2024-05-20 15:26:14 -07:00
from prometheus_client import start_http_server , Counter
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from prometheus_client . core import REGISTRY , GaugeMetricFamily
from prometheus_client . registry import Collector
from pysnmp . entity . engine import SnmpEngine
from pysnmp . hlapi import CommunityData , UdpTransportTarget , ContextData
from snmp import SnmpConfiguration , snmp_get
import scrape
from snmp_groups import BulkValues , BulkDummyValue
from targets . temp import *
from targets . fan import *
from targets . cpu import *
from targets . drive import *
from targets . memory import *
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from targets . power import *
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import argparse
NAMESPACE = ' ilo '
arg_parser = argparse . ArgumentParser (
' ilo_exporter ' ,
description = ' A fast(er) prometheus exporter for applicable HP servers using SNMP via the ILO controller. ' ,
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -i ' , ' --ilo-address ' , help = ' ILO IP address to scan. ' , required = True )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -a ' , ' --server-address ' , default = ' ' , help = ' Address to bind for hosting the metrics endpoint. ' )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -p ' , ' --server-port ' , default = 6969 , help = ' Port to bind for the metrics endpoint. ' )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , ' --snmp-community ' , default = ' public ' , help = ' SNMP community to read. ' )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' --snmp-port ' , default = 161 , help = ' SNMP port to use. ' )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -o ' , ' --scan-once ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Only scan for SNMP variables on init, instead of on each collection (except hard drives, see --scan-drives-once). This is a small optimizaion that can be used if your sever configuration never changes. ' )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' --scan-drives-once ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' When combined with --scan-once, this also prevents hard drives from being rescanned on collection. This is not recommeded. ' )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -v ' , ' --verbose ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Increases verbosity. ' )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -q ' , ' --quiet ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Tells the exporter to stfu under normal operation unless there is an error/warning. ' )
args = arg_parser . parse_args ( )
if args . quiet and args . verbose :
print ( ' stop it. (--quiet and --verbose do not mix) ' )
exit ( 1 )
2024-05-20 00:52:16 -07:00
SCAN_FAIL_COUNTER = Counter ( ' scrape_failures ' , ' Number of times scraping the iLO for SNMP variables has failed. ' , namespace = NAMESPACE , subsystem = ' exporter ' )
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def noisy ( * a , * * kwa ) :
if not args . quiet :
print ( * a , * * kwa )
def verbose ( * a , * * kwa ) :
if args . verbose :
print ( * a , * * kwa )
class BulkCollector ( Collector ) :
def __init__ ( self , snmp_config : SnmpConfiguration , index_oid_template : str , target_name : str , scan_on_collect : bool , * metrics_groups : tuple [ str , BulkValues , list [ BulkEnums ] ] , scan_method : any = scrape . detect_things ) :
self . _snmp_config = snmp_config
self . _metrics_groups = metrics_groups
self . _target_name = target_name
self . _name_template = ' %s _ %s _ ' % ( NAMESPACE , target_name ) + ' %s '
self . _ids = [ ]
self . _index_oid_template = index_oid_template
self . _scan_on_collect = scan_on_collect
self . _scan_method = scan_method
if not scan_on_collect :
self . scan ( )
def scan ( self ) :
verbose ( ' scanning target ' , self . _target_name )
self . _ids = self . _scan_method ( self . _snmp_config , self . _index_oid_template )
noisy ( ' found ' , len ( self . _ids ) , ' items for target ' , self . _target_name )
def collect ( self ) :
cache = { }
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try :
if self . _scan_on_collect :
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self . scan ( )
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for documentation , bulk_values , bulk_labels in self . _metrics_groups :
metric_name = self . _name_template % bulk_values . name
verbose ( ' collecting ' , metric_name )
label_names = [ ' id ' ]
label_maps = [ ]
for label in bulk_labels :
# the labels are cached since they may be reused
if label . name not in cache :
cache [ label . name ] = label . get_values ( self . _snmp_config , self . _ids )
label_names . append ( label . name )
label_maps . append ( cache [ label . name ] )
metric = GaugeMetricFamily (
metric_name ,
documentation ,
labels = label_names
# values are not reused
value_map = bulk_values . get_values ( self . _snmp_config , self . _ids )
