/* * Copyright (c) 2019 shchmue * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef NX_EMMC_BIS_H #define NX_EMMC_BIS_H #include "../storage/nx_emmc.h" #include <storage/sdmmc.h> typedef struct _nx_emmc_cal0_spk_t { u16 unk0; u16 unk1; u16 eq_bw_lop; u16 eq_gn_lop; u16 eq_fc_bp1; u16 eq_bw_bp1; u16 eq_gn_bp1; u16 eq_fc_bp2; u16 eq_bw_bp2; u16 eq_gn_bp2; u16 eq_fc_bp3; u16 eq_bw_bp3; u16 eq_gn_bp3; u16 eq_fc_bp4; u16 eq_bw_bp4; u16 eq_gn_bp4; u16 eq_fc_hip1; u16 eq_gn_hip1; u16 eq_fc_hip2; u16 eq_bw_hip2; u16 eq_gn_hip2; u16 eq_pre_vol; u16 eq_pst_vol; u16 eq_ctrl2; u16 eq_ctrl1; u16 drc_agc_2; u16 drc_agc_3; u16 drc_agc_1; u16 spk_vol; u16 hp_vol; u16 dac1_min_vol_spk; u16 dac1_max_vol_spk; u16 dac1_min_vol_hp; u16 dac1_max_vol_hp; u16 in1_in2; u16 adc_vol_min; u16 adc_vol_max; u8 unk4[16]; } __attribute__((packed)) nx_emmc_cal0_spk_t; typedef struct _nx_emmc_cal0_t { u32 magic; // 'CAL0'. u32 version; u32 body_size; u16 model; u16 update_cnt; u8 pad_crc16_0[0x10]; u8 body_sha256[0x20]; char cfg_id1[0x1E]; u8 crc16_pad1[2]; u8 rsvd0[0x20]; u32 wlan_cc_num; u32 wlan_cc_last; char wlan_cc[128][3]; u8 crc16_pad2[8]; u8 wlan_mac[6]; u8 crc16_pad3[2]; u8 rsvd1[8]; u8 bd_mac[6]; u8 crc16_pad4[2]; u8 rsvd2[8]; u8 acc_offset[6]; u8 crc16_pad5[2]; u8 acc_scale[6]; u8 crc16_pad6[2]; u8 gyro_offset[6]; u8 crc16_pad7[2]; u8 gyro_scale[6]; u8 crc16_pad8[2]; char serial_number[0x18]; u8 crc16_pad9[8]; u8 ecc_p256_device_key[0x30]; u8 crc16_pad10[0x10]; u8 ecc_p256_device_cert[0x180]; u8 crc16_pad11[0x10]; u8 ecc_p233_device_key[0x30]; u8 crc16_pad12[0x10]; u8 ecc_p33_device_cert[0x180]; u8 crc16_pad13[0x10]; u8 ecc_p256_ticket_key[0x30]; u8 crc16_pad14[0x10]; u8 ecc_p256_ticket_cert[0x180]; u8 crc16_pad15[0x10]; u8 ecc_p233_ticket_key[0x30]; u8 crc16_pad16[0x10]; u8 ecc_p33_ticket_cert[0x180]; u8 crc16_pad17[0x10]; u8 ssl_key[0x110]; u8 crc16_pad18[0x10]; u32 ssl_cert_size; u8 crc16_pad19[0xC]; u8 ssl_cert[0x800]; u8 ssl_sha256[0x20]; u8 random_number[0x1000]; u8 random_number_sha256[0x20]; u8 gc_key[0x110]; u8 crc16_pad20[0x10]; u8 gc_cert[0x400]; u8 gc_cert_sha256[0x20]; u8 rsa2048_eticket_key[0x220]; u8 crc16_pad21[0x10]; u8 rsa2048_eticket_cert[0x240]; u8 crc16_pad22[0x10]; char battery_lot[0x1E]; u8 crc16_pad23[2]; nx_emmc_cal0_spk_t spk_cal; u8 spk_cal_rsvd[0x800 - sizeof(nx_emmc_cal0_spk_t)]; u8 crc16_pad24[0x10]; u32 region_code; u8 crc16_pad25[0xC]; u8 amiibo_key[0x50]; u8 crc16_pad26[0x10]; u8 amiibo_ecqv_cert[0x14]; u8 crc16_pad27[0xC]; u8 amiibo_ecqdsa_cert[0x70]; u8 crc16_pad28[0x10]; u8 amiibo_ecqv_bls_key[0x40]; u8 crc16_pad29[0x10]; u8 amiibo_ecqv_bls_cert[0x20]; u8 crc16_pad30[0x10]; u8 amiibo_ecqv_bls_root_cert[0x90]; u8 crc16_pad31[0x10]; u32 product_model; // 1: Nx, 2: Copper, 4: Hoag. u8 crc16_pad32[0xC]; u8 home_menu_scheme_main_color[6]; u8 crc16_pad33[0xA]; u32 lcd_bl_brightness_mapping[3]; // Floats. Normally 100%, 0% and 2%. u8 crc16_pad34[0x4]; u8 ext_ecc_b233_device_key[0x50]; u8 crc16_pad35[0x10]; u8 ext_ecc_p256_eticket_key[0x50]; u8 crc16_pad36[0x10]; u8 ext_ecc_b233_eticket_key[0x50]; u8 crc16_pad37[0x10]; u8 ext_ecc_rsa2048_eticket_key[0x240]; u8 crc16_pad38[0x10]; u8 ext_ssl_key[0x130]; u8 crc16_pad39[0x10]; u8 ext_gc_key[0x130]; u8 crc16_pad40[0x10]; u32 lcd_vendor; u8 crc16_pad41[0xC]; // 5.0.0 and up. u8 ext_rsa2048_device_key[0x240]; u8 crc16_pad42[0x10]; u8 rsa2048_device_cert[0x240]; u8 crc16_pad43[0x10]; u8 usbc_pwr_src_circuit_ver; u8 crc16_pad44[0xF]; // 9.0.0 and up. u32 home_menu_scheme_sub_color; u8 crc16_pad45[0xC]; u32 home_menu_scheme_bezel_color; u8 crc16_pad46[0xC]; u32 home_menu_scheme_main_color1; u8 crc16_pad47[0xC]; u32 home_menu_scheme_main_color2; u8 crc16_pad48[0xC]; u32 home_menu_scheme_main_color3; u8 crc16_pad49[0xC]; u8 analog_stick_type_l; u8 crc16_pad50[0xF]; u8 analog_stick_param_l[0x12]; u8 crc16_pad51[0xE]; u8 analog_stick_cal_l[0x9]; u8 crc16_pad52[0x7]; u8 analog_stick_type_r; u8 crc16_pad53[0xF]; u8 analog_stick_param_r[0x12]; u8 crc16_pad54[0xE]; u8 analog_stick_cal_r[0x9]; u8 crc16_pad55[0x7]; u8 console_6axis_sensor_type; u8 crc16_pad56[0xF]; u8 console_6axis_sensor_hor_off[0x6]; u8 crc16_pad57[0xA]; // 6.0.0 and up. u8 battery_ver; u8 crc16_pad58[0x1F]; // 9.0.0 and up. u32 home_menu_scheme_model; u8 crc16_pad59[0xC]; // 10.0.0 and up. u8 console_6axis_sensor_mount_type; } __attribute__((packed)) nx_emmc_cal0_t; int nx_emmc_bis_read(u32 sector, u32 count, void *buff); void nx_emmc_bis_init(emmc_part_t *part); #endif