Benjamin Wiegand 3a16aa0a2a initial commit
2024-05-19 04:08:43 -07:00

98 lines
3.1 KiB

# just a highly simplified wrapper over pysnmp
from pysnmp.hlapi import NoSuchInstance, Integer, Integer32, Counter32, OctetString, ObjectType, ObjectIdentity, getCmd, nextCmd, SnmpEngine, CommunityData, UdpTransportTarget, ContextData
# for bulk requests. I find large requests crash the ilo (lol)
class SnmpConfiguration(object):
def __init__(self, engine: SnmpEngine, auth: CommunityData, transport: UdpTransportTarget, context: ContextData):
self.engine = engine
self.auth = auth
self.transport = transport
self.context = context
class AgentError(Exception):
class EngineError(Exception):
def process_value(var_bind) -> str | int | float | None:
val = var_bind[1]
if isinstance(val, NoSuchInstance):
return None
elif isinstance(val, Integer) or isinstance(val, Integer32) or isinstance(val, Counter32):
return int(val)
elif isinstance(val, OctetString):
return str(val)
print('i dunno:', val)
print('unhandled type:', type(val))
return val.prettyPrint()
def snmp_get(c: SnmpConfiguration, oid: str | tuple[int]) -> str | int | float | None:
""" gets a single oid """
return snmp_get_all(c, oid)[0]
def snmp_get_all(c: SnmpConfiguration, *oid: str | tuple[int]) -> list[str | int | float | None]:
""" does a bulk request """
if len(oid) > MAX_CHUNK:
# split it up to not break the target
results = []
results.extend(snmp_get_all(c, *oid[:MAX_CHUNK]))
results.extend(snmp_get_all(c, *oid[MAX_CHUNK:]))
return results
# do snmp get
it = getCmd(c.engine, c.auth, c.transport, c.context, *[ObjectType(ObjectIdentity(x)) for x in oid])
engine_err, agent_err, agent_err_index, var_binds = next(it)
# handle errors
if engine_err:
raise EngineError(engine_err)
elif agent_err:
raise AgentError('%s at %s' % (agent_err.prettyPrint(), var_binds[int(agent_err_index) - 1] if agent_err_index else '?'))
# debugging
# for var_bind in var_binds:
# print('got snmp:', ' = '.join([x.prettyPrint() for x in var_bind]))
return [process_value(vb) for vb in var_binds]
def snmp_walk(c: SnmpConfiguration, base_oid: str) -> list[tuple[str, str | int | float | None]]:
""" does a walk within the range of a specified base oid """
results = []
# do snmp get
it = nextCmd(c.engine, c.auth, c.transport, c.context, ObjectType(ObjectIdentity(base_oid)))
within = True
while within:
engine_err, agent_err, agent_err_index, var_binds = next(it)
# handle errors
if engine_err:
raise EngineError(engine_err)
elif agent_err:
raise AgentError('%s at %s' % (agent_err.prettyPrint(), var_binds[int(agent_err_index) - 1] if agent_err_index else '?'))
for var_bind in var_binds:
# print(var_bind)
oid = str(var_bind[0].getOid())
if oid.startswith(base_oid):
results.append((oid, process_value(var_bind)))
within = False
if len(var_binds) == 0:
within = False
return results