color, lv_opa_t fg_opa) { /* Pick the foreground if it's fully opaque or the Background is fully transparent*/ if(fg_opa == LV_OPA_COVER && bg_opa <= LV_OPA_MIN) { fg_color.alpha = fg_opa; return fg_color; } /*Transparent foreground: use the Background*/ else if(fg_opa <= LV_OPA_MIN) { return bg_color; } /*Opaque background: use simple mix*/ else if(bg_opa >= LV_OPA_MAX) { return lv_color_mix(fg_color, bg_color, fg_opa); } /*Both colors have alpha. Expensive calculation need to be applied*/ else { /*Save the parameters and the result. If they will be asked again don't compute again*/ static lv_opa_t fg_opa_save = 0; static lv_opa_t bg_opa_save = 0; static lv_color_t c = {{0}}; if(fg_opa != fg_opa_save || bg_opa != bg_opa_save) { fg_opa_save = fg_opa; bg_opa_save = bg_opa; /*Info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing#Analytical_derivation_of_the_over_operator*/ lv_opa_t alpha_res = 255 - ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)(255 - fg_opa) * (255 - bg_opa)) >> 8); if(alpha_res == 0) { while(1); } lv_opa_t ratio = (uint16_t)((uint16_t) fg_opa * 255) / alpha_res; c = lv_color_mix(fg_color, bg_color, ratio); c.alpha = alpha_res; } return c; } } #endif /*LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP*/ #endif