# do some fuckery (bad design, I know.)
for i in self . _ids :
labels = [ str ( i ) ] # id is first
for label_map in label_maps :
label_value = label_map [ i ]
labels . append ( str ( label_value ) )
value = value_map [ i ]
metric . add_metric ( labels , value )
yield metric
except Exception as e :
print ( ' Failed to scan SNMP, aborting collection ' )
raise e
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2024-05-20 01:36:33 -07:00
class PowerCollector ( Collector ) :
def collect ( self ) - > float :
verbose ( ' collecting ilo_server_power_draw ' )
try :
reading = snmp_get ( config , POWER_METER_READING )
support = snmp_get ( config , POWER_METER_SUPPORT )
status = snmp_get ( config , POWER_METER_STATUS )
if not isinstance ( reading , int ) :
print ( ' expected power meter reading to be an int, got ' , type ( reading ) )
print ( ' value in question: ' , reading )
reading = - 1
if not isinstance ( support , int ) :
print ( ' expected power meter support to be an int, got ' , type ( support ) )
print ( ' value in question: ' , support )
support = 1
if not isinstance ( status , int ) :
print ( ' expected power meter status to be an int, got ' , type ( status ) )
print ( ' value in question: ' , status )
status = 1
if support not in POWER_METER_SUPPORT_MAP :
print ( ' ILO returned a value outside of the expected range for POWER_METER_SUPPORT: ' , support )
support_s = ' unknown '
else :
support_s = POWER_METER_SUPPORT_MAP [ support ]
if status not in POWER_METER_STATUS_MAP :
print ( ' ILO returned a value outside of the expected range for POWER_METER_STATUS: ' , status )
status_s = ' unknown '
else :
status_s = POWER_METER_STATUS_MAP [ status ]
metric = GaugeMetricFamily ( ' ilo_server_power_draw ' , ' Power draw of the server in watts ' , labels = [ ' support ' , ' status ' ] )
metric . add_metric ( [ support_s , status_s ] , reading )
yield metric
except Exception as e :
print ( ' Failed to scan SNMP, aborting collection ' )
raise e
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if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
config = SnmpConfiguration (
SnmpEngine ( ) ,
CommunityData ( args . snmp_community ) ,
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UdpTransportTarget ( ( args . ilo_address , args . snmp_port ) ) ,
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ContextData ( ) ,
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REGISTRY . register ( PowerCollector ( ) )
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no_value = BulkDummyValue ( ' info ' )
REGISTRY . register ( BulkCollector (
config ,
' temperature ' ,
not args . scan_once ,
2024-05-20 15:26:14 -07:00
( ' Information temperature sensors ' , no_value , [ TEMP_SENSOR_LOCALE , TEMP_CONDITION , TEMP_THRESHOLD_TYPE ] ) ,
( ' Temperatures readings of each temperature sensor in celsius ' , TEMP_CELSIUS , [ ] ) ,
( ' Temperature thresholds for each temperature sensor in celsius ' , TEMP_THRESHOLD , [ ] ) ,
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) )
REGISTRY . register ( BulkCollector (
config ,
' fan ' ,
not args . scan_once ,
( ' Information about system fans ' , no_value , [ FAN_LOCALE , FAN_CONDITION , FAN_SPEED , FAN_PRESENT , FAN_PRESENCE_TEST ] ) ,
) )
REGISTRY . register ( BulkCollector (
config ,
' cpu ' ,
not args . scan_once ,
( ' Information about CPUs ' , no_value , [ CPU_NAME , CPU_STATUS , CPU_POWER_STATUS ] ) ,
2024-05-20 15:26:14 -07:00
( ' Speed of CPUs in megahertz ' , CPU_SPEED , [ ] ) ,
( ' CPU step ' , CPU_STEP , [ ] ) , # revision?
( ' Number of enabled cores ' , CORES_ENABLED , [ ] ) ,
( ' Number of available threads ' , THREADS_AVAILABLE , [ ] ) ,
2024-05-19 04:08:43 -07:00
) )
# logical drives are for v2 if it ever exists (I don't use logical drives, sorry)
REGISTRY . register ( BulkCollector (
config ,
' drive ' ,
not args . scan_drives_once ,
2024-05-20 01:36:33 -07:00
2024-05-20 15:26:14 -07:00
( ' Sizes of installed drives in megabytes ' , DRIVE_SIZE , [ ] ) ,
( ' Temperatures of installed drives in celsius ' , DRIVE_TEMP , [ ] ) ,
( ' Temperature thresholds of installed drives in celsius ' , DRIVE_TEMP_THRESHOLD , [ ] ) ,
( ' Maximum temperatures of installed drives in celsius ' , DRIVE_TEMP_MAX , [ ] ) ,
( ' Reference time of installed drives in hours ' , DRIVE_REFERENCE_TIME , [ ] ) ,
2024-05-19 04:08:43 -07:00
scan_method = scrape . detect_complex ,
) )
REGISTRY . register ( BulkCollector (
config ,
' memory ' ,
not args . scan_once ,
( ' Information about system memory ' , no_value , [ MEMORY_LOCATION , MEMORY_MANUFACTURER , MEMORY_PART_NUMBER , MEMORY_STATUS , MEMORY_CONDITION ] ) ,
2024-05-20 15:26:14 -07:00
( ' Sizes of system memory modules in kilobytes ' , MEMORY_SIZE , [ ] ) ,
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) )
# start metrics endpoint
addr = args . server_address
port = args . server_port
print ( ' starting metrics server on http:// %s : %s ' % ( addr , port ) )
server , thread = start_http_server ( port , addr )
print ( ' ready! ' )
thread . join ( )
print ( ' thread died! ' )