/* * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert * Copyright (c) 2018-2022 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string.h> #include "ini.h" #include <libs/fatfs/ff.h> #include <mem/heap.h> #include <utils/dirlist.h> #include <utils/util.h> u32 _find_section_name(char *lbuf, u32 lblen, char schar) { u32 i; // Depends on 'FF_USE_STRFUNC 2' that removes \r. for (i = 0; i < lblen && lbuf[i] != schar && lbuf[i] != '\n'; i++) ; lbuf[i] = 0; return i; } ini_sec_t *_ini_create_section(link_t *dst, ini_sec_t *csec, char *name, u8 type) { if (csec) list_append(dst, &csec->link); // Calculate total allocation size. u32 len = name ? strlen(name) + 1 : 0; char *buf = calloc(sizeof(ini_sec_t) + len, 1); csec = (ini_sec_t *)buf; csec->name = strcpy_ns(buf + sizeof(ini_sec_t), name); csec->type = type; // Initialize list. list_init(&csec->kvs); return csec; } int ini_parse(link_t *dst, char *ini_path, bool is_dir) { FIL fp; u32 lblen; u32 k = 0; u32 pathlen = strlen(ini_path); ini_sec_t *csec = NULL; char *lbuf = NULL; char *filelist = NULL; char *filename = (char *)malloc(256); strcpy(filename, ini_path); // Get all ini filenames. if (is_dir) { filelist = dirlist(filename, "*.ini", false, false); if (!filelist) { free(filename); return 0; } strcpy(filename + pathlen, "/"); pathlen++; } do { // Copy ini filename in path string. if (is_dir) { if (filelist[k * 256]) { strcpy(filename + pathlen, &filelist[k * 256]); k++; } else break; } // Open ini. if (f_open(&fp, filename, FA_READ) != FR_OK) { free(filelist); free(filename); return 0; } lbuf = malloc(512); do { // Fetch one line. lbuf[0] = 0; f_gets(lbuf, 512, &fp); lblen = strlen(lbuf); // Remove trailing newline. Depends on 'FF_USE_STRFUNC 2' that removes \r. if (lblen && lbuf[lblen - 1] == '\n') lbuf[lblen - 1] = 0; if (lblen > 2 && lbuf[0] == '[') // Create new section. { _find_section_name(lbuf, lblen, ']'); csec = _ini_create_section(dst, csec, &lbuf[1], INI_CHOICE); } else if (lblen > 1 && lbuf[0] == '{') // Create new caption. Support empty caption '{}'. { _find_section_name(lbuf, lblen, '}'); csec = _ini_create_section(dst, csec, &lbuf[1], INI_CAPTION); csec->color = 0xFF0AB9E6; } else if (lblen > 2 && lbuf[0] == '#') // Create comment. { csec = _ini_create_section(dst, csec, &lbuf[1], INI_COMMENT); } else if (lblen < 2) // Create empty line. { csec = _ini_create_section(dst, csec, NULL, INI_NEWLINE); } else if (csec && csec->type == INI_CHOICE) // Extract key/value. { u32 i = _find_section_name(lbuf, lblen, '='); // Calculate total allocation size. u32 klen = strlen(&lbuf[0]) + 1; u32 vlen = strlen(&lbuf[i + 1]) + 1; char *buf = calloc(sizeof(ini_kv_t) + klen + vlen, 1); ini_kv_t *kv = (ini_kv_t *)buf; buf += sizeof(ini_kv_t); kv->key = strcpy_ns(buf, &lbuf[0]); buf += klen; kv->val = strcpy_ns(buf, &lbuf[i + 1]); list_append(&csec->kvs, &kv->link); } } while (!f_eof(&fp)); free(lbuf); f_close(&fp); if (csec) { list_append(dst, &csec->link); if (is_dir) csec = NULL; } } while (is_dir); free(filename); free(filelist); return 1; } char *ini_check_special_section(ini_sec_t *cfg) { if (cfg == NULL) return NULL; LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_kv_t, kv, &cfg->kvs, link) { if (!strcmp("l4t", kv->key)) return ((kv->val[0] == '1') ? (char *)-1 : NULL); else if (!strcmp("payload", kv->key)) return kv->val; } return NULL; } void ini_free(link_t *src) { ini_sec_t *prev_sec = NULL; // Parse and free all ini sections. LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_sec_t, ini_sec, src, link) { ini_kv_t *prev_kv = NULL; // Free all ini key allocations if they exist. LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_kv_t, kv, &ini_sec->kvs, link) { // Free previous key. if (prev_kv) free(prev_kv); // Set next key to free. prev_kv = kv; } // Free last key. if (prev_kv) free(prev_kv); // Free previous section. if (prev_sec) free(prev_sec); // Set next section to free. prev_sec = ini_sec; } // Free last section. if (prev_sec) free(prev_sec); }